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A better way to manage state in Flutter applications

This package provides a replacement for ChangeNotifier and ValueNotifier that is simpler to use and more flexible.

Features #

This package provides a ValueCell interface which offers the following benefits over ChangeNotifier / ValueNotifier:

  • Implementing a ValueListenable which is an expression of other ValueListenable's, e.g. a + b, can be done in a functional manner without manually adding and removing listeners using addListener, removeListener.
  • Simpler resource management, no need to call dispose.
  • (Still in early stages) A library of widgets which replaces "controller" objects with ValueListenable's. This allows for a style of programming which fits in with the reactive paradigm of flutter.

Usage #

Basics #

The basis of this package is the ValueCell interface, which is an extension of the ValueListenable interface.

Every ValueCell has a value which can be accessed by the value property:

final cell = ValueCell.value(1);

print(cell.value); // Prints 1

Generally you don't want to access the value of a cell directly but you would create a widget which depends on the cell's value. This is done using the toWidget method:

final cell = ValueCell.value(1);

return cell.toWidget((context, value, _) => Text('Cell value: $value'));

The benefit of using toWidget as opposed to accessing value directly is that the returned Widget is rebuilt whenever the value of the cell changes.

Mutable Cells #

A MutableCell is a ValueCellof which the value property can be set as well as read. When the value of the cell is set, all widgets that depend on the value of the cell, created using toWidget, are rebuilt with the new value.

import 'package:live_cells/live_cells.dart';

class CounterWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  State<CounterWidget> createState() => _CounterWidgetState();

class _CounterWidgetState extends State<CounterWidget> {
  final counter = MutableCell(0);
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: [
        counter.toWidget((context, count, _) => 
            Text('You clicked the button $count times')
          child: Text('Increment Counter'),
          onPressed: () {
              counter.value += 1;

When the button is clicked, the value of the cell counter is incremented by one and the widget that displays the number of times the button was clicked is rebuilt.

Notice there are no dispose calls on counter, unlike if you were to use ValueNotifier. This is intentional. More on this later.

Computational Cells #

The code you've seen till this point isn't very different from what you'd see if you were using ValueNotifier, so why use live cells at all? In this section you'll see where the live cells package excels.

A computational cell is a cell that depends on the value of one or more argument cells. Whenever the values of the argument cells change the value of the computational cell is recomputed and any widgets which depend on its value are rebuilt.

The simplest way to create a computational cell is using the ValueCell.apply method, which creates a new cell by applying a function on the value of the cell.

final cell = MutableCell(1);
final square = cell.apply((value) => value * value);

In this example the value of square is the square of the value of cell. Whenever the value of cell changes, the value of square is recomputed with the new value of cell.

Here's a fully fledged example:

class ApplyMethodExample extends StatefulWidget {
  State<ApplyMethodExample> createState() => _ApplyMethodExampleState();

class _ApplyMethodExampleState extends State<ApplyMethodExample> {
  final name = MutableCell('');
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: [
        Text('Enter your name:'),
          onChanged: (value) {
            name.value = value;
        name.apply((value) => 'Hello ${value}')
            .toWidget((context, greeting, _) => Text(greeting))

Cells can also depend on multiple argument cells, for example every ValueCell implements the methods eq and neq which create a new cell that compares whether the value of the cell is equal or not equal to the value of another cell. Example:

final a = MutableCell(2);
final b = MutableCell(1);

return a.eq(b).toWidget((context, value, _) => {
  if (value) {
    return Text('Cells are equal');
  else {
    return Text('Cells are not equal');

A computational cell which depends on multiple argument cells can be created with the ComputeCell constructor:

final a = MutableCell(1);
final b = MutableCell(2);

final sum = ComputeCell(
    compute: () => a.value + b.value,
    arguments: [a,b]

The value of sum is the sum of the values of cells a and b. Note the compute function does not take any arguments, unlike when using apply. Instead the values of the cells have to be accessed directly using the value property inside the compute function. Additionally every argument cell has to be included in the arguments list so that the cell knows when its value should be recomputed.


Computational cells, whether created by the apply method or with the ComputeCell constructor do not store their values. Instead the value of a computational cell is computed on demand whenever its value property is accessed. If the property is accessed multiple times, the value of the cell is computed multiple times.

For those cases where this is undesirable, such as when the computation is expensive, the store method can be used to create a cell which stores the value of the computational cell.


final n = MutableCell(10);

final factorial = n.apply((n) {
  var result = 1;

  for (var i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
    result *= i;
  return result;

The value of the factorial cell, which computes the factorial of cell n, is only computed once when the value of n changes and the result is stored so that when the value property is accessed later the stored value is retrieved rather than recomputing the value.


For this to be effective a reference to the cell returned by store() has to be kept in between builds of a widget. Typically you'd put the instance in a final member of the "state" class of a StatefulWidget. However this can get a bit cumbersome if the cell depends on other cells which are also final members.

The CellBuilder class is a widget which manages the creation of a cell so that you don't have to use a StatefulWidget just to keep a reference to a cell. The constructor takes a create function which is called to create the cell and a builder function which is called with the cell returned by create to build the widget.


  create: () => n.apply((n) {
    var result = 1;
    for (var i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
      result *= i;
    return result;

  builder: (context, factorial, _) => factorial.toWidget(...)

The "factorial" cell is created in the create function and passed in the second argument to the builder function where it is converted to a widget. The create function is only called once when the CellBuilder widget is initialized.

NOTE: CellBuilder does not rebuild its child widgets, i.e. it does not call the builder function, when the value of the cell returned by create changes. Its purpose is to manage the creation of cells not to listen to changes in their values.

Widgets Library #

Besides the ValueCell interface provided by the live_cells library, this package also provides a second library live_cell_widgets that addresses another shortcoming in Flutter which is the requirement for "controller" objects.

Quite a few widgets in Flutter require a "controller" for some or all of their functionality, the most notable being TextField which requires a TextEditingController to be able to set its content. Controller objects are problematic because they adopt an imperative paradigm rather than the reactive paradigm adopted by Flutter making them difficult and clunky to use.

The live_cell_widgets library provides wrappers around commonly used widgets which replace controller objects with cell objects.

The CellTextField widget is a wrapper around TextField which takes a "content cell" parameter, instead of a controller. When the user enters text in the text field, the value of the content cell is changed. Similarly when the value of the content cell is set, the value inside the text field is changed to reflect the value of the cell.

Here's a simple example:

class CellTextFieldExample extends StatefulWidget {
  State<CellTextFieldExample> createState() => _CellTextFieldExampleState();

class _CellTextFieldExampleState extends State<CellTextFieldExample> {
  final name = MutableCell('');

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      children: [
        Text('Enter your name:'),
        CellTextField(content: name),
        name.toWidget((context, name, child) => Text('Hello $name')),
            onPressed: () => name.value = '',
            child: Text('Clear')

Notice the CellTextField widget takes a content parameter, which is the content cell. This must be a MutableCell in order for its value to be set by the widget.

A widget which depends on the content cell is created using toWidget in order to display the value entered in the text field in a Text widget.

The "Clear" button clears the text field when pressed by setting the value of the content cell to the empty string.

Currently only a wrapper for TextField is provided. The aim for future release is to provide a cell-based interface to all widgets which take a controller object.

Advanced #

Writing your own cells #

Occasionally you may need to write your own ValueCell subclasses. A common situation is if you have a specific computation that you want to apply to different cells throughout your code.

The ValueCell interface extends the ValueListenable interface with the methods eq and neq for comparing whether two cells are equal and not equal respectively. These methods both return a ValueCell of which the value is the result of the comparison. The CellEquality mixin implements these methods using the == and != operators for a given type.

To implement a cell that performs a computation which is dependent on the values of one or more argument cells, you should extend DependentCell. This class already implements addListener and removeListener, and provides a constructor which takes a list of the argument cells on which the value of the cell depends. You're only required to implement the value property accessor in which the value of the cell is computed.


class ClampCell<T extends num> extends DependentCell<T> with CellEquality<T> {
  final ValueListenable<T> argValue;
  final ValueListenable<T> argMin;
  final ValueListenable<T> argMax;
  ClampCell(this.argValue, this.argMin, this.argMax) :
    super([argValue, argMin, argMax]);

  T get value => min(argMax.value, max(argMin.value, argValue.value));

The above ValueCell subclass implements a cell of which the value is the value of an argument cell clamped between a minimum and maximum which are also supplied in argument cells.

NOTE: The argument cell containing the value to be clamped as well as the cells containing the minimum and maximum are all passed to the constructor of DependentCell so that the listeners of the ClampCell are called whenever the value of one of the argument cells changes.

Also note the argument cells do not have to be instances of ValueCell but a ValueListenable, or just a bare Listenable can be used instead.

If your cell needs to store its value rather than computing it on demand, as in the ClampCell example, you will need to subclass NotifierCell. This class provides implementations of addListener, removeListener and the get value property accessor. This class also provides a protected set value property accessor for setting the cell's value. When the value of the cell is set via set value the listeners of the cell are called if the new value is not equal to the previous value.


class CountCell extends NotifierCell<int> {
  final int end;
  final Duration interval;

  CountCell(this.end, {
    this.interval = const Duration(seconds: 1)
  }) : super(0) {

  Future<void> _startCounter() async {
    while (value < end) {
      await Future.delayed(interval);

The above example is an implementation of a cell of which the value starts at 0 and is incremented by one every second. If the value in this cell is displayed in a widget using toWidget you'd see the widget display a new value every second.

NOTE: The constructor of NotifierCell must be called to give the cell an initial value. In this case the cell is given an initial value of 0 using super(0).

Resource Management #

In Flutter resources are typically acquired in a constructor or init method and are released by calling a dispose method. You'll notice that there are no calls to dispose anywhere in any of these examples. This package takes a slightly different approach. The cells which require manual resource management implement the ManagedCell interface, which is NotifierCell extends.

ManagedCell provides an init method where resources should be acquired and a dispose method where resources should be released. The init method is called before the first listener is added to the cell and dispose is called after the last listener is removed. The init method may be called again after dispose if a new listener is added after the last one is removed. Therefore implementations of ManagedCell should be written in such a way that the cell can be reused after dispose is called.

You will have noticed that the implementation of CountCell in the previous example has a serious flaw. It starts counting immediately when it is created and continues counting even when there are no listeners. If the value of this cell is displayed in a widget, the counter might appear to start from a value greater than 0 or the counting could be complete before the widget has even rendered, depending on where the cell is constructed.

Here's a better example that uses init and dispose to start and stop a timer, for incrementing the value:

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:live_cells/live_cells.dart';

class CountCell extends NotifierCell<int> {
  final int end;
  final Duration interval;

  Timer? _timer;

  CountCell(this.end, {
    this.interval = const Duration(seconds: 1)
  }) : super(0);

  void init() {

    _timer = Timer.periodic(interval, _timerTick);

  void dispose() {
    _timer = null;

  void _timerTick(Timer timer) {
    if (value >= end) {

If you're implementing a subclass of NotifierCell which depends on the value of another cell, you should add a listener to the cell in the init method and remove the listener in the dispose method.

Additional information #

If you discover any issues or have any feature requests, please open an issue on the package's Github repository.

Take a look at the example directory for more complete examples of how to use this library.

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A better way to manage state in Flutter applications

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