kt_dart 1.1.0 copy "kt_dart: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
kt_dart: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

This project is a port of kotlin-stdlib for Dart/Flutter projects. It includes collections (KtList, KtMap, KtSet) with 150+ methods as well as other useful packages.

Changelog #

1.1.0 #

  • #190 KtMutableMapEntry.setValue() is now implemented (thx @hugobrancowb)
  • #188 Added KtIterable.firstNotNullOf() KtIterable.firstNotNullOfOrNull() (thx @hugobrancowb)
  • #196 Methods, returning mutated copies are now marked with @useReslt (thx @nohli)
  • #197 mapNotNull, mapNotNullTo, mapIndexedNotNull, mapIndexedNotNullTo, filterNotNullTo work now correctly for non-nullable types

1.0.0 #

  • #183 New: KtIterable.sumOf thx @nohli
  • Update dependencies and guarantee compatibility with Dart 2.12-2.18

0.10.0 #

Some nullsafety improvements, type fixes and a lot of new Kotlin 1.4 extensions

  • #141 Fix: requireNoNulls() now converts T? to T

  • 1df6e1a Fix: .dart and .iter on Iterable<T> now work for all types not only if T implements Comparable

  • f43cbc5 Fix: *NotNull methods now return non-nullable types

  • b727893 Fix: The hashcode of all collections doesn't get cached anymore. That caused problems when mutable items in a KtList changed. The equals and hashCode methods now always change together.

  • #142 Improve: KtIterable.onEach can now be chained

  • #141 New: KtIterable.cast() to manually cast values

  • #142 New: KtIterable.onEachIndexed

  • #163 New: KtIterable.shuffled()

  • #166 New: KtIterable.reduceOrNull()

  • #169 New: KtMutableList.removeFirst() KtMutableList.removeLast()

  • #173 New: KtMutableList.removeFirstOrNull() KtMutableList.removeLastOrNull()

  • #171 New: KtIterable.minOf()

  • #165 New: String.replaceFirstChar()

  • #170 New: KtIterable.minOrNull(), KtIterable.maxOrNull(), deprecates KtIterable.min(), KtIterable.max(),

  • #174 New: KtIterable.runningReduce()

  • #177 New: KtCollection.randomOrNull()

  • #178 New: KtIterable.flatMapIndexed, KtIterable.flatMapIndexedTo

Thanks to the #hacktoberfest contributors @Anas35, @robiness, @MatthaiosSait, @Dev-dfm, @marciokuroki, @Rishabh-Negi

0.9.1 #

  • #138 Deprecate KtIterable<T>.sumByDouble in favor of KtIterable<T>.sumBy which now works for int and double
  • #140 KtMap.getOrDefault now returns V instead of V?
  • #140 Fix KtMap.groupBy returning KtMap<K, KtMutableList<T>> instead of KtMap<K, KtList<T>> causing generic type problems in further processing

0.9.0 #

  • stable dependencies
  • Improve KtSet.contains performance

0.9.0-nullsafety.0 #

0.8.0 #

New package:kt_dart/standard.dart library containing Kotlins loved standard extensions

  • #120 Standard extensions let, also, takeIf and takeUnless
  • #120 TODO([String message]) top-level function which throws NotImplementedException
  • #120 repeat(int times, void Function(int) action) top-level function

More cool updates

  • #124 KtList.of and KtSet.of now allow null as parameters. Same for listOf and setOf
  • #131 Chain Comparators with the new thenBy and thenByDescending functions.
  • #126 Allow const .empty() constructors for KtList, KtMap and KtSet (Thanks @TimWhiting)
  • #127 plus, minus operator overrides for KtSet, returning KtSet and not KtList as the KtIterable operators do

0.8.0-dev.1 #

  • #124 KtList.of and KtSet.of now allow null as parameters. Same for listOf and setOf
  • #120 Standard extensions let, also, takeIf and takeUnless
  • #120 TODO([String message]) top-level function which throws NotImplementedException
  • #120 repeat(int times, void Function(int) action) top-level function
  • #126 Allow const .empty() constructors for KtList, KtMap and KtSet (Thanks @TimWhiting)
  • #127 plus, minus operator overrides for KtSet, returning KtSet and not KtList as the KtIterable operators do

0.7.0+1 #

  • Fix unused import

0.7.0 #

The library has be upgrade to use Static Extension Methods.

Interop #

This update also includes extensions for Dart collections which allow easy interoperability between dart and kt.dart collections using the .kt and .dart getters.

  // New: Converting dart collections to KtDart collections (mutable views)
  final KtMutableList<String> ktList = ["hey"].kt;
  final KtMutableSet<String> ktSet = {"hey"}.kt;
  final KtMutableMap<String, int> ktMap = {"hey": 1}.kt;

  // Converting KtDart collections to dart collections
  final List<String> dartList = KtList.of("hey").dart;
  final Set<String> dartSet = KtSet.of("hey").dart;
  final Map<String, int> dartMap = KtMap.from({"hey": 1}).dart;
copied to clipboard

Note: ["Hello", "World"].kt returns a KtMutableList<String> and mutations are reflected on the original dart list. It is not a copy! Because it doesn't copy it is very cheap and only syntax sugar.

To convert dart collections to their immutable kt.dart counterparts use: .toImmutableList(), .toImmutableSet(), .toImmutableMap()

  // New: Make dart collections immutable
  final KtList<String> list = ["hey"].toImmutableList();
  final KtSet<String> set = {"hey"}.toImmutableSet();
  final KtMap<String, int> map = {"hey": 1}.toImmutableMap();
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Possible breaking changes #

  • Relax sortBy/sortByDescending, maxBy/minBy typing to work better with ints and doubles #116
// Was: int doesn't not implement Comparable<int> but Comparable<num>
// minBy therefore required some help to figure out the correct type (<num>) 
users.minBy<num>((it) => it.age);

// Now: minBy doesn't require the Comparable (num) to have the same same as the value (int).
users.minBy((it) => it.age);
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  • Remove unnecessary generic R from KtIterable.zipWithNext #118

New Extensions #

  • KtPair and KtTriple now have a new toList() function to convert the values to a KtList
  • KtList?.orEmpty() returns an empty list when the list is null
  • KtSet?.orEmpty() returns an empty set when the set is null
  • KtMap?.orEmpty() returns an empty map when the map is null
  • KtMap.ifEmpty(() -> defaultValue) returns the default value when the map is empty
  • KtIterable<KtIterable<T>>.flatten() flattens the nested collections to KtIterable<T>
  • KtIterable<KtPair<T, U>>.unzip(): KtPair<KtList<T>, KtList<U>> unzips list of pairs to list of their first and second values
  • KtIterable<Comparable<T>>.min() returns the smallest element of any comparable iterable
  • KtIterable<Comparable<T>>.max() returns the largest element of any comparable iterable

0.7.0-dev.4 #

  • New extension Iterable.toImmutableList(): KtList
  • New extension Iterable.toImmutableSet(): KtSet
  • New extension KtIterable<num>.average(): double
  • Relax sortBy/sortByDescending, maxBy/minBy typing to work better with ints and doubles
// Was: int doesn't not implement Comparable<int> but Comparable<num>
// minBy therefore required some help to figure out the correct type (<num>) 
users.minBy<num>((it) => it.age);

// Now: minBy doesn't require the Comparable (num) to have the same same as the value (int).
users.minBy((it) => it.age);
copied to clipboard

0.7.0-dev.3 #

  • Rename (List|Set|Map).immutable() extension to .toImmutableList() to match Dart SDK naming schema.
  • Remove int.rangeTo(X) extension. Please use the dartx as replacement which offers the same extension
  • Remove T.to(X) extension to create a KtPair. It's too general and should be offered by the dart SDK not a 3rd party package

0.7.0-dev.2 #

New .dart extensions to convert KtDart collections back to dart collections.

  // New: Converting dart collections to KtDart collections (mutable views)
  final KtMutableList<String> ktList = ["hey"].kt;
  final KtMutableSet<String> ktSet = {"hey"}.kt;
  final KtMutableMap<String, int> ktMap = {"hey": 1}.kt;

  // Converting KtDart collections to dart collections
  final List<String> dartList = KtList.of("hey").dart;
  final Set<String> dartSet = KtSet.of("hey").dart;
  final Map<String, int> dartMap = KtMap.from({"hey": 1}).dart;
copied to clipboard

0.7.0-dev.1 #

KtDart makes full use of darts static extension methods, introduced with Dart 2.6.

The public API stays unchanged and is backwards compatible.

Improved interopt with dart collections #

It is now easier then ever to convert dart to ktdart collections and vice versa. Use the .kt property to convert dart collections to KtDart collections. (Note: .kt create a view, which allows you to mutate the original dart collection).

  // New: Make dart collections immutable
  final KtList<String> list = ["hey"].immutable();
  final KtSet<String> set = {"hey"}.immutable();
  final KtMap<String, int> map = {"hey": 1}.immutable();

  // New: Converting dart collections to KtDart collections (mutable views)
  final KtMutableList<String> ktList = ["hey"].kt;
  final KtMutableSet<String> ktSet = {"hey"}.kt;
  final KtMutableMap<String, int> ktMap = {"hey": 1}.kt;

  // Converting KtDart collections to dart collections
  final List<String> dartList = KtList.of("hey").asList();
  final Set<String> dartSet = KtSet.of("hey").asSet();
  final Map<String, int> dartMap = KtMap.from({"hey": 1}).asMap();
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Tuple improvements #

KtPairs can now created with the T0.to(T1) extension.

final KtPair<String, int> pair = "foo".to(42);
copied to clipboard

Also, KtPair and KtTriple now have a new toList() function to convert the values to a KtList.

New Extensions #

  • KtList?.orEmpty() returns an empty list when the list is null
  • KtSet?.orEmpty() returns an empty set when the set is null
  • KtMap?.orEmpty() returns an empty map when the map is null
  • KtMap.ifEmpty(() -> defaultValue) returns the default value when the map is empty
  • KtIterable<KtIterable<T>>.flatten() flattens the nested collections to KtIterable<T>
  • KtIterable<KtPair<T, U>>.unzip(): KtPair<KtList<T>, KtList<U>> unzips list of pairs to list of their first and second values
  • KtIterable<Comparable<T>>.min() returns the smallest element of any comparable iterable
  • KtIterable<Comparable<T>>.max() returns the largest element of any comparable iterable

0.6.2 #

diff v0.6.1...v0.6.2

  • #96 Dart 2.0.0 comparability. (Was only Dart 2.1.0 compatible).
  • #97 Fix broken links to lib classes in documentation
  • #97 Adjust analyzer rules. Add new ones and explain why others aren't active. Adjusted the code accordingly

0.6.1 #

diff v0.6.0...v0.6.1

  • #92 Improve pub score by changing comments to ///

0.6.0 #

diff v0.5.0...v0.6.0

This major update of kt.dart add 10+ extension methods for KtMap and makes working with maps even easier.

Behavior Changes #

The properties KtList.list: List,KtSet.set: Set are now deprecated and KtMap.map: Map was removed. Those properties where used to convert kt.dart collections to dart collections. Instead use the new KtList.asList(): List, KtSet.asSet(): Set, KtMa.asMap(): Map methods. The old properties returned copies of the collections. The new as-methods return views of the original collections and reflect changes of the original data.

This breaking change was necessary because the property KtMap.map: Map<K, V> was conflicting with KtMap.map(MapEntry<K, V> -> R) : KtList<R> to map the entries to items of a KtList. Read about further details here.

If you have used properties to iterate over the collections using a for-loop you should now always use iter which is available for all kt.dart collections.

for (final element in listOf("a", "b", "c").iter) {
for (final element in setOf("a", "b", "c").iter) {
for (final p in mapFrom({1: "Bulbasaur", 2: "Ivysaur"}).iter) {
  print("${p.key} -> ${p.value}"); 
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Additions #

  • #86 New: KtMap.map Returns a list containing the results of applying the given transform function to each entry in the original map.
  • #86 New: KtMap.iter Access to a Iterable to be used in for-loops
  • #87 New: KtMap.count Returns the number of entries matching the given [predicate] or the number of entries when predicate = null.
  • #89 New: KtMap.minBy Returns the first entry yielding the smallest value of the given function or null if there are no entries.
  • #89 New: KtMap.minWith Returns the first entry having the smallest value according to the provided comparator or null if there are no entries.
  • #89 New: KtMap.maxBy Returns the first entry yielding the largest value of the given function or null if there are no entries.
  • #89 New: KtMap.maxWith Returns the first entry having the largest value according to the provided comparator or null if there are no entries.
  • #90 New: KtMap.toList Returns a KtList containing all key-value pairs.
  • #78 New: KtMap.forEach Performs given action on each key/value pair from this map. thanks @acherkashyn
  • #80 New: KtMap.none Returns true if there is no entries in the map that match the given predicate. thanks @acherkashyn
  • #80 New: KtMap.all Returns true if all entries match the given predicate. thanks @acherkashyn
  • #80 New: KtMap.any Returns true if there is at least one entry that matches the given predicate. thanks @acherkashyn
  • #84 New: KtMap.filterKeys Returns a map containing all key-value pairs with keys matching the given predicate.
  • #84 New: KtMap.filterValues Returns a map containing all key-value pairs with values matching the given predicate.
  • #79 New: KtMap.asMap Returns a read-only dart:core Map
  • #79 New: KtMutableMap.asMap Creates a Map instance that wraps the original KtMap. It acts as a view.

  • #75 New: KtIterable.takeWhile Returns a list containing first elements satisfying the given predicate.
  • #76 New: KtIterable.takeLastWhile Returns a list containing last elements satisfying the given predicate.

  • #73 New: KtList.takeLast, Returns a list containing last n elements.
  • #79 New: KtList.asList Returns a read-only dart:core List
  • #79 New: KtMutableList.asList Creates a List instance that wraps the original KtList. It acts as a view.

  • #79, #91 New: KtSet.asSet Returns a read-only dart:core Set
  • #79 New: KtMutableSet.asSet Creates a Set instance that wraps the original KtSet. It acts as a view.

Bugfixes #

  • #74 Fix: KtList.dropLastWhile was off by 1
  • #88 Fix: KtIterable.minWith returned the max value

Documentation #

  • #68 Document KtSet constructors
  • #70 Fix README typos, thanks @RedBrogdon

Misc. #

  • #69 KtMutableListIterator throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when calling set before next was called
  • #81 Force dartfmt on CI
  • #83 Improve .gitignore

0.5.0 #

diff v0.4.2...v0.5.0

Project has been renamed to kt.dart. If you're using a previous version upgrade like this:


-  dart_kollection: ^0.3.0
-  kotlin_dart: ^0.4.0
+  kt_dart: ^0.5.0
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- import 'package:dart_kollection/dart_kollection.dart';
- import 'package:kotlin_dart/kotlin.dart';
+ import 'package:kt_dart/kt.dart';
copied to clipboard
  • #66 Rename KPair -> KtPair and KTriple -> KtTriple
  • #67 Rename package kotlin_dart -> kt_dart

0.4.3 #

diff v0.4.2...v0.4.3

Deprecate package kotlin_dart and recommend users to migrate to kt_dart.

0.4.2 #

diff v0.4.1...v0.4.2

Shorten pub project description to make pana happy.

0.4.1 #

diff v0.4.0...v0.4.1

Improve Readme which renders correctly on pub.

0.4.0 #

diff v0.3.0...v0.4.0

The kollection project was migrated to kotlin.dart where kollection becomes the collection module.

Upgrade #


-  dart_kollection: ^0.3.0
+  kotlin_dart: ^0.4.0
copied to clipboard


- import 'package:dart_kollection/dart_kollection.dart';
+ import 'package:kotlin_dart/kotlin.dart';
copied to clipboard

Breaking Changes #

  • #64 The class prefix of all collections has been changed from K to Kt (KList -> KtList)
  • #60 listOf now accepts up to 10 non-null arguments instead of an Iterable. Use listFrom to create KtLists from an dart Iterables
  • #60 Collections can now be created with factory constructors i.e. KtList.of(1, 2 ,3). Both APIs, factory constructor and function based one, are equally supported. It only depends on your personal taste.

Here is a list of all collection creation APIs.

Kotlin like, function based syntax

  /// List
  // Create immutable lists
  listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  listFrom([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create mutable lists
  mutableListOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  mutableListFrom([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  /// Set
  // Create immutable sets
  setOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  setFrom([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create a mutable set which keeps the order of the items
  linkedSetOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  linkedSetFrom([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create mutable, unordered hash-table based set
  hashSetOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  hashSetFrom([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  /// Map
  // Create immutable maps
  emptyMap<int, String>();
  mapFrom({1: "a", 2: "b"});
  // Create mutable maps
  mutableMapFrom({1: "a", 2: "b"});
  // Create mutable maps without specified order when iterating over items
  hashMapFrom({1: "a", 2: "b"});
  // Create mutable maps which keep the order of the items
  linkedMapFrom({1: "a", 2: "b"});
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Dart like, constructor based syntax

  /// List
  // Create immutable lists
  KList.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  KList.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create mutable lists
  KMutableList.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  KMutableList.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  /// Set
  // Create immutable sets
  KSet.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  KSet.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create a mutable set which keeps the order of the items
  KMutableSet.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  KMutableSet.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create mutable, unordered hash-table based set
  KHashSet.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  KHashSet.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  // Create a mutable set which keeps the order of the items
  KLinkedSet.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  KLinkedSet.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  /// Map
  // Create mutable maps
  KMutableMap<int, String>.empty();
  KMutableMap.from({1: "a", 2: "b"});
  // Create mutable maps without specified order when iterating over items
  KHashMap<int, String>.empty();
  KHashMap.from({1: "a", 2: "b"});
  // Create mutable maps which keep the order of the items
  KLinkedMap<int, String>.empty();
  KLinkedMap.from({1: "a", 2: "b"});
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0.3.2 #

diff v0.3.1...v0.3.12

Deprecate package dart_kollection in favour of kt_dart

0.3.1 #

diff v0.3.0...v0.3.1

Deprecate all APIs and advise users to upgrade to kotlin.dart

0.3.0 #

diff v0.2.0...v0.3.0

Summary #

This release of Kollection fully covers the project with unit tests, from 52% to 99% 🎉. By doing that bugs where discovered and fixed.

Because Dart doesn't support non-nullable types yet, this update manually checks all method arguments at runtime. Passing null in any method will throw ArgumentError unless documented otherwise.

Behavior changes #

  • #36 All method arguments are now validated for nullability. If a argument isn't documented as "nullable" the method will throw ArgumentError (when asserts are enabled)
  • #51, #46 KIterable<T>.associateWithTo, Kiterable<T>.filterTo, KIterable<T>.filterIndexedTo, KIterable<T>.filterNotTo, KIterable<T>.filterNotNullTo , KIterable<T>.groupByTo ,KMap<T>.mapKeysTo ,KMap<T>.mapValuesTo, KIterable.toCollection did not compile when called directly due to dart-lang/sdk/issues/35518. The type of destination of those methods has been changed to a dynamic type (i.e. KMutableList<T> -> KMutableList<dynamic>). Those methods will now be checked at runtime. This has one advantage: It allows to pass in contravariant types.
final KIterable<int> iterable = listOf([4, 25, -12, 10]);
final result = mutableListOf<num>(); // covariant!
final filtered = iterable.filterIndexedTo(result, (i, it) => it < 10);
expect(identical(result, filtered), isTrue);
expect(result, listOf([4, -12]));
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  • #56 KMutableEntry.setValue now throws UnimplementedError because of bug #55. It anyways never worked.
  • #58 KSet doesn't allow mutation of its elements with via set getter. It is now really immutable.

API changes #

Bug fixes #

Documentation changes #

  • #57 Document hashSetOf and linkedSetOf
  • #19 KIterable.any document return value when called without predicate
  • #51 Document expected type of now dynamically typed KIterable<T>.associateWithTo, Kiterable<T>.filterTo, KIterable<T>.filterIndexedTo, KIterable<T>.filterNotTo, KIterable<T>.filterNotNullTo , KIterable<T>.groupByTo ,KMap<T>.mapKeysTo ,KMap<T>.mapValuesTo, KIterable.toCollection

Other changes #

0.2.0 #

diff v0.1.0...v0.2.0

Behavior change #

  • #6 Breaking: KMutableIterator.remove now throws UnimplementedError because of bug #5

API changes #

  • #1 Add Set<T> get set returning the internal dart set
  • #1 Add Map<K, V> get map returning the intenral dart set
  • #7 Add KMap.toMap and KMap.toMutableMap
  • #8 Add KMap.isNotEmpty
  • 3e3228e Add KMap.toString()
  • #9 Add Map.plus, Map.minus and operator +(KMap<K, V> map), operator -(K key)
  • #12 Remove const constructors from collection interfaces
  • #13 Remove default implementations from collection interfaces

Documentation changes #

  • #15 Add documentation for compareBy and compareByDescending

Other changes #

  • #2 Travis CI #2
  • #3, #4 Code coverage
  • #10 Test KMutableList.fill
  • #11 Test KPair, KTriple
  • #14 Test Exceptions
  • #15 Test Comparators naturalOrder(), reverseOrder()
  • #15 Test reverse(Comparator) util function
  • 6dd0d85 Reformatted with dartfmt (80 chars)

0.1.0 #

Initial release for

  • KList/KMutableList
  • KSet/KMutableSet
  • KMap/KMutableMap

with tons of extensions waiting for you to use them!



verified publisherpascalwelsch.com

Weekly Downloads

2024.07.19 - 2025.01.31

This project is a port of kotlin-stdlib for Dart/Flutter projects. It includes collections (KtList, KtMap, KtSet) with 150+ methods as well as other useful packages.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)




Packages that depend on kt_dart