live_cells 0.5.2 copy "live_cells: ^0.5.2" to clipboard
live_cells: ^0.5.2 copied to clipboard

A better way to manage state in Flutter applications

0.1.0 #

  • Initial release.

0.1.1 #

  • Fix package directory structure

0.1.2 #

  • Fix dart doc issues

0.2.0 #

New features:

  • Stronger guarantees that a StoreCell will not hold an outdated value
  • Shorthand .cell property for creating constant value cells
  • Shorthand List.computeCell method for creating multi-argument computational cells
  • Arithmetic and comparison operator overloads to create computational cells directly using expressions such as a + b

Breaking changes:

  • ValueCell is no longer a ValueListenable
  • ValueCell.addListener and ValueCell.removeListener are replaced with addObserver and removeObserver
  • New CellObserver interface for observing changes to the values of cells
  • ValueCell.listenable property provided to use ValueCell as a ValueListenable

0.2.1 #

  • Fix issues with examples in README

0.2.2 #

  • Fix issue with List.computeCell method
  • Fix issues with unit tests

0.2.3 #

  • Fix issue with CellTextField

0.3.0 #

New features:

  • Mutable computational cells
  • Batch updates
  • CellWidget base class for creating widgets make use of cells
  • CellWidgetBuilder for creating CellWidget's without subclassing
  • New widgets in widgets library:
    • CellCheckbox
    • CellCheckboxListTile
    • CellRadio
    • CellRadioListTile
    • CellSlider
    • CellSwitch
    • CellSwitchListTile
  • Shorthand List.computeWidget method for creating widgets which depend on multiple cells

Breaking changes:

  • MutableCell is now an interface with a factory constructor
  • CellObserver interface methods now take observed cell as arguments
  • Removed CellBuilder

0.3.1 #

  • Bug fixes

0.4.0 #

  • Simplify implementation of CellWidget. Subclasses now override build instead of buildChild.

0.4.1 #

  • Bug fixes

0.5.0 #

New features:

  • ValueCell.computed constructor for creating computed cells with dynamic dependencies
  • MutableCell.computed constructor for creating mutable computed cells with dynamic dependencies
  • CellWidget can now also track the cells it depends on at runtime
  • mutableString extension method on MutableCell's holding an int, double, num or string

Breaking changes:

  • CellWidget.cell method has been moved to CellListeners mixin
  • CellWidgetBuilder has been removed in favour of CellWidget.builder constructor


  • Simplified examples demonstrating core concepts only
  • Simplified and streamlined API
  • Improved README
  • Bug fixes

0.5.1 #

  • Fix typos and bugs in examples in README

0.5.2 #

  • Fix potential issues
pub points



A better way to manage state in Flutter applications

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


collection, flutter


Packages that depend on live_cells