lint_quido 0.3.7 lint_quido: ^0.3.7 copied to clipboard
Collection of Flutter lints that we use and follow in Miquido
lint_quido #
This is collection of Flutter lints that we use and follow in Miquido Software development company.
This is strict, large and robust collection because we strive for high quality code, good practices and we want follow the same coding style in all our mobile apps.
And we just looooove lots of lints. 💙
Usage #
Firstly add a dev dependency in your pubspec.yaml
lint_quido: 0.3.7
Secondly add an include in analysis_options.yaml
include: package:lint_quido/miquido_lints.yaml
And that is all folks! You are good to go!
Excluding and suppressing rules #
Not recommended... 😉
If for some reason you don't want some lints, then you can exclude or suppress them.
To completely exclude rule from linter, modify analysis_options.yaml
errors: #linters from flutter sdk
unawaited_futures: ignore
rules-exclude: #linters from dart_code_metrics
- prefer-last
In code add ignore comments
- at line level (comment directly above the specific line of code):
// ignore: public_member_api_docs
- at file level (comment at the top of the file):
// ignore: public_member_api_docs
Commands #
To analyze your code in terminal use this commands:
# Default flutter analyze, mandatory to pass!
flutter analyze
# Find unused files in your code! Nice to keep eye on this one.
dart run dart_code_metrics:metrics check-unused-files lib
# Dart metrics analyze, not mandatory to pass!
# Also it calculate total technical debt of your project.
dart run dart_code_metrics:metrics analyze lib
Here you can find documentation about dart metrics command.
Additional information #
This is set of sources from which we are getting our linters and about good practices in Dart/Flutter:
- All Dart lints
- All Dart lints, but this time linter source code
- Customizing static analysis in Dart
- Effective Dart: Usage
- Flutter lints
- Dart metrics
- Dart language type system