keeper 0.0.1 keeper: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Simple and flexible state storage mediator for Flutter applications.
Example #
These are simple examples of a Counter class. They show how to use the plugin with the synchronous and asynchronous keys.
Counter (counter.dart
) #
The example of a counter using sync keys.
import 'package:keeper/keeper.dart';
part 'counter.g.dart';
class Counter = _Counter with _$CounterKeeper;
KeepKey counterValue() => MemoryKeep().key('counter_value');
class _Counter {
int value = 0;
void increment() {
Counter Async (counter_async.dart
) #
The example of a counter using async keys.
import 'package:keeper/keeper.dart';
part 'counter_async.g.dart';
class CounterAsync = _CounterAsync with _$CounterAsyncKeeper;
KeepAsyncKey<int> counterAsyncValue() => MemoryKeep().asyncKey('counter_async');
class _CounterAsync {
KeepAsyncValue<int> value = KeepAsyncValue(0);
Future increment() async {
await value.set(await value.get() + 1);