leoml_parser 1.0.3 copy "leoml_parser: ^1.0.3" to clipboard
leoml_parser: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard

LeoML parser is a software package that provides interface for client applications to work with LeoML documents. It checks for proper format and validate the LeoML documents.

LeoML Parser #

LeoML parser is a software package that provides interface for client applications to work with LeoML documents. It checks for proper format and validate the LeoML documents.

Table of contents #

  1. Problem description and objectives
  2. LeoML
  3. Features
  4. Usage
  5. Additional information

Problem description and objectives #

Problem description #

Web applications or mobile apps often have long structured texts, such as blog posts or articles.

In this case, it very often makes sense to deliver them to the client only when needed and not right at the beginning.

Furthermore, such texts are often very complex. They consist of headlines, paragraphs, images, quotes and much more. To make matters a bit more difficult, each author also has their own stylistic devices to make a text visual (for example, to highlight certain passages).

HTML or Markdown are well-known markup languages that address this issue. However, both have the following disadvantage: they do not use the full power of Flutter. With flutter_html you can certainly do a lot to adapt a long structured text to the author's wishes. However, it is not Flutter and it is not a widget that is used to give the text its appearance. It's HTML and CSS.

The same is true for the flutter_markdown package.

Both packages do not offer the limitless possibilities to visually style a text the way Flutter does.

Objectives #

The goal is to design a markup language that structures text in a way that it can be easily read by both humans and machines. This markup language shall be named 'LeoML'.

The individual components of a LeoML document are to be assigned to individually designed widgets by means of a LeoML parser. This should ensure that every text gets an individual appearance and that all possibilities of Flutter can be used.

LeoML #

LeoML is a machine-readable markup language for outlining and formatting text and other data, which is using the JSON format for structuring the content. LeoML is using templates in order to structure the text.

Version 1.0.0 of LeoML knows two types of templates:

  1. Blog
  2. Article

If you don't know how LeoML is structured, you can find the detailed documentation of LeoML here.

Features #

  • Define individual widgets or use default widgets for each object.
  • Parsing a LeoML document to a column of widgets.
  • Parsing a LeoML document to a set of widgets.

Usage #

How to create a blog post using the blog template #

Hint: Default widgets will be used, if a object is mentioned in the LeoML document and no corresponding widget was injected.

Create a blog instance without custom widget builder injection

final blog = Blog();

Create a blog instance with custom widget builder injection

final headlineBuilder = MyHeadlineBuilder();
final openingBuilder = MyOpeningBuilder();
final subHeadlineBuilder = MySubHeadlineBuilder();
final sectionBuilder = MySectionBuilder();

final blogTemplate = Blog(
  headlineBuilder: headlineBuilder,
  openingBuilder: openingBuilder,
  subHeadlineBuilder: subHeadlineBuilder,
  sectionBuilder: sectionBuilder,);

Instantiate the LeoML parser

final leoMLDocumentParser = LeoMLDocumentParser();

Parse the leoML Document

const leoMLDocument = '[...]';

// first option: parse the LeoML document to a Column, which includes the widgets
final column = leoMLDocumentParser.parseToColumn(leoMLDocument: leoMLDocument, template: blogTemplate,);

// second option: parse the LeoML document to a Set<Widget>
final set = leoMLDocumentParser.parseToSet(leoMLDocument: leoMLDocument, template: blogTemplate,);

Complete example

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:leoml_parser/leoml_parser.dart';

Column column = const Column();

Future<void> main() async {
  final blogTemplate = Blog(
    headlineBuilder: MyCustomHeadlineBuilder(),
  final leoMLDocumentParser = LeoMLDocumentParser();
  column = await leoMLDocumentParser.parseToColumn(
    leoMLDocument: leoMLDocument,
    template: blogTemplate,

  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'LeoML Parser example',
      home: const LeoMLParserExampleApp(),
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,

class LeoMLParserExampleApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const LeoMLParserExampleApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: SingleChildScrollView(
          child: Padding(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 12.0),
            child: column,

class MyCustomHeadlineBuilder extends LeoMLWidgetBuilder {
  Widget build({required Map object}) => MyCustomHeadline(object: object);

class MyCustomHeadline extends StatelessWidgetTemplate {
  const MyCustomHeadline({super.key, required super.object});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => Text(
    style: const TextStyle(
      color: Colors.green,
      fontSize: 44.0,
      fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

  void validateObject() {
    if (object['headline'] is! String) {
      throw AtomicObjectIsNotStringException(
        subTagName: 'headline',

const leoMLDocument = '['
    ' "type": "blog"'
    ' "headline": "Why are plants good for home?"'
    ' "opening": {'
    '   "text": "We have known for a long time that plants are good for our well-being, but what exactly do they do? We have listed 10 reasons why you should have plants at home.",'
    '   "imageURL": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/Houseplants_in_Michigan.jpg"'
    ' "subHeadline": "Plants reduce stress"'
    ' "section": "Research has shown that plants in the home help reduce stress. The sight of the color green has a calming effect, so people who are in a green room have lower blood pressure and feel more relaxed and happy."'
    ' "subHeadline": "Plants clear stuffy noses"'
    ' "section": "Plants in the home reduce the risk of colds and nasal congestion by 30%. This is because plants increase humidity and absorb dust particles from the air."'
    ' "subHeadline": "Plants provide clean air in the house"'
    ' "section": "Plants not only bind dust, they also filter pollutants from indoor air. Among other things, they absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen. The higher humidity also improves the indoor climate in the house. A NASA study shows that plant species such as Epipremnum and Spathiphyllum can purify indoor air."'
    ' "subHeadline": "Plants prevent allergies"'
    ' "section": "Do you have small children? Then you should definitely have plants in the house. Children who grow up in a green environment with lots of plants at a young age have a lower risk of allergies."'
    ' "subHeadline": "Plants against cigarette smoke"'
    ' "section": "Plants filter the toxins contained in cigarette smoke. Is there smoking in your home? Then the spathiphyllum is a good choice."'
    ' "subHeadline": "Plants improve the acoustics in the house"'
    ' "section": "The leaves of plants can absorb background noise, improving indoor acoustics. Are you moving into a new house or have your workplace at home? Then put some plants in your living and working spaces as soundproofing."'
    ' "subHeadline": "Plants provide a restful sleep"'
    ' "section": "Do you have trouble falling asleep or wake up often at night? Air-purifying houseplants create a better indoor climate in your bedroom and generate oxygen. So, in addition to their calming and relaxing properties, plants help you sleep better at night. Choose a location near your bed or hang a LivePicture GO over your bed, for example."'
    ' "subHeadline": "Plants lift the mood"'
    ' "section": "Research shows that plants help fight depression. Plants improve the state of mind, provide positive energy, and make you feel happier."'
    ' "subHeadline": "Plants reduce the risk of headaches"'
    ' "section": "The air-purifying property of plants can counteract headaches. Researchers discovered that plants can filter a number of indoor chemicals such as benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde from indoor air. Formaldehyde, a common cause of headaches, is a gas used in the manufacture of leather or carpet and is found in almost every indoor environment."'
    ' "subHeadline": "Plants increase the ability to concentrate"'
    ' "section": "Clean air, better mood, healthier living environment - to the positive effects of plants is added another, which is especially important if you study or work from home: Plants promote concentration. Research has shown that a natural, green environment helps you refocus after a brief distraction, stay more alert and counteract emerging fatigue. Boost your productivity by placing plants on, behind or above your desk."'
    ' "subHeadline": "Sources"'
    ' "citation": "https://mobilane.com/de/nachrichten/10-vorteile-von-zimmerpflanzen/#:~:text=Pflanzen%20sorgen%20für%20saubere%20Luft,verbessert%20das%20Raumklima%20im%20Haus. - opened on 07-02-2023 at 20:19 CET"'

Additional information #

Adding a new template #

If the available templates do not meet your requirements you are welcome to create your own template. To create your own template please contact me. You have two options:

  1. you can send me a complete documentation (see Blog Template) and I will implement the new template accordingly.
  2. you can implement the new template yourself and create a merge request and add me as a reviewer.

If you want to implement your template yourself, the following things have to be fulfilled before it can be published:

  1. complete documentation (see Blog Template)
  2. the template inherits from ContentTemplate
  3. code documentation is complete
  4. unit tests have been written

Creating an issue #

Create an issue in github.

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LeoML parser is a software package that provides interface for client applications to work with LeoML documents. It checks for proper format and validate the LeoML documents.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on leoml_parser