live_cells_core 0.24.1 copy "live_cells_core: ^0.24.1" to clipboard
live_cells_core: ^0.24.1 copied to clipboard

Provides the core of live cells: A replacement for ChangeNotifier and ValueNotifier that is easier to use and more flexible

0.24.1 #

New features:

  • reset parameter in MutableCell constructor.

    This allows the value of a shared state mutable cell to be reset to the initial value when a new cell is created.


    final myKey = MyKey();
    final a = MutableCell(1, key: myKey);
    }); // Prints 1
    // Create a new shared state cell and reset the value of all
    // cells with key 'myKey' to 2
    final b = MutableCell(2, 
      key: myKey,
      reset: true
    print(a.value); // Prints 2
    print(b.value); // Prints 2
  • .mutableCell property for quickly creating a mutable cell initialized to a given value.


    // Create mutable cell with an initial value of 1
    final a = 1.mutableCell;
    print(a.value); // 1
    a.value = 2
    print(a.value); // 2

0.24.0 #

New features:

  • .transform<...>() for casting a cell's value type


    ValueCell<Base> base = ...;
    final derived = base.transform<Derived>();

Bug fixes:

  • Fix edge case bug in mutableApply.

0.23.5 #

  • Fix issue with return type of MutableCell.notNull extension method

0.23.4 #

New features:

  • .notNull extension method on MutableCell

0.23.3 #

  • Fix issue with dependency tracking in mutable computed cells.

0.23.2 #

Debugging Improvements:

  • Exceptions held in a Maybe are now rethrown with the stack trace of the exception, when the Maybe is unwrapped with Maybe.unwrap.

0.23.1 #

  • Fixed bug with automatic watch function key generation.

0.23.0 #

New features:

  • Watch function keys.

    Watch functions can now be identified by keys, like cells, provided in the and Watch constructor.

    final w1 = { ... }, key: 'key1');
    final w2 = { ... }, key: 'key2');
    w1 == w2; // true
    // Stops both w1 and w2 since they have the same keys

0.22.0 #

New Features:

  • Watch

    Registers a watch function that has access to its own handle.

    This can be used to 1) stop a watch function directly from within the watch function and 2) prevent code from running on the first call of the watch function.

    final watch = Watch((state) {
      final value = a();
      // The following is only run after the first call
      print('A = $value');
      if (value > 10) {

0.21.1 #

  • Fix bug in AsyncState comparison.

0.21.0 #

New features:

  • .asyncState for creating a cell that evaluates to the state of a cell holding a Future.

    .asyncState evaluates to an AsyncState which is a sealed union of:

    • AsyncStateLoading
    • AsyncStateData
    • AsyncStateError


  • Convert Maybe to a sealed union of:

    • MaybeValue
    • MaybeError

    This change does not break existing code.

0.20.4 #

  • Fixed bug with deferred cell initialization not happening in MetaCell:

    Sometimes a cell was not initialized when it is injected in a MetaCell. This update ensures, that every every cell injected in a MetaCell is properly initialized.

0.20.3 #

  • Fixed bug in .coalesce(): If coalesce value cell throws an exception it is propagated regardless of whether the cell, on which the method is called, is null or not.

0.20.2 #

  • Improvements to cell updating algorithm.
  • Fixed bug in awaited cells.

0.20.1 #

New features:

  • MutableMetaCell and ActionMetaCell, which allow MutableCells to have their values set, and ActionCells to be triggered from MetaCells.

Minor changes:

  • The .chain(...) method can now be called on ValueCell<void>. Previously it could only be called on an ActionCell.

0.20.0 #

New features:

  • SelfCell

    A computed cell which can access it's own value via the self argument:

    final increment = ActionCell();
    final cell = SelfCell((self) {
      return self() + 1;
  • Action cell chaining with .chain(...)

    .chain(...) creates an action cell that calls a user provided function when triggered. This function can decide whether to trigger the chained action or not.

  • Null checking utilities:

    • .notNull

      Returns a cell with a value guaranteed to be non-null. If the value of the cell, on which the property is used, is null, a NullCellError exception is thrown.

    • .coalesce(...)

      Returns a cell that replaces null values in the cell, on which the method is used, with the value of another cell.

0.19.0 #

New features:

  • Effect Cells

    These can be created with .effect() on an action cell (ValueCell<void>). An effect cell is guaranteed to only be run once per trigger of the action cell on which the .effect() method is called. This is useful for running side effects, while still being able to observe the result of the effect as a cell.


    final result = action.effect(() async {
      return await submitForm();

Breaking Changes:

  • Async cells created with .wait, .waitLast, .awaited now throw an PendingAsyncValueError instead of UninitializedCellError when the cell value is referenced while the future is pending.

    This does not affect code which uses .initialValue to handle these errors.

Other Changes:

  • Computed cells no longer run the computation function on initialization. Instead the first run of the computation function is deferred to the first time the cell value is referenced.

    NOTE: This changes slightly the semantics of computed cells, especially dynamic computed cells which are now dormant until their value is referenced at least once.

  • Clarify semantics of ValueCell.none:

    If a null default value is given and ValueCell.none is used during the computation of the initial value of a cell, UninitializedCellError is thrown.

0.18.4 #

  • Allow setting cell values in watch functions.

0.18.3 #

  • Add .whenReady property on MetaCells.

    This property creates a cell that evaluates to ValueCell.none while the meta cell is empty.

  • Add MetaCell.inject method as an alias for MetaCell.setCell.

  • Allow watch functions to be terminated using ValueCell.none() like compute functions.

0.18.2 #

  • Add .withDefault() and .onTrigger methods for handling EmptyMetaCellError.

0.18.1 #

  • Add key argument to ActionCell constructor.

0.18.0 #

New features:

  • Meta Cells

    A meta cell (MetaCell) is a cell that points to another cell. The value of a meta cell is the value of the pointed to cell, and its observers are notified when the pointed to cell's value changes.

    The pointed to cell can be changed multiple times.


    final a = MutableCell(0);
    final b = MutableCell(1);
    final meta = MetaCell<int>();
    print(meta.value); // 0
    print(meta.value); // 1
  • The .hold() method for keeping a cell active until it is released with .release()

    final a = MutableCell(0, key: aKey);
    // Ensure that a is active
    final hold = a.hold();
    // Allow a to be disposed

Breaking Changes:

  • Removed dispose() method from MutableCell interface.

  • Reading/writing the value of a keyed MutableCell while it is inactive now throws an InactivePersistentStatefulCellError.

    Use .hold() to ensure a keyed MutableCell is active before using it.

0.17.0 #

New features:

  • Functionality for automatically generating cell keys, using AutoKey.
  • Mutable cells can now have keys.

0.16.1 #

  • Add exception handling in initial call to cell watch functions.
  • Improve unhandled exception notices.

0.16.0 #

New features:

  • and(), or() and not() now return keyed cells.

  • The following methods for waiting for changes in cell values:

    • .nextChange()
    • .untilValue()
    • .untilTrue()
    • .untilFalse()
  • ActionCell

    A cell without a value, used solely to represent actions and events.

0.15.1 #

  • Fix issue with .isCompleted having incorrect value when Future completes with an error.

0.15.0 #

New features:

  • .awaited property on cells holding a Future.

    Returns a cell which evaluates to the value of the Future when completed, throws an UninitializedCellError when it is pending.

  • .isCompleted property on cells holding a Future.

    Returns a cell which evaluates to true when the Future is complete, false while it is pending.

  • .initialValue(...) which returns a cell with takes on the value of the given cell until it is initialized.

0.14.1 #

Minor additions:

  • .waitLast property which is the same as .wait but if a new Future is recevied before the previous one has resolved, the previous value update is dropped.

0.14.0 #

New features for asynchronous cells:

  • .wait property for creating a cell that awaits a Future held in another cell.
  • .delayed for creating a cell that takes the value of another cell but only notifies its observers after a given delay.

Breaking changes:

  • Removed DelayCell.

0.13.0 #

  • .cell extension property is now available on all types
  • Additions to Iterable cell extension:
    • cast<E>() method
    • map() method
  • Additions to List cell extension:
    • cast<E>() method
    • mapCells() method

0.12.3 #

  • Fix potential issues when the computed value of a mutable computed cell is the same as its assigned value.

0.12.2 #

  • Fix issue with recomputing the value of mutable computed cells.

0.12.1 #

  • Reduce minimum version of meta dependency

0.12.0 #

New features:

  • Record extension methods for creating lightweight computed (and mutable computed) cells:

    (a, b).apply((a,b) => a + b);
    (a, b).mutableApply((a,b) => a + b, (v) {...});
  • changesOnly option in cell constructors. When this option is set to true, the cell only notifies its observers when its value has actually changed.

  • Relaxed restriction that MutableCellView only accept a single argument

  • Extensions which allow Iterable, List, Map and Set methods and properties to be used directly on cells:

    ValueCell<List<int>> listCell;
    ValueCell<int> index;
    final elementI = listCell[index];
    final length = listCell.length;

Breaking changes:

  • CellObserver.update now takes a second didChange parameter. This only affects code that uses the CellObserver interface directly.
  • DependentCell, ComputeCell and MutableCellView now take an argument Set as opposed to an argument List. This only affects code which instantiates these classes directly.
  • Remove CellListenableExtension. This will be moved to the live_cell_widgets package.

Other changes:

  • Removed dependency on Flutter. This package can now be used in pure Dart applications.
  • Deprecated ListComputeExtension, i.e. [a, b].computeCell(...). Use the record compute extensions instead.

0.11.0 #

  • Core live cell definitions extracted from live_cells package to this package.
pub points



Provides the core of live cells: A replacement for ChangeNotifier and ValueNotifier that is easier to use and more flexible

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#reactive #state-management #extension


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BSD-3-Clause (license)


collection, live_cell_annotations, meta, record_extender_annotations


Packages that depend on live_cells_core