l 5.0.0 l: ^5.0.0 copied to clipboard
Cross-platform html/io Logger library with simple API. Manipulate with native and web console. Support ascii colorize output.
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs, avoid_print
// ignore_for_file: use_named_constants, do_not_use_environment
library l.example;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:l/l.dart';
/// Whether to override the output of the logger.
const bool overrideOutput = true;
/// ```bash
/// dart compile exe -o example/out/main.exe example/main.dart
/// dart compile js -O3 --generate-code-with-compile-time-errors -o example/out/main.dart.js example/main.dart
/// ```
void main([List<String>? args]) => l.capture<void>(
() => runZonedGuarded<void>(
() {
..v('Regular 1')
..vv('Regular 2')
..v6('Regular 6');
print('Hello from original print!');
throw Exception('Exception');
l.e, // Log uncaught errors received by the zone.
// Logger options passed to the underlying logger zone.
const LogOptions(
handlePrint: true, // Whether to handle `print()` calls.
messageFormatting: _customFormatter,
overrideOutput: overrideOutput ? _customPrinter : null,
outputInRelease: true, // Whether to output in release mode.
printColors: true, // Whether to print colors in the console.
output: LogOutput.platform, // Whether to use `print()` for output.
/// Format messages and truncate them to 25 characters long.
Object _customFormatter(LogMessage event) => switch (event.message.toString()) {
final String msg when msg.length > 25 =>
'${msg.substring(0, 25 - 4)} ...',
final String msg => msg,
/// Also, we can output messages to a file, or to a database, or to a server.
String? _customPrinter(LogMessage event) => jsonEncode(<String, Object?>{
'timestamp': event.timestamp.toUtc().toIso8601String(),
'level': event.level.toString(),
'message': event.message.toString(),