kiwi_generator 4.2.1 copy "kiwi_generator: ^4.2.1" to clipboard
kiwi_generator: ^4.2.1 copied to clipboard

Generates dependency injection code using the kiwi package to reduce development time.

kiwi_generator #



Generates dependency injection code using the kiwi package to reduce development time.

Configuration #

  1. Add kiwi to pubspec.yaml under the dependencies: section. The latest version is Pub
  kiwi: ^latest_version
  1. Add build_runner and kiwi_generator under the dev_dependencies: section of the pubspec.yaml file. The latest version is Pub
  build_runner: ^2.3.3
  kiwi_generator: ^latest_version

Usage #

In your library add the following import:

import 'package:kiwi/kiwi.dart';

Create an abstract class with an abstract method:

abstract class Injector {
  void configure();

Annotate the abstract method with the kiwi Register annotations.

abstract class Injector {  
  @Register.factory(Service, from: ServiceB)
  @Register.factory(ServiceB, name: 'factoryB')
  @Register.factory(ServiceC, resolvers: {ServiceB: 'factoryB'})
  void configure();

Include the part directive indicating the file that will be generated (typically the same file with a .g extension before .dart):

part 'test01.g.dart';

Run build_runner:

pub run build_runner build

For Flutter the command is different though:

flutter packages pub run build_runner build

Note: On first attempt to run this command you might encounter a conflict error. If so, please add the --delete-conflicting-outputs argument to your command:

flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

(This additional argument allows the command to overwrite the .g.dart file if necessary.)

You can also use the watch command instead of build. This will generate your file when it's saved.

pub run build_runner watch

A concrete class named _$TheNameOfYourAbstractClass will be generated and you can call the method where you like. For example you can create a function in your library which will call it:

void setup() {
  var injector = _$Injector();

Or you can create a function that will return the concrecte injector and use it elsewhere:

Injector getInjector() => _$Injector();

Annotations #

There is only one annotation, called Register, with two constructors: factory and singleton. There are no constructor for registering instances because only const instances are supported in metadata. And it would'nt be easier to create an annotation than registering directly with a container.

If you want to register a singleton (the factory will be called only one time, when accessing it for the first time):


If you want to register a factory:


Both constructors have the same parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
type Type Yes This is the type to register
name String No This is the name under which the factory will be registered
from Type No The type to create when requesting type, if different of type.
constructorName String No The name of the constructor to use inside the factory
resolvers Map<String, String> No A map that give for a type, the name under which it should be resolved

Short example #

This code:

import 'package:kiwi/kiwi.dart';

part 'test01.g.dart';

abstract class Injector {
  @Register.factory(Service, from: ServiceB)
  @Register.factory(ServiceB, name: 'factoryB')
  @Register.factory(ServiceC, resolvers: {ServiceB: 'factoryB'})
  void common();

  void development();

  @Register.factory(ServiceC, constructorName: 'other')
  void production();

class Service {}

class ServiceA extends Service {}

class ServiceB extends Service {
  ServiceB(ServiceA serviceA);

class ServiceC extends Service {
  ServiceC(ServiceA serviceA, ServiceB serviceB);
  ServiceC.other(ServiceB serviceA);

void setup(bool isProduction) {
  var injector = _$Injector();
  if (isProduction) {
  } else {

Will produce this:


part of 'test01.dart';

// **************************************************************************
// InjectorGenerator
// **************************************************************************

class _$Injector extends Injector {
  void common() {
    final KiwiContainer container = KiwiContainer();
    container.registerSingleton((c) => ServiceA());
        .registerFactory<Service>((c) => ServiceB(c<ServiceA>()));
    container.registerFactory((c) => ServiceB(c<ServiceA>()), name: 'factoryB');
        (c) => ServiceC(c<ServiceA>(), c<ServiceB>('factoryB')));

  void development() {
    final KiwiContainer container = KiwiContainer();
    container.registerFactory((c) => ServiceC(c<ServiceA>(), c<ServiceB>()));

  void production() {
    final KiwiContainer container = KiwiContainer();
    container.registerFactory((c) => ServiceC.other(c<ServiceB>()));

Changelog #

Please see the Changelog page to know what's recently changed.