keymap 0.0.2 copy "keymap: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
keymap: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard


a reusable keymap widget

Keymap #

A keymap widget letting a developer easily allow end users to use keyboard shortcuts and an associated help screen overlay to any app.

Getting started #

pub package

  keymap: <latest-version>

Features #

  • Easily add keyboard shortcuts to any widget tree
  • Clear, readable help screen
  • Handles focus, passing up unhandled key events
  • Respects application theme colors and fonts

Usage #

Add a KeyMap widget to your tree in the build method

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return KeyboardWidget(
    bindings: [
      KeyAction(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyA,'increment the counter', () {
        setState(() {
        });}, isControlPressed: true),
      KeyAction(LogicalKeyboardKey.keyD, 'decrement the counter', () {
        setState(() {
      }, isAltPressed: true, isControlPressed: true),
    child: Column(
      children: [
        const Text('Up arrow for adding, down arrow to subtract'),
        Text('count: $count'),

You can optionally set the number of columns for the text shown in the help screen

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return KeyboardWidget(
      columnCount: 2,
      child: Scaffold(

This creates keyboard shortcuts that call the referenced methods and a help screen that can be called up by pressing F1 (or any key you choose):

<img src=" />

It will shift colors to match your app's theme (here in dark mode) <img src=" />

Important information #

This is pre-beta and the API will probably change in the future.