large_file_uploader 0.0.7
large_file_uploader: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard
A new Flutter package project.
Large File Uploader (Only Web) #
A plugin for uploading large file in flutter web.
Let's get started #
1 - Depend on it #
Add it to your package's pubspec.yaml file
large_file_uploader: ^0.0.7
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2 - Install it #
Install packages from the command line
flutter pub get
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3 - Import it #
Import it to your project
import 'package:large_file_uploader/large_file_uploader.dart';
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4 - Copy It #
Copy upload_worker.js to project public folder
How to use? #
Simple usage
data: {
'title': 'My image', //Additional fields to send with file
headers: {
'Bearer <accessToken>'
onSendProgress: (progress) =>
onComplete: () => debugPrint('onComplete'),
onFailure: () => debugPrint('onFailure'),
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Advanced usage
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'package:large_file_uploader/large_file_uploader.dart';
final _largeFileUploader = LargeFileUploader();
html.File? file;
html.File? thumbnail;
callback: (file) {
pickedThumbnail = file;
customType: 'image/jpeg',
callback: (file) {
thumbnail = file;
if(file != null){
uploadUrl: url,
headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer <accessToken>"},
data: {"title": "My Image", "thumbnail": thumbnail, "file": file},
onSendProgress: (progress) => debugPrint(progress.toString()),
onComplete: (response) => debugPrint(response.toString()),
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