live_cells 0.10.2 copy "live_cells: ^0.10.2" to clipboard
live_cells: ^0.10.2 copied to clipboard

A replacement for ChangeNotifier and ValueNotifier that is easier to use and more flexible

This package provides a replacement (ValueCell) for ChangeNotifier and ValueNotifier that is simpler to use and more flexible, as well as a library of widgets which expose their properties via ValueCell's replacing the need for controller objects and event handlers.

Features #

ValueCell offers the following benefits over ChangeNotifier / ValueNotifier:

  • Implementing a ValueCell which is an expression of other ValueCell's, e.g. a + b, can be done in a functional manner without manually adding and removing listeners using addListener, removeListener.
  • Simpler resource management, no need to call dispose.
  • (Still in early stages) A library of widgets which replaces "controller" objects with ValueCell's. This allows for a style of programming which fits in with the reactive paradigm of Flutter.
  • Effortless state restoration, when your app is resumed after being terminated by the OS, with no additional boilerplate.

This package also has the following advantages over other state management libraries:

  • Tightly integrated with a widget library replacing the need for event listeners and controller objects. Other libraries ignore this part and leave it up to the user to integrate the state management library with widgets.
  • Supports two-way data flow, whereas most other libraries, if not all, only support one-way data flow.

Table of Contents #

Usage #

Cells #

A cell is an object with a value and a set of observers which react to changes in the value. A MutableCell is a cell which can have its value property set directly:

final cell = MutableCell(0);
cell.value = 1;

When the value property is set the observers of the cell react to the change.

Cells holding constant values are created using ValueCell.value or the cell property on num, String, bool, null and Enum values:

final a = 1.cell;
final b = 'hello'.cell;
final c = ValueCell.value(someValue);

Computed cells #

A computed cell is a cell with a value that is a function of the values of other cells. Computed cells are created using ValueCell.computed:

final a = MutableCell(0);
final b = MutableCell(1);

final sum = ValueCell.computed(() => a() + b());

In the above example, cell sum computes the sum of the values of cells a and b. Whenever the value of either a or b changes the value of sum is recomputed:

print(sum.value); // Prints 1
a.value = 2;
print(sum.value); // Prints 3

NOTE: The values of cells are referenced using the function call syntax within ValueCell.computed.

When ValueCell.none() is called within a computed cell, the computation of the cell's value is aborted and its current value is preserved. This can be used to prevent a cell's value from being recomputed when a condition is not met:

final a = MutableCell(4);
final b = ValueCell.computed(() => a() < 10 ? a() : ValueCell.none());

a.value = 6;
print(b.value); // Prints 6

a.value = 15;
print(b.value); // Prints 6

a.value = 8;
print(b.value); // Prints 8

ValueCell.none() takes an optional argument which is the value to which the cell is initialized to if it is used during the computation of the cell's initial value.

Observing cells # registers a watch function to be called when the values of the cells referenced within it change:


final a = MutableCell(0);
final b = MutableCell(1);

final watcher = => print('a = ${a()}, b = ${b()}'));

a.value = 3; // Prints: a = 3, b = 1 returns a CellWatcher object which provides a stop() method. The watch function is not called again after stop() is called:

b.value = 5;    // Prints: a = 3, b = 5
watcher.stop(); // Watch function not called after this
b.value = 10;   // Nothing is printed

Batch updates #

MutableCell.batch performs a batch update of cells. The values of cells set within MutableCell.batch are set simultaneously with the observers only reacting to the change after all the cell values have been set:

final a = MutableCell(0);
final b = MutableCell(1);

final watcher = => print('a = ${a()}, b = ${b()}'));

MutableCell.batch(() {
  a.value = 5;
  b.value = 6;
}); // Only prints: a = 5, b = 6

Using cells in widgets #

CellWidget.builder creates a widget which is rebuilt whenever the values of the cells referenced within it, using the function call syntax, change.

An example of a simple counter:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:live_cells/live_cells.dart';

class CounterDemo extends StatefulWidget {
  State<CounterDemo> createState() => _CounterDemoState();

class _CounterDemoState extends State<CounterDemo> {
  final counter = MutableCell(0);
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: [
        CellWidget.builder((context) =>
            Text('You clicked the button ${counter()} times')
          child: const Text('Increment Counter'),
          onPressed: () => counter.value += 1,

NOTE: You don't have to call a dispose method on cells when they are no longer used. Disposal is taken care of automatically.

Subclassing CellWidget creates a widget which is rebuilt whenever the values of the cells referenced within its build method change.

The CellInitializer mixin provides the cell method which allows cells to be defined directly within the build method. On the first build, cell creates a new cell using the provided function. On subsequent builds, cell returns the instance created during the first build.

The counter example using CellWidget and CellInitializer.cell:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:live_cells/live_cells.dart';

class CounterExample extends CellWidget with CellInitializer {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final counter = cell(() => MutableCell(0));

    return Column(
      children: [
        Text('You clicked the button ${counter()} times'),
          child: const Text('Increment Counter'),
          onPressed: () => counter.value += 1,

CellInitializer also provides a watch method which is like but automatically calls stop() when the widget is removed from the tree.

The following example demonstrates computed cells:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:live_cells/live_cells.dart';

class ComputedExample extends CellWidget with CellInitializer {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final a = cell(() => MutableCell(0));
    final b = cell(() => MutableCell(0));

    final sum = cell(() => ValueCell.computed(() => a() + b()));

    return Column(
      children: [
          children: [
              child: TextField(
                onChanged: (value) {
                  a.value = int.tryParse(value) ?? 0;
                keyboardType: const TextInputType.numberWithOptions(decimal: false),
            const SizedBox(width: 5),
            const Text('+'),
            const SizedBox(width: 5),
              child: TextField(
                onChanged: (value) {
                  b.value = int.tryParse(value) ?? 0;
                keyboardType: const TextInputType.numberWithOptions(decimal: false),
        const SizedBox(height: 10),
        CellWidget.builder((_) => Text(
            '${a()} + ${b()} = ${sum()}',
            style: const TextStyle(
                fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
                fontSize: 20

Cell expressions #

The arithmetic and relational (<, <=, >, >=) operators, when applied to cells holding num values, return cells which compute the result of the expression.

The definition of the sum cell from the previous example can be simplified to the following:

final sum = cell(() => a + b);

This is not only simpler but more efficient since the argument cells are determined at compile time.

The eq and neq methods create cells which compare two cells for equality and inequality, respectively.

final isEq = a.eq(b); // isEq() == true when a() == b()
final notEq = a.neq(b); // notEq() == true when a() != b()

Cells holding bool values are extended with the following methods:

  • and: Creates a cell with a value that is the logical and of two cells
  • or: Creates a cell with a value that is the logical or of two cells
  • not: Creates a cell with a value which is the logical not of a cell
  • select: Creates a cell which selects between the values of two cells based on a condition
final cond = a.or(b); // cond() is true when a() || b() is true
final cell =, d); // when cond() is true, cell() == c() else cell() == d()

a.value = true;
c.value = 1;
d.value = 2;

print(cell.value); // Prints 1

a.value = false;
b.value = false;

print(cell.value); // Prints 2

The second argument of select can be omitted, in which case the cell's value will not be updated if the condition is false:

final cell =;

cond.value = true;
a.value = 2;

print(cell.value); // Prints 2

cond.value = false;
a.value = 4;

print(cell.value); // Prints 2

Exception handling #

If an exception is thrown during the computation of a cell's value, it will be propagated to all points where the value is referenced. This allows exceptions to be handled using try and catch inside computed cells:

final str = MutableCell('0');
final n = ValueCell.computed(() => int.parse(str()));

final isValid = ValueCell.computed(() {
  try {
    return n() > 0;
  catch (e) {
    return false;

print(isValid.value); // Prints false

str.value = '5';
print(isValid.value); // Prints true

str.value = 'not a number';
print(isValid.value); // Prints false

Exceptions can also be handled using the onError method which creates a cell that selects the value of another cell when an exception is thrown:

final str = MutableCell('0');
final m = MutableCell(2);
final n = ValueCell.computed(() => int.parse(str()));

final result = n.onError(m); // Equal to n(). If n() throws, equal to m();

str.value = '3';
print(result.value); // Prints 3

str.value = 'not a number';
print(result.value); // Prints 2

onError is a generic method with a type argument which when given, only exceptions of the given type are handled.

final result = n.onError<FormatException>(m); // Only handles FormatException

The error method creates a cell which evaluates to the exceptions thrown by another cell.

The above validation logic can be implemented more succintly using:

final str = MutableCell('0');
final n = ValueCell.computed(() => int.parse(str()));
final isValid = (n > 0.cell).onError(false.cell);

Previous values #

The previous property can be used to retrieve the previous values of cells:

final a = MutableCell(0);
final prev = a.previous;

final sum = ValueCell.computed(() => a() + prev());

a.value = 1;
print(a.value);    // Prints 1
print(prev.value); // Prints 0
print(sum.value);  // Prints 1

a.value = 5;
print(a.value);    // Prints 5
print(prev.value); // Prints 1
print(sum.value);  // Prints 6


  • The previous property returns a cell, which can be used like any other cell.
  • On creation prev does not hold a value. Accessing it will throw an UninitializedCellError.
  • For prev to actually keep track of the previous value of a, prev must be observed, either by another cell, a CellWidget or a watch function.

Cell widgets #

So far we've used the onChanged callback with the stock TextField provided by Flutter. This has two disadvantages:

  • The content of the TextField cannot be set externally without a TextEditingController.
  • You have to manually synchronize the state of the cells with the state of the text field, in an event handler.

The live_cell_widgets library provides a collection of widgets which allow their properties to be controlled directly by cells.

CellTextField is a TextField with its content accessed and controlled by a cell, which is provided in the content parameter of the CellTextField constructor. Whenever the content of the field changes, the value of the content cell is updated to reflect the content. Similarly, whenever the value of the content cell changes, the content of the field is updated to reflect the value of the cell.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:live_cells/live_cell_widgets.dart';
import 'package:live_cells/live_cells.dart';

class CellTextFieldDemo extends CellWidget with CellInitializer {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final input = cell(() => MutableCell(''));

    return Column(
      children: [
        const SizedBox(height: 10),
        CellTextField(content: input),
        const SizedBox(height: 10),
        const Text(
            'You wrote:',
            style: TextStyle(
                fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
                fontSize: 20
        const SizedBox(height: 10),
        CellWidget.builder((_) => Text(input())),
          child: const Text('Clear'),
          onPressed: () {
            input.value = '';

The input cell is used as the content cell of the CellTextField. When text is entered in the text field, the value of the input cell is set to the text that was entered. The "Clear" button clears the text field by setting the input cell to the empty string.

The benefits of this approach are:

  • No need for a TextEditingController
  • No need for event handlers allowing for a declarative style of programming
  • The content of the text field is a cell and can be referenced by a computed cell

In addition to CellTextField, the live_cell_widgets library currently provides the following widgets:

  • CellCheckbox - A Checkbox with the value property controlled by a cell
  • CellCheckboxListTile - A CheckboxListTile with the value property controlled by a cell
  • CellRadio - A Radio with the groupValue property controlled by a cell
  • CellRadioListTile - A RadioListTile with the groupValue property controlled by a cell`
  • CellSlider - A Slider with the value property controlled by a cell
  • CellSwitch - A Switch with the value property controlled by a cell
  • CellSwitchListTile - A SwitchListTile with the value property controlled by a cell

Two-way data flow #

Whilst the above is an improvement over what is offered by the stock Flutter TextField, it is still quite limited in that the content cell has to be a string cell. You'll run into difficulties, if instead of string input you require numeric input, as in the sum example.

A Mutable computed cell is a cell which ordinarily functions like a normal computed cell, created with ValueCell.computed, but can also have its value changed by setting its value property as though it is a MutableCell. When the value of a mutable computed cell is set, it reverses the computation by setting the argument cells to a value such that when the mutable computed cell is recomputed, the same value will be produced as the value that was set. Thus mutable computed cells support two-way data flow, which is what sets Live Cells apart from other reactive state management libraries.

Mutable computed cells can be created using the MutableCell.computed constructor, which takes the computation function and reverse computation function. The computation function computes the cell's value as a function of argument cells, like ValueCell.computed. The reverse computation function reverses the computation by assigning a value to the argument cells. It is given the value that was assigned to the value property.

Here's a simple example:

final a = MutableCell<num>(0);
final strA = MutableCell.computed(() => a().toString(), (value) {
  a.value = num.tryParse(value) ?? 0;

The above mutable computed cell converts the value of its argument cell a, which is a num in this case, to a string. The reverse computation function parses a num from the string which was assigned to the cell. Assigning a string value to strA will result in the num parsed from the string being assigned to cell a.

strA.value = '100';
print(a.value + 1); // Prints 101

The above definition will prove useful when implementing a text field for numeric input. In-fact, this library already provides a definition for this cell with the mutableString extension method on MutableCell's holding int, double and num values.

final a = MutableCell<num>(0);
final strA = a.mutableString();

We can now reimplement the sum example from earlier using CellTextField and mutableString:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:live_cells/live_cell_widgets.dart';
import 'package:live_cells/live_cells.dart';

class ComputedExample extends CellWidget with CellInitializer {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final a = cell(() => MutableCell<num>(0));
    final b = cell(() => MutableCell<num>(0));

    final strA = cell(() => a.mutableString());
    final strB = cell(() => b.mutableString());

    final sum = cell(() => a + b);

    return Column(
      children: [
          children: [
              child: CellTextField(
                content: strA,
                keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
            const SizedBox(width: 5),
            const Text('+'),
            const SizedBox(width: 5),
              child: CellTextField(
                content: strB,
                keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
        const SizedBox(height: 10),
        CellWidget.builder((_) => Text(
            '${a()} + ${b()} = ${sum()}',
            style: const TextStyle(
                fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
                fontSize: 20
          child: const Text('Reset'),
          onPressed: () {
            MutableCell.batch(() {
              a.value = 0;
              b.value = 0;

In the above example two mutable computed cells strA and strB are created using mutableString, which are used as the content cells for the text fields for a and b respectively. There is also a "Reset" button which resets the values of cells a and b to 0 when pressed. When the values of a and b are set, the value of sum is automatically recomputed and the content of the text fields is updated to reflect the new values of a and b.

The benefits of using CellTextField and mutable computed cells are:

  • No need for a TextEditingController which you have to remember to dispose.
  • No manual synchronization of state between the TextEditingController and the widget State / ChangeNotifier object. Your state is instead stored in one place and in one representation.
  • No need to use StatefulWidget or make ugly empty calls to setState(() {}) to force the widget to update when the text property of the TextEditingController is updated.

Fun with mutable computed cells

Let's say we want the user to be able to enter the result of the addition and have the values for a and b automatically computed and displayed in the corresponding fields:

We can do this with another mutable computed cell, this time with two arguments:

final sum = MutableCell.computed(() => a() + b(), (sum) {
  final half = sum / 2;

  a.value = half;
  b.value = half;

The reverse computation cell assigns the sum divided by two to both cells a and b.

Here's the full example with a CellTextField for the result of the addition:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:live_cells/live_cell_widgets.dart';
import 'package:live_cells/live_cells.dart';

class ComputedExample extends CellWidget with CellInitializer {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final a = cell(() => MutableCell<num>(0));
    final b = cell(() => MutableCell<num>(0));

    final sum = cell(() => MutableCell.computed(() => a() + b(), (sum) {
      final half = sum / 2;

      a.value = half;
      b.value = half;

    return Column(
      children: [
        const SizedBox(height: 10),
          children: [
              child: CellTextField(
                content: cell(() => a.mutableString()),
                keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
            const SizedBox(width: 5),
            const Text('+'),
            const SizedBox(width: 5),
              child: CellTextField(
                content: cell(() => b.mutableString()),
                keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
            const SizedBox(width: 5),
            const Text('='),
            const SizedBox(width: 5),
              child: CellTextField(
                content: cell(() => sum.mutableString()),
                keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
        const SizedBox(height: 10),
        CellWidget.builder((_) => Text(
           '${a()} + ${b()} = ${sum()}', 
            style: const TextStyle(
                fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
                fontSize: 20
          child: const Text('Reset'),
          onPressed: () {
            MutableCell.batch(() {
              a.value = 0;
              b.value = 0;

For brevity the definitions of the string conversion cells are placed directly in the CellTextField constructor. When a value for a and b is entered, the result of the addition is displayed in the result text field. When a value for the result is entered in the result text field, the values of a and b and reflected in their corresponding text fields. This example also demonstrates how mutable computed cells can be chained.

Handling errors in two-way data flow #

The user might enter text in the text field from which a number cannot be parsed. mutableString, as used in the previous examples, handles this by assigning a default value to its argument cell, which is controlled by the errorValue argument.


final strA = a.mutableString(
  errorValue: -1.cell

strA.vaue = 'not a valid number';

print(a.value); // Prints -1

In the above example a default vaue of -1 was set in the case that a number cannot be parsed from the value of the string cell.

NOTE: The errorValue argument is a ValueCell, which allows the default value to be changed dynamically.

Usually, however, we want to handle the error rather than assigning a default value. This can be done with Maybe cells. A Maybe object either holds a value or an exception that was thrown while computing a value.

A Maybe cell can easily be created from aMutableCell with the maybe() method. The resulting Maybe cell is a mutable computed cell with the following behaviour:

  • Its computed value is the value of the argument cell wrapped in a Maybe.
  • When the cell's value is set, it sets the value of the argument cell to the value wrapped in the Maybe if it is holding a value.

The Maybe cell provides an error property which retrieves a ValueCell that evaluates to the exception held in the Maybe or null if the Maybe is holding a value. This can be used to determine whether an error occurred while computing a value.

To handle errors while parsing a number, mutableString should be called on a cell containing a Maybe<num> rather than a num. We can then check whether the error cell is non-null to check if an error occurred.

Putting it all together the cell definition for a now becomes:

final a = cell(() => MutableCell<num>(0));
final maybeA = cell(() => a.maybe());
final strA = cell(() => maybeA.mutableString());
final errorA = cell(() => maybeA.error);
  • maybeA holds the the value of a wrapped in a Maybe.
  • strA will be used as the content cell for a which binds the value of the text field to maybeA.
  • errorA holds the error which occurred while parsing a number from strA.

The definition of the text field for a becomes:

  content: strA,
  keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
  decoration: InputDecoration(
    errorText: errorA() != null
      ? 'Please enter a valid number'
      : null

Here we're testing whether errorA is non-null, that is whether an error occurred while parsing a number from strA, and if so providing an error message in the errorText of the InputDecoration.

The error message can be made more descriptive by also checking whether the field is empty, or not.

For example:

final isEmptyA = cell(() => ValueCell.computed(() => strA().isEmpty));


  content: strA,
  keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
  decoration: InputDecoration(
    errorText: isEmpty()
        ? 'Cannot be empty'
        : error() != null
        ? 'Not a valid number'
        : null

Here we've created a new cell isEmptyA which depends directly on strA (the content cell) and has a value of true if the strA holds an empty string.

You'll notice the cell definitions are becoming a bit unwieldy. To clean things up the definition for the text field, along with its related cells, can be packaged in a function:

Widget inputField(MutableCell<num> cell) {   
  return CellWidget.builder((context) {
    final maybe = context.cell(() => cell.maybe());
    final content = context.cell(() => maybe.mutableString());
    final error = context.cell(() => maybe.error);

    final isEmpty = context.cell(() => ValueCell.computed(() => content().isEmpty));

    return CellTextField(
      content: content,
      keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
      decoration: InputDecoration(
         errorText: isEmpty() 
              ? 'Cannot be empty'
              : error() != null
              ? 'Not a valid number'
              : null

Note we've used CellWidget.builder to create a CellWidget without subclassing and the cells are defined using the cell method of the context object provided to the builder function. This is identical to the cell method provided by the CellInitializer mixin. NOTE: This method may only be called on the BuildContext of a CellWidget with the CellInitializer mixin or a CellWidget created using CellWidget.builder.

The UI definition now becomes the following:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {   
  final a = cell(() => MutableCell<num>(0));
  final b = cell(() => MutableCell<num>(0));

  final sum = cell(() => a + b);

  return Column(
    children: [
        children: [
            child: inputField(a),
          const SizedBox(width: 5),
          const Text('+'),
          const SizedBox(width: 5),
            child: inputField(b),
      const SizedBox(height: 10),
      CellWidget.builder((_) => Text(
         '${a()} + ${b()} = ${sum()}',
         style: const TextStyle(
             fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
             fontSize: 20
        child: const Text('Reset'),
        onPressed: () {
          MutableCell.batch(() {
            a.value = 0;
            b.value = 0;

State restoration #

A mobile application may be terminated at any point when the user is not interacting with it. When it is resumed, due to the user navigating back to it, it should restore its state to the point where it was when terminated.

RestorableCellWidget is like CellWidget but also automatically restores the state of cells, created within its build method using cell, when the application is resumed. Therefore all you need to do, for the most part, to make your widgets restorable is to replace CellWidget with RestorableCellWidget.

Here is an example:

class CellRestorationExample extends RestorableCellWidget {
  String get restorationId => 'cell_restoration_example';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final sliderValue = cell(() => MutableCell(0.0));
    final switchValue = cell(() => MutableCell(false));
    final checkboxValue = cell(() => MutableCell(true));

    final textValue = cell(() => MutableCell(''));

    return Column(
      children: [
        const Text('A Slider'),
          children: [
            CellWidget.builder((context) => Text(sliderValue().toStringAsFixed(2))),
              child: CellSlider(
                 min: 0.0,
                 max: 10,
                 value: sliderValue
          value: switchValue,
          title: const Text('A Switch'),
          value: checkboxValue,
          title: Text('A checkbox'),
        const Text('Enter some text:'),
        CellTextField(content: textValue),
        CellWidget.builder((context) => Text('You wrote: ${textValue()}')),

Notice there is an additional restorationId property. When using RestorableCellWidget, you'll need to provide a unique identifier, via this property, to associate the saved state with the widget. See RestorationMixin.restorationId, for more information.

The build method defines four widgets, a slider, a switch, a checkbox and a text field as well as four cells, creating using cell for holding the state of the widgets. The code defining the cells is exactly the same as it would be with CellWidget, however when the app is resumed the state of the cells, and likewise the widgets which are dependent on the cells, is restored.


  • CellSlider, CellSwitchListTile and CellCheckboxListTile are the live cell equivalents, provided by live_cell_widgets, of Slider, SwitchListTile and CheckboxListTile which allow their state to be controlled by a ValueCell.
  • You can use any widgets not just those provided by live_cell_widgets. The state of the cells defined by RestorableCellWidget.cell will be restored regardless of the widgets you use.

In order for cell state restoration to be successful there are some things you need to take into account:

  • Only cells implementing the RestorableCell interface can have their state restored. All cells provided by Live Cells implement this interface except:
    • Lightweight computed cells, which do not have a state
    • DelayCell
  • The values of the cells to be restored must be encodable by StandardMessageCodec. This means that only cells holding primitive values (num, bool, null, String, List, Map) can have their state saved and restored.
  • To support state restoration of cells holding values not supported by StandardMessageCodec, a CellValueCoder has to be provided.

CellValueCoder is an interface for encoding (and decoding) a value to a primitive value representation that is supported by StandardMessageCodec. Two methods have to be implemented:

  • encode() which takes a value and encodes it to a primitive value representation
  • decode() which decodes a value from its primitive value representation

The following example demonstrates state restoration of a radio button group using a CellValueCoder to encode the group value which is an enum.

enum RadioValue {

class RadioValueCoder implements CellValueCoder {
  RadioValue? decode(Object? primitive) {
    if (primitive != null) {
      final name = primitive as String;
      return RadioValue.values.byName(name);

    return null;

  Object? encode(covariant RadioValue? value) {
    return value?.name;

class CellRestorationExample extends RestorableCellWidget {
  String get restorationId => 'cell_restoration_example';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final radioValue = cell(
       () => MutableCell<RadioValue?>(RadioValue.value1),

    return Column(
      children: [
        const Text('Radio Buttons:',),
        CellWidget.builder((context) => Text('Selected option: ${radioValue()?.name}')),
          children: [
              groupValue: radioValue,
              value: RadioValue.value1,
              title: const Text('value1'),
              groupValue: radioValue,
              value: RadioValue.value2,
              title: const Text('value2'),
              groupValue: radioValue,
              value: RadioValue.value3,
              title: const Text('value3'),

RadioValueCoder is a CellValueCoder subclass which encodes the RadioValue enum class to a string. In the definition of the radioValue cell, the constructor of RadioValueCoder ( is provided to cell() in the coder argument.

If a cell's value is not restored, its value is recomputed. As a result, it is not necessary that a cell's state be saved if it can be recomputed.


class CellRestorationExample extends RestorableCellWidget {
  String get restorationId => 'cell_restoration_example';

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final numValue = cell(() => MutableCell<num>(1));
    final numMaybe = cell(() => numValue.maybe(), restorable: false);
    final numError = cell(() => numMaybe.error);

    return Column(
      children: [
        const Text('Text field for numeric input:'),
          content: cell(() => numMaybe.mutableString()),
          decoration: InputDecoration(
            errorText: numError() != null
               ? 'Not a valid number'
               : null
        const SizedBox(height: 10),
        CellWidget.builder((context) {
          final a1 = context.cell(() => numValue + 1.cell);
          return Text('${numValue()} + 1 = ${a1()}');
          child: const Text('Reset'),
          onPressed: () => numValue.value = 1

The above is an example of a text field for numeric input with error handling. The only cells in the above example which have their state restored are numValue, the cell holding the numeric value that was entered in the field, and numMaybe.mutableString() which is the content cell for the text field. When the state of the app is restored the values of the remaining cells are recomputed, which in-effect restores their state without it actually being saved.

When you leave the app and return to it, you'll see the exact same state, including erroneous input and the associated error message, as when you left.

Some points to note from this example:

  • We've used restorable: false, in the cell() call for numMaybe to prevent its state from being saved, since Maybe values cannot be saved.
  • If restorable is omitted (null) the cell's state is saved only if it is a RestorableCell. If restorable is true the cell's state is saved and an assertion is violated if the given cell is not a RestorableCell.
  • Computed cells don't require their state to be saved, e.g. the state of the a1 cell is not saved, since it is defined within a CellWidget rather than a RestorableCellWidget, however it is restored (the same state is recomputed on launch) nevertheless.

As a general rule of thumb only mutable cells which are either set directly, such as numValue which has its value set in the "Reset" button, or hold user input from widgets, such as the content cells of text fields, are required to have their state saved.

Other features #

This readme demonstrates the most prominent features of the library and a basic guide on how to use it. The library also offers the following features:

  1. Utilities for working with cells holding a Duration:

    final cell = MutableCell(const Duration(minutes: 10));
    final minutes = cell.inMinutes;
    print(minutes.value); // Prints 10
    minutes.value = 30
    print(cell.value.inMinutes); // Prints 30 
  2. CellObserverModel which provides the watch method to subclasses for observing changes in cells. This is similar to however calling dispose also calls stops all watch functions registered with the watch method.

    class MyModel extends CellObserverModel {
      MyModel(ValueCell<int> a, ValueCell<String> b, ValueCell<num> c) {
        watch(() {
          foo(a(), b());
        watch(() => bar(c()));
    final model = MyModel(a,b,c);
    model.dispose(); // Removes all watch functions created by `model` using `watch` method.
  3. CellTextField also takes an optional selection cell argument in its constructor, which if provided allows the field's selection to be observed and set via the provided cell.

Please check out the API documentation for more information and also take a look at the example, in the example directory, for a more detailed and complete examples of this library's features.

Additional information #

If you discover any issues or have any feature requests, please open an issue on the package's Github repository.

Take a look at the example directory for more complete examples of how to use this library.

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A replacement for ChangeNotifier and ValueNotifier that is easier to use and more flexible

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collection, flutter, live_cell_annotations


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