lifecycle_provider 0.0.12
lifecycle_provider: ^0.0.12 copied to clipboard
Based on the provider and combined with GetX, a state management tool is developed, which enables the widget to have an Android-like life cycle.
Advantages of lifecycle_provider #
Binds with the lifecycle of components and page routes
Data communication across pages, and no need for a common parent Controller
Event-based partial update, debugging and updating widgets is more convenient
Add Mixin based on BaseController to facilitate business logic decoupling and reuse
Listening for route changes #
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
///Need to add state management route listener to navigatorObservers
navigatorObservers: [LifecycleRouteObserver()],
Introduction to lifecycle in state management #
enum LifecycleState {
///Corresponds to initState in State
///Only executed once
///After onPageInit, this method will be called immediately and only once,
///In this method, you can get the data in other InheritWidgets according to context, and you can get the parameters passed by the route
///This method will call the Build method of State later, that is, you don't need to call the notifyListeners method in this method
///Only execute once
///This method will be called after the first frame of the Widget is rendered. This method is generally used to initialize the network request operation
///Only execute once
///This method will be called when the page is displayed, and the switching of routes and PageView (provided that pageIndex is set) will be called
///May be executed multiple times
///This method will be called when the page is displayed and can respond to user operations, and the switching of routes and PageView (provided that pageIndex is set) will be called
///When Dialog or BottomSheet pops, the following page will call this method
///May be executed multiple times
///The animation of entering the page ends
///Only execute once
///This method will be called when the page display cannot respond to user operations. It will be called when the route is switched or PageView (provided that pageIndex is set) is switched.
///When Dialog or BottomSheet is displayed, the following page will call this method.
///It may be executed multiple times.
///This method will be called when the page is not displayed. It will be called when the route is switched or PageView (provided that pageIndex is set).
///It may be executed multiple times.
///When the animation of exiting the page ends, it may not be called back. For example, when the replace method is used to switch routes, this method will not be called.
///It will only be executed once.
///Called when the page is destroyed.
///It will only be executed once.
///Called when App enters the foreground from the background
///Called when the page enters the background from the foreground
How to update components #
Controllers using state management can inherit from BaseController or with NotifyMixin, LifecycleMixin
Common Mixins
- EventBusMixin: used to implement cross-page communication
- LifecycleMixin: used to bind with the declaration cycle of State
- NotifyMixin: Update components based on events
abstract class BaseController<T extends Enum> extends ChangeNotifier
with NotifyMixin<T>, LifecycleMixin, EventBusMixin {
void onPageInit() {
List<T> get shouldNotifyIds;
} ``
enum UpdatePageEvent { update }
class UpdatePageController extends BasePageController<UpdatePageEvent> {
@override List<UpdatePageEvent> get shouldNotifyIds => UpdatePageEvent.values;
int _count = 0;
int get count => _count;
void increase() {
class UpdatePage extends BasePage<UpdatePageController> {
const UpdatePage({super.key});
@override UpdatePageController createController(BuildContext context) {
return UpdatePageController();
@override Widget providerStateBuild(BuildContext context, UpdatePageController controller) {
return Scaffold(appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('UpdatePage'),),
body: Center(child: SelectorIds<UpdatePageEvent, UpdatePageController>(
ids: const [UpdatePageEvent.update],
builder: (_, controller, __) {
return Text('Current value is: ${controller.count}');
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () => controller.increase(),
child: const Icon(Icons.add),
How to implement cross-page communication #
class PageOneController extends BasePageController {
///Send event
void sendLoginEvent() {
dispatchEvent(const LoginEvent(true));
class PageTwoController extends BasePageController {
void onInit() {
///Listen for events
observeEvent<LoginEvent>((event) {
debugPrint('Login event received----${event.isLogin}');