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lib_x is an Object-Oriented approach to Flutter for a better architecture design. It provides Solutions for Routing, State Management, Data Provider & more.

lib_x #

lib_x is a simple library that includes some well tested, and commonly needed packages. And on top of those packages, there're some preconfigured solutions and simplifications for a better architecture design.

lib_x is designed to complement 2 things: #

  • The Object-Oriented nature of Dart by separating between the View concerns & the Data concerns in a Flutter application.
  • The Flutter Framework methods with some simplifications. So we're making things the Flutter way.

The purpose of this library: #

  • Grouping some basic packages into one.
  • Skipping some of the commonly needed boilerplate.
  • Providing simple solutions for [Routing, State Management, Data Providers].
  • Helping with the Design Pattern & Separation Of Concerns.
  • Semantic & Self-Explanatory Naming.

Packages included in this liberary: #

By installing lib_x, you have these awesome packages already installed, and you can directly import them in your application. Plus, you can also use one of the following solutions.

Solutions #

MaterialX & X Controller

We often need more than just push() & pop() which the simple MaterialApp provides. For a real world application, we need navigation via url, deep linking, routing without depending on context... And for that we need to configure Navigator 2.0 via MaterialApp.router() or MaterialX() with the controller class X that separates & encapsulates all the routing and themeing concerns.


Takes these 2 named parameters and builds a MaterialApp.router() to be used in the runApp() function:

  • MaterialApp materialApp: MaterialApp that contains the themes, and locale concerns. Not the routing options.
  • RouteMap routeMap: A map between the routing patterns and their corresponding Scaffolds.


void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());


const String LoginPath = '/login';
const String RootPath = '/';
const String UserPath = '/user/';
const String ContactMePath = '/contactMe/';
const String PostPath = '/post/';

// if authentication, guarded routes
bool isLoggedIn = true;

final RouteMap routeMap = RouteMap(
  routes: {
    LoginPath: (info) => const MaterialPage(child: LoginPage()), // without Guarding
    RootPath: (info) => isLoggedIn // with Guarding
      ? const MaterialPage(child: HomePage())
      : const Redirect(LoginPath),
    UserPath + ':username': (RouteData info) => isLoggedIn
      ? MaterialPage(child: UserPage(username: info.pathParameters['username']!))
      : const Redirect(LoginPath),
    UserPath + ':username' + ContactMePath : (RouteData info) => isLoggedIn
      ? MaterialPage(child: ContactMePage(username: info.pathParameters['username']!))
      : const Redirect(LoginPath),
    PostPath + ':postId': (RouteData info) => isLoggedIn
      ? MaterialPage(child: PostPage(postId: info.pathParameters['postId']!))
      : const Redirect(LoginPath),
    PostPath + ':postId/:commentId': (RouteData info) => isLoggedIn
      ? MaterialPage(
          child: CommentPage(
          postId: info.pathParameters['postId']!,
          commentId: info.pathParameters['commentId']!,
      : const Redirect(LoginPath),
    // ... and so on
  onUnknownRoute: (_) => const MaterialPage(child: NotFoundPage()), // fallback route

// now from anywhere in your app you can navigate like this:
// + '<username>'); // will navigate to UserPage(username: <username>)
// + '<username>' + ContactMePath); // will navigate to ContactMePage(username: <username>)
// + '<postId>'); // will navigate to PostPage(postId: <postId>)
// + '<postId>/<commentId>'); // will navigate to CommentPage(postId: <postId>, commentId: <commentId>)
// ... etc


final MaterialApp materialApp = MaterialApp(
  title: 'Example App',
  debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
  theme: myLightTheme,
  darkTheme: myDarkTheme,
  themeMode: ThemeMode.system,


class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialX(
        materialApp: materialApp,
        routeMap: routeMap,

For more info about RouteMap type and the package routemaster.


It's an abstract controller class for the MaterialX widget, and it has the following interface:


  • abstract class in Dart simply means it's not to be instantiated, and can have abstract methods.
  • Abstract Method in Dart is a method to be implemented. It's a function without a body inside an abstract class e.g. the famous build method in the abstract class StatelessWidget.

Theme Management

  • ThemeData X.theme => returns ThemeData object of the current context

  • MediaQueryData X.mediaQuery => returns MediaQueryData object of the current context

  • ValueController<ThemeMode> X.themeMode => is the themeMode controller of MaterialX. If you provided both light and dark themes in the materialApp. MaterialX will change automatically with system themeMode changes, unless you specified a themeMode with a different value than ThemeMode.system.

  • void X.switchTheme({ThemeMode? to}) => it takes one of these values [ThemeMode.system, ThemeMode.dark, ThemeMode.light] and updates the value of X.themeMode. It also updates the stausBar color and brightness accordingly. If you didn't pass a value of themeMode, it will just switch the current themeMode to the opposite, and it will stop listening to the system themeMode changes. To change theme with system again, use
    X.switchTheme(to: ThemeMode.system);

  • void X.setStatusBar({Color? color, Brightness? brightness}) => to set the color and brightness of the statusBar.

  • void X.forcePortrait() => to force Portait Orientation.

  • void X.forceLandscape() => to force Landscape Orientation.

  • void X.allowAutoOrientation() => to allow both Portait & Landscape Orientations.

Route Management

  • String X.currentPath => returns a String of the current path

  • Map<String, String>? X.currentPathParameters => returns a Map of the current path parameters, e.g. if the current path is 'user/12345', it will return {id: '12345'}

  • Map<String, String>? X.currentQueryParameters => returns a Map of the current path query parameters, e.g. 'user?id=12345' returns {id: '12345'}

  • void{required String path}) => navigate to path, that is defined in the RouteMap.

  • void X.offTo({required String path}) => navigate to path and prevents back.

  • void X.back() => go back to previous route chronologically.

  • void X.backTo({required String path}) => pop all routes till the provided path.

  • void X.openDrawer() => open Drawer programmatically.

  • void X.dissmissKeyboard() => close device keyboard if it's open.

  • void X.showSnackBar({required SnackBar snackBar}) => show snackBar.

  • void X.showNotification({}) => show notification overlay. It takes the following named parameters:

    required Widget widget,
    bool dismissable = true,
    VoidCallback? onDismiss,
    VoidCallback? onTap,
    Duration duration = const Duration(seconds: 5),
    NotificationPosition position =,
  • void X.showBottomSheet({required Widget child}) => show this widget in bottomSheet.

  • void X.showModal({}) => open modal route with this dialoug widget. It takes the following named parameters:

    required Widget widget,
    bool safeArea = true,
    bool dismissable = true,
    Color? barrierColor,
  • bool X.isOpenModal => to check if modal is open.

  • void X.pop() => pop modal, bottomSheet, drawer, or keyboard.

ScaffoldX #

Right after finishing MyApp, we need to create the pages that contains a Scaffold widget and corresponds with the defined paths in the routeMap. ScaffoldX is a quick way to compose a scaffold with default configurations. It has the following named parameters:

Widget ScaffoldX({
  required Widget body,
  Color? bgColor,
  DecorationImage? bgDecorationImage,
  Widget? appBar,
  double appBarHeight = 60,
  Widget? drawer,
  Widget? bottomNavigationBar,
  Widget? bottomSheet,
  Widget? fab, // FloatingActionButton
  FloatingActionButtonLocation? fabLocation,
  BoxConstraints? constraints,
  TextStyle textStyle = const TextStyle(color: black, fontSize: 16),
  VoidCallback? onInit,
  bool safeArea = true,
  bool scrollView = false,


class UserPage extends StatelessWidget {
  final String username;
  const UserPage({Key? key, required this.username}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return ScaffoldX(
      onInit: () => debugPrint(username),
      appBar: const MyAppBar(),
      bottomNavigationBar: const MyNavBar(),
      bgDecorationImage: const DecorationImage(
        image: AssetImage('assets/images/bg.png'),
        fit: BoxFit.fill,
        opacity: .3,
      body: Center(
        child: Text('Hello $username'),

Note: If you're not going to use ScaffoldX, make sure to implement the BackButtonInterceptor to handle the back guesture.


class UserPage extends StatefulWidget {
  final String username;
  const UserPage({Key? key, required this.username}) : super(key: key);

  State<UserPage> createState() => _UserPageState();
class _UserPageState extends State<UserPage> {
  void initState() {

  void dispose() {

  FutureOr<bool> myInterceptor(bool stopDefaultButtonEvent, RouteInfo info) {
    return true;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(...);

DataProvider #

Widget DataProvider<T>

Instead of passing the data from parent widget to children to sub-children... via parameters, which gets messy very quickly, we need the concept of data provider class. And for that we can either use InheritedWidget or DataProvider to assign the desired data to a widget, and all and only the descendant children & sub-children widgets will have access to that data via the static method of(context).

DataProvider needs 3 arguments:

  1. Data Object data of any type T, like UserModel, List<String>, ... etc.
  2. Widget child is a data access point for its descendant widgets.
  3. static of(context) to return the provider class instance of this context.

E.g. models/user_model.dart

// If we have a user model class like this
class UserModel {
  final String id;
  final String username;

  UserModel({required, required this.username});

// To create a userModel provider
class UserProvider extends DataProvider<UserModel> {
  // Declare the desired data you want the class to provide
  final UserModel userModel;

  const UserProvider({
    required this.userModel, // first argument: require the declared data object
    required super.child, // second argument: require & pass child to the super class
  }) : super(data: userModel); // pass the data to the super class

  // third argument: without it the class is useless
  // Declare a static method that returns the provider instance of(context)
  static UserProvider of(BuildContext context) =>
  // just copy the method and change the class name.


// Now the user page could be like this
class UserPage extends StatelessWidget {
  final String username;
  const UserPage({Key? key, required this.username}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ScaffoldX(
      body: UserProvider(
        userModel: UserModel(
            id: 'id', 
            username: username
        child: ProfileWidget(),

class ProfileWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const ProfileWidget({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // you can access userModel of context 
    final UserModel userModel = UserProvider.of(context).userModel;
    return Text(userModel.username);

// And all the descendant widgets of ProfileWidget have access to userModel data

StatefulData & ReBuilder #

StatefulWidget is a very useful widget in a lot of situations, except when it comes to data management. In a real world application, we need to decouple the Data Layer from the Render Layer, and put each layer separately, like in MVC design. That's why this solution is divided in 2 separate classes, a view class Widget, and a StatefulData controller class.

StatefulData: #

It's an extension of ChangeNotifier with a better name. It's the controller class of a Rebuilder widget. This class should encapsulte all the data logic separately from the view logic. When data changes, and the @protected update() method is called, the ReBuilder widget will rebuild to reflect changes of data.


  • update() is protected by design to force separation of concers.
  • @protected method in Dart means: It cannot be called from outside the class. So if you're going to do crud operations on your data model, it must be inside the class.

ReBuilder : #

It's an AnimatedBuilder abstracted from context. It will rebuild when the state of data changes using the protected method update(). and it takes 2 named parameters:

  1. StatefulData controller: an instance of a StatefulData object.
  2. Function builder: a function that returns a Widget, which will rebuild when the controller say so.


// Instead of StatefulWidget and changing the state of data with setState(). we'll create 2 separate layers:
// 1. data model that extends StatefulData
class UserModel extends StatefulData {
  final String id;
  String username;

  UserModel({required, required this.username});

  // we manage the data state here inside the data class
  void changeUsername(String newName) {
    username = newName;
    update(); // triggers Rebuilder to render changes

// 2. view model 'widget' that reflect the state of the data model using ReBuilder
class ProfileWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const ProfileWidget({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final UserModel userModel = UserProvider.of(context).userModel;
    return ReBuilder(
      controller: userModel, // first parameter: an instance of StatefulData
      builder: () { // second paramter: a function that returns a widget
        // whenever the username changes and update has been called, this widget will reflect these changes
        return Text(userModel.username);

  • Note: ReBuilder widget is still a Statefull widget deep under the hood, but with a controller that triggers setState() for us.

ValueController & ReactiveBuilder #

Sometimes we only have one independent value that we need to listen to its state. Again, we'll create 2 separate classes: view class & value controller class

ValueController<T>: #

It's a value controller object built on top of ValueNotifier. It has a the following public interface:

  • value => returns the current value.
  • ValueListenable listenable => listenable object that could be used with ValueListenableBuilder.
  • void update(T v) => to update the value property of type T.
  • set onChange(VoidCallback callback) => a setter method if you want to attach a callback function that runs whenever the value changes.
  • void dispose() => valueController cannot be used after calling this method.

ReactiveBuilder #

It's a ValueListenableBuilder abstracted from context. It rebuilds when controller.update(value) invoked. And it takes 2 named parameters:

  1. ValueController<T>.
  2. Function builder(T value): a function with value argument that returns a widget, that rebuilds when the value of controller changes.


final ValueController<ThemeMode> themeModeController = ValueController<ThemeMode>(ThemeMode.dark);

class SwitchThemeButton extends StatelessWidget {
  const SwitchThemeButton({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    ThemeMode value() => themeModeController.value == ThemeMode.dark
        ? ThemeMode.light
        : ThemeMode.dark;

    // when this button pressed, the AdaptiveText widget will change the text color, 
    // because it has ReactiveBuilder which is controlled by themeModeController

    return TextButton(
      onPressed: () => themeModeController.update(value()),
      child: const Text('Change Theme'),

class AdaptiveText extends StatelessWidget {
  final String text;
  final Color? lightModeC;
  final Color? darkModeC;
  final double? fontSize;

  const AdaptiveText(
    this.text, {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ReactiveBuilder(
      controller: themeModeController,
      builder: (ThemeMode mode) => Text(
        style: TextStyle(
          color: mode == ThemeMode.dark 
            ? darkModeC ?? white 
            : lightModeC ?? black,
          fontSize: fontSize,

XUtils #

It's an abstract class that provides some handy quick solutions. And it has the following static interface:

  • bool XUtils.isUrl(String string) => check if string is url
  • bool XUtils.isAsset(String path) => check if path starts with "assets/"
  • bool XUtils.isSVG(String path) => check if path contains ".svg"
  • bool getter XUtils.isSysDarkMode => returns true if system is in dark mode || false
  • ThemeMode getter XUtils.sysThemeMode => returns the system's current ThemeMode value
  • int getter => returns the int value of now timestamp in seconds
  • String XUtils.formatTimestamp(int timestamp, {bool shortMonthFormat = true}) => convert timestamp to readable format.
    • if today: returns [Hours:Minutes AM/PM] e.g. 5:30 PM
    • if yesterday: returns [Yesterday - Hour AM/PM] e.g. Yesterday - 8 AM
    • if same year: returns [Month Day] e.g. May 29
    • else: returns [Month Day Year] e.g. Jan. 25 2011
    • default month format is short e.g. January becomes Jan.
  • bool XUtils.isNumeric(String str) => check if a string is a number e.g. '123' returns true, '+1' returns false
  • bool XUtils.isEmail(String email) check if string is a valid email format based on the HTML5 email validation specs
  • String XUtils.genString({int length = 16}) => generate random string with default length value of 16
  • String XUtils.genNum({int length = 16}) => generate random number string with default length value of 16
  • String XUtils.genId({int length = 16}) => generate timestamp based id string

Widgets #

Widget PersistStateWidget({required Widget child})

It could be useful if you have e.g. ScrollView and you want to maintain its scroll position when navigating to other tabs.


class MyListView extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyListView({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final List<Widget> myList = List.generate(100, (index) => Text(index.toString())).toList();
    // wrap ListView with PersistStateWidget to maintain its scroll state
    return PersistStateWidget(
      child: ListView.builder(
        itemBuilder: (context, index) => myList[index],

Widget DismissModalWidget({required Widget child})

If you will push a modal route and you want it to pop when clicked outside of the dialog widget, wrap the dialog widget with DismissModalWidget.It's more reliable than barrierDismissible in the native function showDialog().


class MyDialog extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyDialog({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return const Center(child: Text('Dialog'));

class ShowMyDialogButton extends StatelessWidget {
  const ShowMyDialogButton({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return TextButton(
      onPressed: () => showDialog(
        context: context,
        barrierDismissible: true, // not reliable
        builder: (context) {
          return const DismissableModal(child: MyDialog());
      child: const Text('Show Dismissable Dialog'),
  • Note: The dismissable behavior is the default if you're gonna use X.showModal(child: MyDialog()) instead of showDialog().

P.S. #

  • These are my personal implementations, which I don't know if it will be useful for others or not, but I hope it will be.
  • Feel free to suggest more simplifications or optimizations by pulling a request on Github.
  • Feel free extending it or modifying it as you wish.

Credits goes to the authers of the implemented packages & of course the developers of Dart & Flutter #

Happy Coding #

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lib_x is an Object-Oriented approach to Flutter for a better architecture design. It provides Solutions for Routing, State Management, Data Provider & more.

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back_button_interceptor, flutter, intl, overlay_support, routemaster, url_strategy


Packages that depend on lib_x