like_button 2.0.5
like_button: ^2.0.5 copied to clipboard
Like Button is a flutter library that allows you to create a button with animation effects similar to Twitter's heart when you like something.
2.0.5 #
- Add postFrameCallback to support start animation at first time(#65)
2.0.4 #
- Fix issue that Number reversed when using RTL localization
2.0.3 #
- Fix issue that LikeButtonTapCallback result can't be null
2.0.2 #
- Fix issue that Bubble animation is cropped #50
2.0.1 #
- Format dart
2.0.0 #
- Support null-safety
1.0.4 #
- Fix animation stop when setstate
1.0.3 #
- Fix readme error
1.0.2 #
- Add stale.yml
1.0.1 #
- Fix the error of bubbles_painter.dart.
1.0.0 #
- Fix analysis_options
- Breaking change: add likeCount for CountDecoration call back
- Public LikeButtonState and onTap
0.2.0 #
- Support Flutter Web
- Add web demo
0.1.9 #
- Change postion to CountPostion, support top/bottom
- Add CountDecoration to custom count widget
0.1.8 #
- Add padding parameter for LikeButton
- Change bubbles' position to make them more clear.
0.1.7 #
- Feature: Add postion(left,right) support for like count widget
0.1.6 #
- Issue: fix likeCount/isLiked are not updated when rebuild.
0.1.4 #
- Support to always show like animation and increase like count by setting isLiked to null.
0.1.3 #
- Clip rect before padding(like count)
0.1.2 #
- Add OpacityAnimation for LikeCountAnimationType.part
0.1.1 #
- Update readme
- Change dotSize to bubblesSize
0.1.0 #
- First Release