lens_base 0.2.0 copy "lens_base: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
lens_base: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard

Functional lenses for Dart. Get and set values, even in nested structures.

Functional lenses for Dart #

Developing a Flutter app with BLoC? Check out the bloc_lens package for a more convenient way to manage complex app states!

Rationale #

Sometimes, you want to allow other parts of your application to read and modify a certain value, but you don't want to expose the entire object or its internals.

In short, you want two operations:

  • get the current value
  • set a new value

This is where lenses come in. They encapsulate the value and provide a way to read and modify it, without exposing the object itself. THey are also composable, so you can easily modify e.g. a specific item in a list or an entry in a map.

Usage #

Predefined lenses #

This package provides a basic implementation of the Lens interface, called DirectLens. It allows you to combine a getter and a setter into a single object.

final lens = DirectLens(
  get: () => /* get the value */,
  set: (value) => /* set the value */,

Then, this object can be passed around and used to read and modify the value.

Specialized lenses #

Aside from the standard Lens class, this package also offers more specializes classes, which provide additional utility methods:

  • NumberLens – for (possibly bounded) numeric values.

    Configurable with optional minimum and maximum values, and an increment. Adds two methods: increment and decrement.

    NumberLens<int> lens;
    lens.get(); // 42
    lens.increment(); // 43
    lens.decrement(5); // 38
  • BoolLens – for boolean values.

    Adds a toggle method.

    BoolLens lens;
    lens.get();    // true
    lens.toggle(); // false
  • EnumLens – for enumerable values. Not just for actual enums, but for any type that has a finite number of values.

    Adds a next method, which cycles through the values.

    MyEnum { a, b, c }
    EnumLens<MyEnum> lens;
    lens.get();  // MyEnum.a
    lens.next(); // MyEnum.b
  • ListLens – for lists of values.

    Adds methods for adding, removing, and modifying elements. It also provides a way to "look deeper" and get a lens for a specific element of the list.

    ListLens<int> lens;
    lens.get(); // [1, 2, 3]
    lens.add(4); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
    lens.removeAt(1); // [1, 3, 4]
    lens[1].set(100); // [1, 100, 4]
  • MapLens – for maps of values.

    Adds methods for adding, removing, and modifying specific entries, as well as modifying all entries at once.

    MapLens<String, int> lens;
    lens.get(); // {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
    lens.updateAll((key, value) => value * 2); // {'a': 2, 'b': 4}
    lens['a'].set(42); // {'a': 42, 'b': 4}
    lens['c'].set(3); // {'a': 42, 'b': 4, 'c': 3}
    lens['b'].remove(); // {'a': 42, 'c': 3}


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Functional lenses for Dart. Get and set values, even in nested structures.

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#dart #state #state-management


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Apache-2.0 (LICENSE)


Packages that depend on lens_base