kommunicate_flutter 1.4.6 kommunicate_flutter: ^1.4.6 copied to clipboard
Flutter plugin for Kommunicate live chat. Kommunicate provides open source live chat SDK in android. The Kommunicate SDK is flexible, lightweight and easily integrable.
1.4.6 #
- postBackToBotPlatform fix
- upgrade Android version to 2.4.0
1.4.5 #
- iOS build fix
1.4.4 #
- Upgrade Android version to 2.3.8
- Upgrade iOS version to 6.6.0
- Added support to send attachment to S3
1.4.3+1 #
- Documentation update
1.4.3 #
- Bug resolve and improvement
1.4.2 #
- Android 12 notification issue fixe
- Design upgrade in Android
1.4.0 #
- Added support for Android 12
- Update Android SDK version to 2.3.0
1.3.2 #
- Update iOS SDK version to 6.3.1
1.3.1 #
- Fix for PreChatViewController delegate methods
1.3.0 #
- Update iOS SDK version to 6.3.0
- Added support for Xcode 13
1.2.2 #
- Update iOS SDK version to 6.2.1
1.2.1 #
- Update iOS SDK version to 6.2.0
1.2.0 #
- Update iOS SDK version to 6.1.1
1.1.9 #
- Added support for setting conversationTitle in iOS
- Added support for setting conversationInfo in iOS
1.1.8 #
- Update Android SDK version to 2.1.8
- Update iOS SDK version to 6.1.0
1.1.7 #
Android #
- Added support for auto suggesstion type rich message
- Added support to update conversationAssignee and conversationMetadata
- Added away messages changes in real time
- Added support to sync messages on conversation screen launch. Push notification is not a mandatory step now.
- Some crash fixes and optimisations
1.1.6 #
Android #
- Support for dropdown list in form rich message
- Change in format for date and time type rich messages
- Setting to restrict message typing with bots
- Move proguard rules to SDK
- Fix away message update in realtime
1.1.5 #
- Team Id support
- Customization options for prechat form in iOS
1.1.4 #
- Added method to get total unread messages count
1.1.3 #
- Added settings to change toolbar, statusbar and rich message theme color in android
- Added option to set teamId in android
- Added an option to show/hide different message menu options in iOS.
- Now, chat bar's attachment color config will be applied to the bottom part of the chat bar as well in iOS
- Fixed issue with localization crash in android
- Added a check for whitespace and newline characters in the user ID in iOS
1.1.2 #
- Fixed issue where kommunicate plugin podspec file was not being found by the plugin
- Fixed issue where plugin methods were not accessible on channel kommunicate_flutter
- Updated iOS SDK version to 5.9.0
1.1.1 #
Changed the package name from "kommunicate_flutter_plugin" to "kommunicate_flutter"
Migration to version 1.1.1 from 1.1.0
- Change the plugin name in pubspec.yaml from "kommunicate_flutter_plugin" to "kommunicate_flutter"
- Change the imports from: import 'package:kommunicate_flutter_plugin/kommunicate_flutter_plugin.dart'; to: import 'package:kommunicate_flutter/kommunicate_flutter.dart';
1.1.0 #
Added new functions for Authentication:
- isLoggedIn(): To check weather the user is logged in or not
- login(kmUser): login the user to Kommunicate
- loginAsVisitor(): login the user without pre existing details. The user will be logged in as a Visitor
Added new Conversation methods:
- openConversations(): Open the conversation List for the logged in user
- openParticularConversation(String clientConversationId): Open the conversation for the passed clientConversationId
0.0.1 #
- TODO: Describe initial release.