live_background 0.1.0 live_background: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard
Provide nice moving particle bokeh effect wall paper on your background.
Welcome to Live Background 👋 #
Provide nice moving wall paper on your background.
This repository is inspired by miickel/flutter_particle_clock.
And the code of this repository is based on miickel/flutter_particle_clock
Install #
Add live_background dependency on your pubspec.yaml file
live_background: ^{latest version}
Show Case #
- Christmas
- Happy New Year
- Change Particle Count
- Change Particle's velocity
- Change Particle's min/max size
Usage #
- Add LiveBackgroundWidget() where you want
import 'package:live_background/live_background.dart';
Stack(children: [LiveBackgroundWidget(), AnyWidget()])
- You can use initial values to change the effect
//for example
palette: Palette(colors: [,]),
velocityX: 2.5,
velocityY: 0,
particleMinSize: 10,
particleMaxSize: 30,
particleCount: 250,
blurSigmaX: 3,
blurSigmaY: 4.5,
clipBoundary: true //default value is true
- You can change values dynamically using LiveBackgroundController.
final liveBackgroundController = LiveBackgroundController();
controller: liveBackgroundController,
palette: _palette,
liveBackgroundController.setVelocity(2.0, 10.5);
liveBackgroundController.setParticleSize(10, 30);
liveBackgroundController.setPalette(Palette(colors: [Colors.yellow, Colors.white]))
Author #
👤 Bansook Nam
- Website:
- Github: @bansooknam
🤝 Contributing #
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the [contributing guide](Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome.).
Show your support #
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
📝 License #
Copyright © 2020 Bansook Nam.
This project is MIT licensed.
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