llama_cpp 1.2.0
llama_cpp: ^1.2.0 copied to clipboard
A dart binding for llama.cpp library, bringing AI to dart world.
A Dart binding for popular LLM inference framework llama.cpp, to bring AI to Dart world!
Note #
of llama.cpp
is latest version supporting single shared library. After that version, libllama.so
and libggml.so
were created, but currently dart native-assets not support loading shared libraries at the same time.
Overview #
- Text generation in a separated Dart isolate.
- Stream based output in Dart style.
- Integtate with
. - Extremely simple usage.
- Support both LLM and embedding models.
Trying examples #
git clone https://github.com/lindeer/llama-cpp.git
cd llama-cpp
git submodule init --recursive
dart pub get
Just run in console:
dart --enable-experiment=native-assets run example/main.dart "/path/to/your/LLM.gguf" "your prompt"
or run a simple http server:
dart --enable-experiment=native-assets run example/server.dart "/path/to/your/LLM.gguf"
or run a embedding model:
dart --enable-experiment=native-assets run example/embedding.dart "/path/to/your/embedding.gguf" "your text line1
your text line2"
Also a minimal RAG example in example/rag/
with all completely local data and model, inspired by privateGPT:
- setup a chroma server:
pip install chromadb
uvicorn chromadb.app:app --reload --workers 1 --host --port 8000
cd example/rag
and creat aconfig.json
and config your local models:
"gpt_model": "/your/local/gpt/model",
"embedding_model": "/your/local/embedding/model"
- save documents in
to vector database (only txt files currently):
dart --enable-experiment=native-assets run bin/ingest.dart
- chat with GPT in console, certainly could replace it with your beatiful GUI with flutter:
dart --enable-experiment=native-assets run bin/rag.dart
Getting started #
Ask LLM to answer with type writing effect:
import 'package:llama_cpp/llama_cpp.dart';
final path = '/path/to/your/LLM.gguf';
final llama = await LlamaCpp.load(path, verbose: true);
await for (final text in llama.answer(prompt)) {
await llama.dispose();
or if you want a full answer:
final answer = await llama.answer(prompt).join('');
More examples could be found at example/
Notes #
native_assets_cli has beaking chanings since >0.1.0, and is not compatible with Dart 3.2, however, it could run with Dart 3.1.5.