library_architecture_mvvm_modify 0.2.7 copy "library_architecture_mvvm_modify: ^0.2.7" to clipboard
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MVVM Modify for Dart but you can also port to another language


Getting Starting #

Documentation #

  • In general, I will try to describe the architecture in detail (Modification of MVVM)

General Rules #

Architectural Objects #

In what order to create and write architectural objects?

1234567 NamedUtility

  1. NamedView
  2. DataForNamed
  3. Model
  4. ListModel
  5. NamedService
  6. OperationEEModel(EEWhereNamed)[EEFromNamed]EEParameterNamedService
  7. NamedViewModel


  • You can use the same rules as 'Model' or your own rules
  • Type classes (KeysNamedServiceUtility, KeysNamedUtility, NamedUtility):
    • KeysNamedServiceUtility - a class where the keys of a specific service are stored, and the keys are distributed across models
      • Example - Model 'IPAddress', Key 'Ip' (static const String iPAddressQQIp = "ip")
        • QQ - needed as a separator that helps to quickly understand what this constant does
    • KeysNamedUtility - a class whose keys belong to other classes and are attached to methods and can be used to store errors and various successes, etc.
      • Example - Class 'DataForAntiDDosSystemView', Key 'GetExceptionInStringWhereNotEqualsParametersCodeAndInputCode' (static const String dataForAntiDDosSystemViewQQGetExceptionInStringWhereNotEqualsParametersCodeAndInputCode = "dataForAntiDDosSystemViewQQGetExceptionInStringWhereNotEqualsParametersCodeAndInputCode")
        • QQ - needed as a separator that helps to quickly understand what this constant does
    • NamedUtility - it could be anything
      • Example - TimerUtility,InsertUserUtility (To NamedService), etc...


  • The same rules as the 'Model'


  • The same rules as the 'Model'


  • Method names (Get,Void,Bool):
    • Forbidden words (#f03c15):
      • #f03c15 And
      • #f03c15 Or
      • #f03c15 Where
      • #f03c15 For
      • #f03c15 From
      • #f03c15 Parameter/Parameters
    • Alternative to forbidden words (#008000):
      • #008000 W
    • #1589F0 Where to apply (And)
    • Get:
      • get(Named)(WhereNamed)[FromNamed][ParameterNamed]:
        • () - optional
        • [] - if available
        • get - required word
        • (Named) - we get primitive type or another model or briefly describe what we are taking
        • (WhereNamed) - describe in as much detail as possible what this method does, you can use the [FromNamed] context (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • [FromNamed] - if the method has parameters, then list (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • [ParameterNamed] - what global variables were used (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • Method name length - no more than 100 characters (if more than 100, then use numbers (Example - getNamedWhereNamedFromOneParametersTwo))
        • Regarding duplicates - at the end add 'FIRST', 'SECOND', etc...
        • Local variable name - named(WhereNamed)[FromNamed][ParameterNamed]
    • Void:
      • operation[OtherModelOrPrimitiveType] (WhereNamed)[FromNamed][ParameterNamed]
        • () - optional
        • [] - if available
        • operation - insert, update, delete, set, init, etc...
        • [OtherModelOrPrimitiveType] - if your class has a model list or primitive type list parameter. But if you specify a different model or primitive type in [FromNamed] then there is no point in specifying that. If you add the same "Model" to your "ListModel" then there is no point in specifying this
        • (WhereNamed) - describe in as much detail as possible what this method does, you can use the [FromNamed] context (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • [FromNamed] - if the method has parameters, then list (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • [ParameterNamed] - what global variables were used (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • Method name length - no more than 100 characters (if more than 100, then use numbers (Example - operationOtherModelOrPrimitiveTypeWhereNamedFromOneParameterOne))
        • Regarding duplicates - at the end add 'FIRST', 'SECOND', etc...
    • Bool:
      • isWhereNamed[FromNamed][ParameterNamed]:
        • [] - if available
        • isWhereNamed - describe in as much detail as possible what this method does, you can use the [FromNamed] context (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • [FromNamed] - if the method has parameters, then list (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • [ParameterNamed] - what global variables were used (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • Method name length - no more than 100 characters (if more than 100, then use numbers (Example - isWhereNamedFromOneParametersTwo))
        • Regarding duplicates - at the end add 'FIRST', 'SECOND', etc...
        • Local variable name - isWhereNamed[FromNamed][ParameterNamed]


  • The same rules as the 'Model'


  • The same rules as the 'Model'


  • Class names, Methods names:
    • Forbidden words (#f03c15):
      • #f03c15 And
      • #f03c15 Or
      • #f03c15 Where
      • #f03c15 For
      • #f03c15 From
      • #f03c15 Parameter/Parameters
    • Alternative to forbidden words (#008000):
      • #008000 W
    • #1589F0 Where to apply (And)
    • Class names:
      • OperationEEModel(EEWhereNamed)[EEFromNamed]EEParameterNamedService:
        • Minimum two 'EE'. Maximum four 'EE' - needed as a separator that helps to quickly understand what this class does
        • () - optional
        • [] - if available
        • Operation - insert, update, delete, set, init, etc...
        • EEModel - name model
        • (EEWhereNamed) - describe in as much detail as possible what this class does (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • [EEFromNamed] - if the method has parameters, then list (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • EEParameterNamedService - what service do you use (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • Global variable names - _operationEEModel(EEWhereNamed)[EEFromNamed]EEParameterNamedService
    • Methods names:
      • OperationModel(WhereNamed)[FromNamed]ParameterNamedService:
        • () - optional
        • [] - if available
        • Operation - insert, update, delete, set, init, etc...
        • Model - name model
        • (WhereNamed) - describe in as much detail as possible what this class does (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • [FromNamed] - if the method has parameters, then list (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • ParameterNamedService - what service do you use (#1589F0 And - for iteration)
        • Local variable names - operationModel(WhereNamed)[FromNamed]ParameterNamedService


  • Global variable names - _namedViewModel
  • How are private methods created in this class ?
    • numberQQ${InWhatMethod?}QQ${WhichMethodTriggersTheCreationOfAPrivateMethod?}
      • How are private methods to private methods created in this class ?
        • numberBranchNumberQQ${InWhatMethod?}QQ${WhichMethodTriggersTheCreationOfAPrivateMethod?}
          • How are private methods to private methods to private methods created in this class ?
            • numberBranchNumberBranchNumberQQ${InWhatMethod?}QQ${WhichMethodTriggersTheCreationOfAPrivateMethod?}
    • Example:
      • firstQQ${InWhatMethod?}QQ${WhichMethodTriggersTheCreationOfAPrivateMethod?}
        • firstBranchOneQQ${InWhatMethod?}QQ${WhichMethodTriggersTheCreationOfAPrivateMethod?}
          • firstBranchOneBranchOneQQ${InWhatMethod?}QQ${WhichMethodTriggersTheCreationOfAPrivateMethod?}
    • Minimum and maximum two 'QQ' - needed as a separator that helps to quickly understand what this method does
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MVVM Modify for Dart but you can also port to another language

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