licensify 1.6.2 copy "licensify: ^1.6.2" to clipboard
licensify: ^1.6.2 copied to clipboard

A lightweight yet powerful license management solution for Flutter and Dart applications with cryptographically secure signatures

Licensify #

Advanced licensing solution for Flutter/Dart applications with robust protection and flexible options.

Features #

  • 🔒 RSA Verification: Secure cryptographic signatures
  • 🕒 Expiration Dates: Automatic expiration verification
  • 🔄 Custom License Types: Standard and custom license types
  • 📋 Flexible Features: Add custom parameters and metadata
  • 💾 Storage Independence: Bring your own storage solution
  • 📲 Cross-Platform: Works on all platforms including web (WASM)
  • 🔍 Schema Validation: Validate license feature structure with customizable schemas

Installation #

  licensify: ^1.6.1
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Quick Start #

Generate License Keys #

// Generate RSA keys (do this once, store private key securely!)
final keys = RsaKeyGenerator.generateKeyPairAsPem(bitLength: 2048);
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Create & Distribute Licenses #

// Generate a license for a customer
final generator = GenerateLicenseUseCase(privateKey: yourPrivateKey);
final license = generator.generateLicense(
  appId: '',
  expirationDate: Duration(days: 365)),
  type:,  // Or custom: LicenseType('enterprise')
  features: {
    'maxUsers': 50,
    'modules': ['reporting', 'analytics', 'export'],
    'premium': true,
  // Optional metadata and device binding
  metadata: {
    'clientName': 'Example Corp',
    'deviceHash': 'unique-device-identifier',

// Convert to JSON for distribution
final licenseModel = LicenseModel.fromDomain(license);
final licenseJson = licenseModel.toJson();
print(jsonEncode(licenseJson)); // For displaying or distributing as JSON string

// Or convert to binary format for storage
final licenseBytes = LicenseEncoder.encodeToBytes(licenseJson);
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Verify Licenses in Your App #

// Setup license validation (do once at app startup)
final storage = InMemoryLicenseStorage(); // Or your own storage implementation
final repository = LicenseRepository(storage: storage);
final validator = LicenseValidator(publicKey: yourPublicKey); 

// Define schema for validation (optional)
final schema = LicenseSchema(
  featureSchema: {
    'maxUsers': SchemaField(
      type: FieldType.integer,
      required: true,
      validators: [NumberValidator(minimum: 5, maximum: 1000)],
    'modules': SchemaField(
      type: FieldType.array,
      required: true,
    'premium': SchemaField(type: FieldType.boolean),
  allowUnknownFeatures: false,

// Check and store a license
final licenseString = '{"id":"...","appId":"...","features":{},...}'; // From user input
final jsonData = jsonDecode(licenseString); // Parse JSON string
final licenseModel = LicenseModel.fromJson(jsonData);
final license = licenseModel.toDomain();

// Save license to storage
final licenseJson = licenseModel.toJson();
final licenseBytes = LicenseEncoder.encodeToBytes(licenseJson);
await storage.saveLicenseData(licenseBytes);

// Check current license
final validateUseCase = LicenseValidateUseCase(
  validator: validator,
  schema: schema, // Optional schema validation

// Get current license from repository
final currentLicense = await repository.getCurrentLicense();

// Validate license
final status = await validateUseCase(currentLicense);

if (status.isActive) {
  final license = (status as ActiveLicenseStatus).license;
  // Enable features based on license
  if (license.type == {
    final maxUsers = license.features['maxUsers'] as int;
    final modules = license.features['modules'] as List;
    print('Pro license active with $maxUsers users and modules: $modules');
} else if (status is ExpiredLicenseStatus) {
  print('License has expired on ${status.license.expirationDate}');
} else if (status is InvalidLicenseSchemaStatus) {
  print('License schema invalid: ${status.errors}');
} else {
  print('License is invalid: ${status.runtimeType}');
  // Show license input screen to user
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Storage Options #

The Licensify package follows the repository pattern and allows you to implement your own storage solution. Simply implement the ILicenseStorage interface to provide your own mechanism.

In-Memory Storage (For Testing) #

final storage = InMemoryLicenseStorage();
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Implement Your Own Storage #

// Implement ILicenseStorage to create your own storage mechanism
class MyCustomStorage implements ILicenseStorage {
  Future<bool> deleteLicenseData() async {
    // Your implementation

  Future<bool> hasLicense() async {
    // Your implementation

  Future<Uint8List?> loadLicenseData() async {
    // Your implementation

  Future<bool> saveLicenseData(Uint8List data) async {
    // Your implementation
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Schema Validation #

Define and validate expected structure for license features and metadata:

// Define a schema for enterprise licenses
final enterpriseSchema = LicenseSchema(
  // Feature fields schema
  featureSchema: {
    'maxUsers': SchemaField(
      type: FieldType.integer,
      required: true,
      validators: [NumberValidator(minimum: 5, maximum: 1000)],
    'modules': SchemaField(
      type: FieldType.array,
      required: true,
      validators: [
          minItems: 1, 
          itemValidator: StringValidator(),
    'premium': SchemaField(type: FieldType.boolean),
  // Metadata fields schema
  metadataSchema: {
    'clientName': SchemaField(
      type: FieldType.string,
      required: true,
      validators: [StringValidator(minLength: 3)],
    'deviceHash': SchemaField(type: FieldType.string),
  // Control whether unknown fields are allowed
  allowUnknownFeatures: false,
  allowUnknownMetadata: true,

// Validate license features against the schema
final featureResult = enterpriseSchema.validateFeatures(license.features);
if (!featureResult.isValid) {
  print('Feature validation failed: ${featureResult.errors}');

// Validate license metadata against the schema
final metadataResult = enterpriseSchema.validateMetadata(license.metadata);
if (!metadataResult.isValid) {
  print('Metadata validation failed: ${metadataResult.errors}');

// Validate the entire license against the schema
final licenseResult = enterpriseSchema.validateLicense(license);
if (licenseResult.isValid) {
  print('License schema valid!');
} else {
  print('Schema validation failed: ${licenseResult.errors}');

// Use with LicenseValidator for comprehensive validation
final validator = LicenseValidator(publicKey: yourPublicKey);

// Validate just the schema (signature and expiration not checked)
final validationResult = validator.validateSchema(license, enterpriseSchema);
if (!validationResult.isValid) {
  print('Schema validation failed: ${validationResult.errors}');

// Validate everything at once (signature, expiration, and schema)
final isValid = validator.validateLicenseWithSchema(license, enterpriseSchema);
if (isValid) {
  print('License is completely valid!');
} else {
  print('License validation failed');
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Advanced Schema Validation #

For more complex validation needs, Licensify offers robust schema validation with nested objects:

// Define a more complex schema
final advancedSchema = LicenseSchema(
  featureSchema: {
    'maxUsers': SchemaField(
      type: FieldType.integer,
      required: true,
      validators: [NumberValidator(minimum: 1, maximum: 1000)],
    'modules': SchemaField(
      type: FieldType.array,
      required: true,
      validators: [
        ArrayValidator(minItems: 1, itemValidator: StringValidator()),
    'settings': SchemaField(
      type: FieldType.object,
      validators: [
          schema: {
            'theme': SchemaField(type: FieldType.string),
            'notifications': SchemaField(type: FieldType.boolean),
  metadataSchema: {
    'purchaseDate': SchemaField(
      type: FieldType.string,
      required: true,
      validators: [
          pattern: r'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$', // ISO date format
    'contactEmail': SchemaField(
      type: FieldType.string,
      validators: [
          pattern: r'^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$',
  allowUnknownFeatures: false,
  allowUnknownMetadata: true,
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See example/schema_validation_example.dart for a complete example of schema validation.

Custom License Types #

// Define custom license types beyond standard ones
final enterpriseType = LicenseType('enterprise');
final educationType = LicenseType('education');

// Standard types are predefined
final trial = LicenseType.trial;
final standard = LicenseType.standard;
final pro =;
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License Format #

Licenses include:

  • Unique ID and app ID
  • Creation and expiration dates
  • License type (standard or custom)
  • Custom features and metadata
  • RSA signature for verification

Full JSON structure:

  "id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
  "appId": "com.example.myapp",
  "createdAt": "2024-07-25T14:30:00Z",
  "expirationDate": "2025-07-25T14:30:00Z",
  "type": "enterprise",
  "features": {
    "maxUsers": 50,
    "modules": ["analytics", "reporting"]
  "metadata": {
    "clientName": "Example Corp",
    "deviceHash": "device-unique-identifier"
  "signature": "Base64EncodedSignature..."
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Security Notes #

  • Store private keys securely, never in your app
  • Public key is safe to embed in your application
  • Consider using code obfuscation in release builds
  • For high-security needs, add server-side verification

Complete Example #

See example/rsa_license_demo.dart for a complete implementation.

License #

SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
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Created by Karim "nogipx" Mamatkazin




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2024.09.09 - 2025.03.24

A lightweight yet powerful license management solution for Flutter and Dart applications with cryptographically secure signatures

Repository (GitHub)
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#license #security #validation #cryptography #web


API reference


LGPL-3.0 (license)


basic_utils, pointycastle, uuid


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