koin 0.14.2 copy "koin: ^0.14.2" to clipboard
koin: ^0.14.2 copied to clipboard

A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Dart projects.

0.14.2 #

  • Fix pub analysis issues

0.14.1 #

  • Update readme
  • Update dependencies

0.14.0 #

  • Update readme

  • Refactoring performed to improve code maintenance

  • Breaking changes

    • get, inject and bind methods no longer allows parameter passing, use injectWithParam, getWithParam and bindWithParam.

    • getWithParams and injectWithParams renamed to getWithParam and injectWithParam.

    • It will no longer be possible to pass a list of parameters. Now it is only possible to pass a single parameter.This change was made to make the API more accurate and to avoid errors.

      • factory1, factory2 and factory3 have been replaced by factoryWithParam
      • single1, single2 and single3 have been replaced by singleWithParam
      • scoped1, scoped2 and scoped3 have been replaced by scopedWithParam

    How to pass a list of parameters? R: Insert the parameters as properties of a class.


    class MyClass {
      final int param1;
      final String param2;

      MyClass(this.param1, this.param2);

      void doDomething() {
        print("$param1 $param2");

    class MyClassParam {
      final int param1;
      final String param2;

      MyClassParam(this.param1, this.param2);

    final koinModule = Module()
      ..singleWithParam<MyClass, MyClassParam>(
          (s, p) => MyClass(p.param1, p.param2));

    class App with KoinComponentMixin {
      App() {
        final myClass =
            getWithParam<MyClass, MyClassParam>(MyClassParam(10, "Hello"));
  • Added asyncStartKoin function to allow the koin to start asynchronously.

0.13.1+1 #

  • Update readme

0.13.1 #

  • Internal improvements
  • Update readme

0.13.0 #

  • Export 'instance_factory.dart'
  • Refactoring
  • Make private members that shouldn't be public.
    • These methods were not in the main API or in the documentation, so don't worry.

0.12.1 #

  • Fix pub analysis issues

0.12.0 #

  • Update readme
  • Improvements in error handling.
  • Loggger improvements.
  • Added createScopeWithQualifier and createScopeWithSource to the scope API.
  • Added the scopeOne declaration method.
  • Allows you to declare a 'scoped' definition and a scope with just one line.
  • Used for scopes that have only one definition.
  • Breaking changes
  • Remove the createScopeT metohod from scope API.

  • Remove the qualifier parameter from createScope.


    var scope2 = koin.createScope('myScope', named<ScopeType>());


    var scope2 = koin.createScope<ScopeType>('myScope');

0.11.0+1 #

  • Update readme

0.11.0 #

  • Added getWithParams, injectWithParams and bindWithParams methods in scope and KoinComponent.

  • Update readme

  • Breaking changes

  • Removed some exports that shouldn't be visible.

0.10.0 #

  • Breaking changes

    The getOrCreateScopeT() function renamed to getOrCreateScope() The getOrCreateScope() function renamed to getOrCreateScopeQualifier()

    How to use now:

    var scope2 = koin.getOrCreateScopeQualifier('myScope', named<ScopeType>());
    var scope3 = koin.getOrCreateScope<ScopeType>('myScope');
  • The parameters of getWithType (), getOrNullWithType () are now optional.

  • Operator '+' of class Module was rewritten. It is now possible to return a list from the sum of two modules.

    var mods = modA + modB;
    expect(mods, [modA, modB]);
  • Fixed an error in creating the root scope

  • Fixed an error in creating the root scope

  • Update readme

  • Added more tests

0.9.1 #

  • Fixed a error when use bind()
  • Update readme
  • Added more tests

0.9.0 #

  • Fixed the error when closing a definition that the value was not instantiated.
  • Export KoinContextHandler

0.8.0 #

  • Code improvements with pub.dev health suggestions
  • Moved Scope extensions to instance_scope_ext.dart
  • Update dependencies

0.7.2 #

  • Fixed an error on Scope create

0.7.1 #

  • Fixed an error when drop a factory instance

0.7.0 #

  • Added more tests. Coverage 80%
  • Refactoring and restructuring from koin 2.1.5
  • Update readme

0.3.2+3 #

  • Update readme

0.3.2+2 #

  • Update readme

0.3.2+1 #

  • Update description
  • Code improvements with pub.dev health suggestions

0.3.2+1 #

  • Update description
  • Code improvements with pub.dev health suggestions

0.3.2 #

  • Added NullParameterFoundException
  • Remove Analysis reports

0.3.1 #

  • Exported lazy class

0.3.0 #

  • Parameters of the definition functions configured as named
  • All documentation set to dart standards
  • More tests added
  • Lazy rewritten

0.2.0 #

  • Added Lazy inject

0.1.0 #

  • Initial version
pub points


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A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Dart projects.

Repository (GitHub)
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Apache-2.0 (license)


kt_dart, meta


Packages that depend on koin