- Initial release of the mobile core functionality.
- Readme file was updated and included key information
- Added the base authentication abstractions that will allow for the littlefish eco-system to inject a common authentication pattern.
- Added the littlefish_http_client, and the util pattern which will allow for all littlefish application to use common core utilities that should always have a consistent outcome.
- Added additional authentication methods to the AuthUser, to ensure token management, exposure and access
- Added token specific concrete types for easier usage.
- AuthUser --> Breaking change, on concrete type implementations.
- Added the ability for dynamic injectables to register with littlefish_core
- AuthUser --> Breaking change, on concrete type implementations.
- Added auditing and device manager services
- AuthUser --> Added the ability to get the auth_user directly and isAuthenticated.
- Added extended device management capabilities for the abstraction layer
- Duplication of package references when referencing littlefish_core
- moved littlefish_core core back to original reference position
- Notification engines in littlefish core
- The authentication service incorrect reference on user function.
- The authentication service incorrect reference on user function.
- The support for a authenticated business credential that can now be used throughout the application set.
- The missing methods for the core injector, and the checking if an object is registered.
- The support for observability into the littlefish modular stack
- An additional method to log error correctly on the observability service, and the addition to the default logger to support the observability service by default.
- Major version increment of littlefish core for breaking changes support.
- Corrected monitoring service change to littlefish_service
- stack overflow with logger