l2ethernet 0.3.1 copy "l2ethernet: ^0.3.1" to clipboard
l2ethernet: ^0.3.1 copied to clipboard


Sending raw Ethernet frames in Dart via FFI. Usable for generating WOL packets or non-standard protocols running on Ethernet. Sending only. Linux only.


Examples #

I added two examples:

  • send_packet.dart which shows a simple example to send a raw Ethernet frame. Use tcpdump -i $nic 'ether proto 0xbeef to see it being sent out.
  • colorlight.dart sends several frames for a Colorlight card. Used to test this package.

Note on libeth.so for Dart exe and aot #

Dart can use packages (pulled in by dart pub get), but when compiled to exe or aot, it does not look at packages and thus libeth.so will not be found. While it would be nice to statically link it to the executable file (or aot file), this does not work as of Dart 2.16.1 The workaround is to have the needed libeth.so file in ./lib/$march/libeth.so where . is the path of the binary (e.g. sendframe.exe)

More Notes #

  1. Both examples need an environment variable nic to contain the network interface name to use.
  2. Both need to run either as root or the binary has to have the needed capabilities to use a raw socket: setcap 'cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw+ep' BINARY
  3. Because of the requirement to run as root, I highly recommend to compile stand-alone executables (via dart compile exe) which can get above capabilities added. This avoids having to run dart as root.
pub points


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Sending raw Ethernet frames in Dart via FFI. Usable for generating WOL packets or non-standard protocols running on Ethernet. Sending only. Linux only.

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ffi, path


Packages that depend on l2ethernet