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A Dart package for interpreting decision trees in LeoDT format, ideal for each use case where the user has to do manual decisions.

LeoDT Parser #

The LeoDT Parser is a Dart package designed for parsing and interpreting decision tree structures specified in the LeoDT format. It provides a robust solution for applications requiring decision-making capabilities, particularly useful in domains like medical diagnosis, troubleshooting systems, or any scenario where a series of decisions leads to a conclusive result.

Features #

  • Parses LeoDT (Leo Decision Tree) formatted data into usable decision tree structures.
  • Supports navigation through the decision tree, including forward and backward steps.
  • Manages a history of visited nodes for tracking decision paths.
  • Offers utilities for retrieving node information and tree statistics.

LeoDT document #

A LeoDT document is a structured representation of a decision tree, designed to guide users through a series of decisions and outcomes. Each node in the tree represents a decision point, with options leading to different paths based on the user's choice. The format is highly versatile and can be applied across various domains, from healthcare to customer service, facilitating complex decision-making processes. The document typically includes root nodes, decision criteria, options with conditions (when), and potential results (then), making it an intuitive and systematic approach to navigating through multiple decision scenarios.

id: A unique identifier for each node in the tree. It helps in differentiating and navigating to different nodes.

isRoot: A boolean flag indicating if the node is the starting point (root) of the decision tree.

decision: This is a question or statement that prompts a decision. It's the criteria on which the branching of options is based.

options: An array of possible choices or paths stemming from a decision node. Each option dictates the flow of the decision tree based on conditions.

Within each option: id: The unique identifier of the option, helping to distinguish different choices. when: A condition or description for the option. It specifies the scenario in which this option should be selected. then: Indicates the next step or node's id to navigate to if this option is selected. If leading to a conclusion, it might include a result or outcome instead of a node id. isLeaf: This flag indicates if the node is a leaf node, i.e., an endpoint without further branching.

result: Provided in leaf nodes, it indicates the final outcome or conclusion of that decision path.

Example LeoDT document #

    "id": "1",
    "isRoot": true,
    "decision": "Does the patient have respiratory symptoms?",
    "options": [
        "id": "1.1",
        "when": "Yes",
        "then": "2"
        "id": "1.2",
        "when": "No",
        "then": "3"
    "id": "2",
    "isLeaf": true,
    "result": "J00-J99 (Respiratory Diseases)"
    "id": "3",
    "decision": "Does the patient have symptoms related to the digestive system?",
    "options": [
        "id": "3.1",
        "when": "Yes",
        "then": "4"
        "id": "3.2",
        "when": "No",
        "then": "5"
    "id": "4",
    "isLeaf": true,
    "result": "K00-K95 (Digestive Diseases)"
    "id": "5",
    "decision": "Does the patient have symptoms related to the nervous system?",
    "options": [
        "id": "5.1",
        "when": "Yes",
        "then": "6"
        "id": "5.2",
        "when": "No",
        "then": "7"
    "id": "6",
    "isLeaf": true,
    "result": "G00-G99 (Nervous System Diseases)"
    "id": "7",
    "isLeaf": true,
    "result": "Further Assessment Needed"

Getting started #

To start using the LeoDT Parser, add it as a dependency to your Dart or Flutter project:

  leodt_parser: ^current version

Usage #

import 'package:leodt_parser/leodt_parser.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  var decisionTree = await loadLeoDtDocument();
  var decisionTreeImpl = DecisionTreeImpl()
    ..initialize(decisionTree: decisionTree);

  // Navigate through the tree forward and backward
  var currentNode = decisionTreeImpl.goForward('nodeId');
  var currentNode = decisionTreeImpl.goBackward();

  // Restart the tree
  final rootNode = decisionTree.restart();

Additional information #

For more information, updates, and how to contribute, please visit our GitHub repository.

To report issues or suggestions, please use the GitHub issues page. Contributions to the package are always welcome!

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A Dart package for interpreting decision trees in LeoDT format, ideal for each use case where the user has to do manual decisions.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


Packages that depend on leodt_parser