kuchaindart 0.2.3 copy "kuchaindart: ^0.2.3" to clipboard
kuchaindart: ^0.2.3 copied to clipboard

This library supports kuchain address generation and verification. It enables you to create an offline signature functions of different types of transaction messages.

Kuchain Dart Library #

Convert from kuchainjs@0.0.9

This library supports kuchain address generation and verification. It enables you to create an offline signature functions of different types of transaction messages.

[WARNING] This library is under ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT and should be treated as alpha version. We will remove this warning when we have a release that is stable, secure, and propoerly tested

Import #

import 'package:kuchaindart/kuchaindart.dart';

Usage #

  • Kuchain: Generate Kuchain address from mnemonic
import 'package:kuchaindart/kuchaindart.dart';

const chainId = 'testing';
const url = '';
Kuchain kuchain = Kuchain(
  url: url,
  chainId: chainId,

const mnemonic = '...'
final address = kuchain.getAddress(mnemonic);
final ecpairPriv = kuchain.getECPairPriv(mnemonic);
  • Kuchain: Generate Kuchain address from base64
import 'package:kuchaindart/kuchaindart.dart';

const chainId = 'testing';
const url = '';
Kuchain kuchain = Kuchain(
  url: url,
  chainId: chainId,

const priBase64 = '...';
final prikey = kuchain.importPriKeyBase64(priBase64);
final auth = kuchain.getAddressFromPriKey(prikey);
  • Create an account with a specialized auth.
final newCreateAccMsg = await kuchain.newCreateAccMsg(
  • Sign transaction by using sign and broadcast which use REST API of Kuchain
final signedTx = await kuchain.sign(msg, ecpairPriv);
final broadcastRes = await kuchain.broadcast(signedTx);

Supporting Message Types (Updating...) #

  • If you need more message types, you can commit issues

Documentation #

This library is simple and easy to use. We don't have any formal documentation yet other than examples. Ask for help if our examples aren't enough to guide you

Contribution #

  • Contributions, suggestions, improvements, and feature requests are always welcome

Script #

// Analyze code
flutter analyze

// Format code
dartfmt -w lib example

// Publish validation
pub publish --dry-run --verbose

// Publish
flutter packages pub publish --verbose --server https://pub.dartlang.org
pub points


verified publisherkeybag.io

This library supports kuchain address generation and verification. It enables you to create an offline signature functions of different types of transaction messages.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


MIT (license)


bech32, bip32, bip39, hex, http, meta, pointycastle


Packages that depend on kuchaindart