list_all_videos 1.0.9 copy "list_all_videos: ^1.0.9" to clipboard
list_all_videos: ^1.0.9 copied to clipboard

The list_all_videos package is an indispensable resource for Flutter developers who want to efficiently retrieve video file paths from a user's local storage.

This package is a convenient and efficient tool for Flutter developers looking to list all video file paths stored in a user's local storage.


  • ThumbnailTile Added

Features #

This will help you to list the path of all video files in local storage

Getting started #

Add permission to your AndroidManifest.xml

for Android 12 and earlier

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

for Android 13 and later

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO" />

Add list_all_videos to dependencies in pubspec.yaml

    list_all_videos: ^1.0.9 

or run following command in your terminal

    flutter pub add list_all_videos

Usage #

ListAllVideos object = ListAllVideos();
//lists all videos in the device
List<VideoDetails> videos = await object.getAllVideosPath();

Using ThumbnailTile #

    thumbnailController: ThumbnailController('path_to_video')

Implementation #

class VideoList extends StatelessWidget {
  const VideoList({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text("DemoList"),
      body: FutureBuilder(
        future: ListAllVideos().getAllVideosPath(),
        builder: (context, snapshot) {
          return snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting
              ? const Center(
                  child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
              : ListView.separated(
                  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                    VideoDetails currentVideo =![index];
                    return ListTile(
                        title: Text(currentVideo.videoName),
                        subtitle: Text(currentVideo.videoSize),
                        leading: ThumbnailTile(
                          thumbnailController: currentVideo.thumbnailController,
                          height: 80,
                          width: 100,
                  separatorBuilder: (context, index) => const Divider(),

You may be using this Medium story for more implementation details.

Tips #

    late List<VideoDetails> listOfVideos;
    ListAllVideos obj = ListAllVideos();
    obj.getAllVideos().then((value) {
        listOfVideos = value;
    obj.permissionStatus;//returns the storage permission status.
    obj.androidVersion; // returns the android version.


  • permissionStatus will be null until getAllVideos is called.
  • Use FutureBuilder and call getAllVideos() in it.

VideoDetails class #

    VideoDetails sampleVideo = VideoDetails('path_to_video');
    sampleVideo.videoName; //Name of the video.
    sampleVideo.videoPath; //Path of the video in your storage.
    sampleVideo.videoSize; //Size of the video. 

ThumbnailController #

ThumbnailController thumbnailController = ThumbnailController(videoPath: 'path_to_video');
String thumbnailPath = await thumbnailController.initThumbnail(); // returns the path of generated thumbnail.
thumbnailController.isInitialized; // returns true if the thumbnail is generated.
thumbnailController.thumbnailPath; //returns the path of generated thumbnail


  • ThumbnailController class can be used for generating thumbnail for any videos.
  • initThumbnail() might be called to initilaze thumbnail.
  • initThumbnail() might be called before using thumnailController.thumbanailPath.

Additional information #

The list_all_videos package is a convenient and efficient tool for Flutter developers looking to list all video file paths stored in a user's local storage. There is a seamless way to generate thumbnail of the video, making it easier to work with and display locally stored videos in your Flutter applications. Whether you're building a media player, video gallery, or any app that requires video file management, list_all_videos simplifies the task, saving you time and effort in the development process.

pub points


unverified uploader

The list_all_videos package is an indispensable resource for Flutter developers who want to efficiently retrieve video file paths from a user's local storage.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues




unknown (LICENSE)


device_info_plus, flutter, path_provider, permission_handler


Packages that depend on list_all_videos