llama_cpp_dart 0.0.8
llama_cpp_dart: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard
Dart binding for llama.cpp --- high level wrappers for both Dart and Flutter
0.0.8 #
- disabled llava
- compatible with llama.cpp 42ae10bb
- add typed_isolate
- removed llama processor
0.0.7 #
- updated binding
- performance imporvement and bugs fix
0.0.6 #
- added initial support to load lora
- dart cli example
- fixed #3 by @danemadsen
0.0.5 #
- removed assets defination
- added static property
to set library path, in order to support linux and other platforms
0.0.4 #
disabled optionssplitsMode
0.0.3 #
- LlamaProcessor now take context and model parameters
0.0.2 #
- refactored code to follow dart package structure
0.0.1 #
- TODO: Describe initial release.