leo 1.0.3 copy "leo: ^1.0.3" to clipboard
leo: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard


A set of general utilities for the server

Leo #

Server utilities to fast track backend development with dart

It is recommended to use the as keyword with the import statement when importing the package to prevent name conflicts, for example...

import 'package:leo/leo.dart' as leo

To quickly put a block of code in a try catch.

// the argument for tryCatch could either be a callback to a function or a future

// as a function
Map<String, dynamic> connectToServer(){
	// may fail to reach the server
var results = await leo.tryCatch(connectToServer);

// as a future
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> connectToServer() async {
	// may fail to reach the server

var future = connectToServer();
var results = await leo.tryCatch(future);

if(results != null){
	// proceed

To log output to file

await leo.log('data to log', logFile: 'path/to/file', clear: true, time: true);

To generate a random ID

var id = generateUUID(length: 30);

To execute a query on postgres

var dbAuth = {
	'host': 'localhost',
	'port': 5432,
	'db': 'db-name',
	'username': 'user',
	'password': 'pass'
var results = await leo.DB(dbAuth).query('SELECT * FROM table');

Leo has an ORM to help with getting and updating documents from the db (postgres) We will be working with a postgres db whose table's schema looks like this

	firstname TEXT,
	lastname TEXT,
	bio TEXT,
	age TEXT,
	dob TEXT
// to fetch all documents
var table = 'names';
var columns = '*';
var documents = await leo.ORM(dbAuth).get(table, columns);
// to fetch specific documents
var whereClause = {
	'firstname': 'john'
var documents = await leo.ORM(dbAuth).get(table, columns, values: whereClause);
// to insert
var table = 'names'
var data = {
	'firstname': 'john',
	'lastname': 'doe'

var isInserted = await leo.ORM(dbAuth).insert(table, data);
// to update
var table = 'names';
var toChange = <String, dynamic>{
var whereClause = <String, dynamic>{
	'id': 1,

var isUpdated = await leo.ORM(dbAuth).update(table, toChange, whereClause);
// to add columns
var table = 'names';
var columns = <Map<String, dynamic>>[
	<String, dynamic>{
		'name': 'middlename',
		'type': 'TEXT',
		'constraints': <String>[

	<String, dynamic>{
		'name': 'sirname',
		'type': 'TEXT',
		'constraints': <String>[

var isAddedColumns = await leo.ORM(dbAuth, verbose: true).alter(table, columns, command: 'ADD');
// to drop columns
var columns = <Map<String, dynamic>>[{'name': 'middlename'}, {'name': 'sirname'}];
var isDropped = await leo.ORM(dbAuth, verbose: true).alter(table, columns, command: 'DROP');
// to delete
var table = 'names';
var whereClause = {
	'id': 1,

var isDeleted = await leo.ORM(dbAuth).delete(table, whereClause);

To run complex queries use leo.DB(dbAuth).query method instead of the orm

To get a random index between a range of indexes

var index = leo.getRandomNumber(min: 10, max: 10000);

To output info on screen with different colors

leo.pretifyOutput('to print on screen'); // will print in green
leo.pretifyOutput('to print on screen', color: 'red');

To start an isolate

var isolatateName = 'test'
var callback = (){ print('running this isolate')  return 'testing'; };
var onListenCallback = (data){
var isolateInfo = await initIsolate(isolateName, callback, onListenCallback: onListenCallback, verbose: true);

// isolateInfo returns a map with the isolate instance, receiver and the sendPort

To distribute work evenly across workers

var workload = [
	'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight'

var howManyParts = 3;
var workloadListing = leo.fractionate(workload, howManyParts);

To create a file quickly (will also create the recursive directories on the path)

await leo.createFile('/path/to/file');

// to clear a file/truncate a file
await leo.createFile('/path/to/file', clear: true);

To create a server. The server is suited for APIs

// extend the server class
class MyServer extends leo.Server {

	final String header = '[server name]';

	final String ip = 'localhost';

	final int port = 8080;

	final String color = 'cyan';

	final String logFile = '/path/to/log';

	final Map<String, leo.RequestHandler> routes = {
		'/test': Test(), // this Test is defined below


class Test extends leo.RequestHandler {

	Future<Map<String, dynamic>> Get([route, data]) async {

		// to access get parameters, do this
		// let's say the get request from the client is
		// http://localhost/test?key=one
		// to access the key value

		var key = route.req.uri.queryParameters['key'];

		var backToClient = <String, dynamic>{
			'isSuccessful': false,
		return backToClient;

	Future<Map<String, dynamic>> Post([route, data]) async {
		var backToClient = <String, dynamic>{
			'isSuccessful': false,

		return backToClient;

pub points


unverified uploader

A set of general utilities for the server

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


colorize, http, intl, postgres, uuid


Packages that depend on leo