lib_x 0.0.6
lib_x: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard
lib_x is an Object-Oriented approach to flutter. It provides Routing, State Management & Data Providers Solutions.
Getting Started #
This example application will demonstrate how an application with lib_x should be structured.
In a real world application we need to structure our app to be maintainable, scalable, and to allow for collaboration between developers. And for that, we need a clear design pattern, and separation of concerns among other things.
lib_x was designed to help achieve these goals. And here's a porposal structure you can use as a starting point for your next application.
- lib/
- src/
- data/
- user_model.dart
- render/
- const/
- material_app.dart
- route_map.dart
- theme_data.dart
- ...
- forms/
- login.dart
- sign_up.dart
- ...
- layout/
- app_bar.dart
- drawer.dart
- navigation_bar.dart
- scaffold.dart
- ...
- pages/
- home_pages.dart
- not_found_page.dart
- ...
- my_app.dart
- const/
- services/
- auth.dart
- api.dart
- shared_prefs.dart
- ...
- src.dart
- data/
- main.dart
- src/
Now let's imagine we have an application that loads news stories from some source, and see how it could be structured properly.
After flutter create example
let's keep it clean and make a new folder src to be the container of the app and let's have a simple main.dart like this:
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
we'll create a src.dart file and 3 folders.
will serve as an index of the app's components.
export 'package:lib_x/lib_x.dart';
// Data
export 'data/news_list.dart';
export 'data/news_story.dart';
// Render
export 'render/const/material_app.dart';
export 'render/const/route_map.dart';
export 'render/const/theme_data.dart';
export 'render/my_app.dart';
export 'render/pages/home_page.dart';
export 'render/pages/not_found_page.dart';
export 'render/pages/story_page.dart';
// Services
export 'services/api.dart';
// and so on, all our declaration will be exported from here
Inside this directory, we'll handle the services the application need, e.g. if the app requires authentication, we'll create a file auth.dart that will contain our auth logic. If we're dealing with firestore db, we'll create firestore.dart that deals with firestore. If dealing with firebase storage, there will be a storage.dart file... etc
The benefits of that: if you wanted at some point to migrate from firestore to another database service provider. All you'll need to do is making a new file for the new service that will replace firestore without touching any widgets or data models. Also it can be done by a completely different developer. they'll just see the ins and outs of the firestore service class and create the replacement to take the same inputs, and returns the expected output.
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
abstract class Api {
static Future<List<NewsStory>> fetchStories() async {
// load from db logic
final List<NewsStory> results = [];
// fake it till you make it
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> snapshot = List.generate(
(index) => {
'id': genId(),
'title': 'Title: $index',
'content': 'Some content here',
for (var value in snapshot) {
return results;
Note: each service class should be an encapsulation for only one service. Don't make a class that does everything.
Here will be the data concerns only. lib_x provides 2 useful types that will help with data management concerns.
will make the data model listenable by the views.DataProvider<T>
will make the data accessible by context in the widget tree.
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
// 2- create the data model provider
class StoryProvider extends DataProvider<NewsStory> {
// Declare the desired data you want the provider to provide
final NewsStory story;
const StoryProvider({
required this.story, // first argument: require the declared data object
required super.child, // second argument: require & pass child to the super class
}) : super(data: story); // pass the data to the super class
// Declare a static method that returns the provider instance of(context)
static StoryProvider of(BuildContext context) =>
// 1- create the data model controller
class NewsStory extends StatefulData {
final String id;
final String title;
final String content;
bool readLater;
required this.title,
required this.content,
this.readLater = false,
// it's best practice to make all class converters [from || to] class in factory method inside the class
factory NewsStory.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
return NewsStory(
id: map['id'] as String,
title: map['title'] as String,
content: map['content'] as String,
readLater: map['readLater'] ?? false,
void toggleReadLater() {
readLater = !readLater;
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
class NewsListProvider extends DataProvider<NewsList> {
final NewsList newsList;
const NewsListProvider({
required this.newsList,
required super.child,
}) : super(data: newsList);
static NewsListProvider of(BuildContext context) =>
class NewsList extends StatefulData {
final List<NewsStory> newsList = [];
final List<NewsStory> readLaterList = [];
void loadNewsStories() async {
final List<NewsStory> stories = await Api.fetchStories();
void loadReadLater() async {
final List<NewsStory> stories = await Future.value(
newsList.where((story) => story.readLater).toList(),
NewsStory getById(String id) => newsList.singleWhere((story) => == id);
It's best to declare the provider of a type in the same file with its declaration. So, all the concerns of that type are in the same file. Single Source Of Truth files.
If there's a lot of data types, it best to group related types in sub-directories.. and so on.
render/ #
Here will be all the rendering concerns, separated from the data management, and services implementations. And again, we'll group and classify the views elements into sub-directories. So let's plan our steps to implement the views components.
1. First step: Define MyApp and its dependencies. #
my_app.dart #
which will contain MaterialApp
, the entery point and first concern for rendering the app.
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// App level providers
// providers can be nested as much as we need
final NewsList news = NewsList()..loadNewsStories();
return NewsListProvider(
newsList: news,
child: MaterialX(
materialApp: materialApp, // ToDo: declare
routeMap: routeMap, // ToDo: declare
render/const/ #
in this directory will have the constant definitions the app need. And for a minimal app, it'll be something like this:
// themes and color scheme of the app.
const Color lightC = Color.fromARGB(255, 230, 226, 247);
const Color lightC1 = Color.fromARGB(255, 241, 239, 253);
const Color darkC = Color.fromARGB(255, 39, 37, 54);
const Color darkC1 = Color.fromARGB(255, 44, 42, 62);
const Color primaryC = Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 0, 212);
final ThemeData myLightTheme = ThemeData.light().copyWith(
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
primaryColor: primaryC,
scaffoldBackgroundColor: lightC,
canvasColor: transparent,
final ThemeData myDarkTheme = ThemeData.dark().copyWith(
visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
primaryColor: primaryC,
scaffoldBackgroundColor: darkC,
canvasColor: transparent,
// routes consts & map
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
// Root = '/'; // predefined in lib_x
// always define paths to avoid mistakes
const String StoryPath = '/story/:id'; // path pattern
// functional string path
String storyPath(String id) => '/story/$id';
final RouteMap routeMap = RouteMap(
routes: {
Root: (RouteData info) => const MaterialPage(child: HomePage()), // ToDo: declare
StoryPath: (RouteData info) =>
MaterialPage(child: StoryPage(id: info.pathParameters['id']!)), // ToDo: declare
onUnknownRoute: (_) => const MaterialPage(child: NotFoundPage()),
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
final MaterialApp materialApp = MaterialApp(
title: 'Example App',
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
theme: myLightTheme,
darkTheme: myDarkTheme,
2. Second step: Defining the pages we promised in the route_map. #
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
const HomePage({super.key});
State<HomePage> createState() => _HomePageState();
class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
void initState() {
// we need to asign the tabController in order to use it
NewsList.tabController = TabController(vsync: this, length: 2);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ScaffoldX(
appBar: const HomeAppBar(), // ToDo: declare
body: TabBarView(
controller: NewsList.tabController,
children: const [
StoriesListView(), // ToDo: declare
ReadLaterListView(), // ToDo: declare
lib/src/render/layout/app_bar.dart - add to src.dart
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
class HomeAppBar extends StatelessWidget {
const HomeAppBar({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final ValueController<int> indexController =
NewsList.tabController.addListener(() {
if (NewsList.tabController.index == 1) {
return ReactiveBuilder(
controller: indexController,
builder: (index) {
return ReactiveBuilder(
controller: X.themeMode,
builder: (themeMode) {
return AppBar(
backgroundColor: themeMode == ThemeMode.dark ? darkC1 : lightC1,
bottom: TabBar(
controller: NewsList.tabController,
indicatorColor: primaryC,
tabs: [
icon: Icon(
color: index == 0 ? primaryC : black,
icon: Icon(
color: index == 1 ? primaryC : black,
lib/src/render/lists/stories_list.dart - add to src.dart
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
class StoriesListView extends StatelessWidget {
const StoriesListView({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final NewsList newsController = NewsListProvider.of(context).newsList;
return ReBuilder(
controller: newsController,
builder: () {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: newsController.newsList.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return StoryProvider(
story: newsController.newsList[index],
child: const StoryCard(),
lib/src/render/lists/read_later_list.dart - add to src.dart
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
class ReadLaterListView extends StatelessWidget {
const ReadLaterListView({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final NewsList newsController = NewsListProvider.of(context).newsList
return ReBuilder(
controller: newsController,
builder: () {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: newsController.readLaterList.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return StoryProvider(
story: newsController.readLaterList[index],
child: const StoryCard(),
lib/src/render/cards/story_card.dart - add to src.dart
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
class StoryCard extends StatelessWidget {
const StoryCard({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final NewsStory story = StoryProvider.of(context).story;
return Column(
children: [
const SizedBox(height: 20),
onTap: () => storyPath(,
child: Text(story.title),
controller: story,
builder: () {
final bool added = story.readLater;
return TextButton(
onPressed: () => story.toggleReadLater(),
Text(added ? 'Remove from read later' : 'Add to read later'),
import 'package:example/src/src.dart';
class StoryPage extends StatelessWidget {
final String id;
const StoryPage({super.key, required});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final NewsList newsController = NewsListProvider.of(context).newsList;
final NewsStory story = newsController.getById(id);
return StoryProvider(
story: story,
child: Column(
children: const [
class StoryTitle extends StatelessWidget {
const StoryTitle({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final NewsStory story = StoryProvider.of(context).story;
return Text(story.title);
class StoryContent extends StatelessWidget {
const StoryContent({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final NewsStory story = StoryProvider.of(context).story;
return Text(story.content);
I just realized I passed the 500 line, which is ironic cause no one will read this.
P.S. #
- Structure does matter.
- Try as possible to make your files describable as A Single Source Of Truth.
- Naming should be semantic and self-explanatory, even if you're working solo. It'll save you a lot of time when you want to debug or update something later.