- FIX: Update on flutter_lints. (698a5845)
- FEAT: Added a method for identifying pictograms. (7ce7a600)
- FIX: Made uuid reverse available without baseTime. (58915403)
- FEAT: Added toStringWithCommas. (af4c1a07)
- FIX: Assign shortName to DayOfWeek. (d553f1f7)
- FEAT: Addition of katana_test and katana_builder. (4ac65b26)
- FIX: Added runGuardedErrorValidation. (aa3a5bc4)
- FEAT: Add clone method to list object. (8c5b4e63)
- FIX: Allow null as an argument to equalsTo. (67f15315)
- FEAT: Added Smooting extension method. (e474c9a1)
- FIX: Added the function of four arithmetic operations to the Range system. (759627c7)
- FIX: Fixed a bug that NumRange was not available. (4fdf0c87)
- FEAT: Create a class for NumRange. (0c4cf48c)
- FIX: Initial value of List calculation for various nums is set to 0. (10ae168c)
- FIX: Add min and max to DateTime. (bc76dcd9)
- FEAT: Added methods for min, max, average, standardDeviation, and Variance. (a3563b80)
- FIX: Version error correction. (3e7b0288)
- FIX: Match the notation of "part of" to Linter. (cca8c742)
- FIX: Added Japanese editing methods. (d9b6b02a)
- FIX: Add select method to bool. (a26fdf18)
- DOCS: Added GithubSponsors to ReadMe. (4492e87e)
- FEAT: Add fill to Iterable's extension. (1c3c41bf)
- FIX: The version of intl is not specified. (21d2af36)
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- FEAT: Dart 3.0.0 compatible. (cc981bbc)
- BREAKING FEAT: Dart 3.0.0 compatible. (bf192403)
- FIX: Fixed internal data not readable in IOS. (730f2690)
- FIX: Added type safe format to Duration. (bd0d7b74)
- FIX: The value of key in Distinct is null-acceptable. (04a59d2a)
- FIX: Add yyyyMM to dateTime extensions. (66dbb564)
- FIX: Added HHMM to DateTimeExtension. (a5c785ef)
- FIX: Revert flutter_localizations because they are not compatible with the intl version upgrade. (69221e56)
- FEAT: Added DynamicMap.toTreeMap. (450d9f44)
- FIX: Ported num_extension to katana_shorten. (42a5804a)
- FEAT: Addition of toPascalCase. (a6a13556)
- FEAT: DateTime.age, etc. added. (03ab06a3)
- DOCS: Maintenance of Comments. (1429d477)
- FIX: Add function type since isJsonEncodable is not applicable for dynamic. (8eb19d8f)
- FEAT: Add get method to List. (319082fa)
- FEAT: Add def method. (b133941b)
- FEAT: Added Duration extension method. (61bfe2bc)
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- FIX: ModelNotifier change support. (dfe252c3)
- FIX: Fixed a bug that prevented access by static. (67d5c492)
- FIX: Bug Fixes. (86f6ff26)
- FIX: Remove duplicate packages. (9d3c309b)
- FIX: Added Meta class. (d4dd399d)
- FIX: Perform formatting. (8ff8fd24)
- FIX: Package upgrade. (cea0d3c5)
- FIX: Fixed a bug in the calculation. (8149a6e7)
- FIX: Map.get() was causing an error with null, fixed. (989d6e0a)
- FIX: Fixed for calculation with Double? (6388ca74)
- FIX: Eliminated Masamune version dependencies. (7a26a309)
- FIX: Formatting for lints. (faddd803)
- FIX: Update readme.md. (1cf48740)
- FEAT: Added toSnakeCase and toCamelCase. (a9441f6a)
- FEAT: Added Api class. (6d2ba70f)
- FEAT: Add replaceNanOrInfinite. (bb99c330)
- FEAT: Add toUnUtc(). (37c62087)
- FEAT: Add getAsInt and getAsDouble. (f81ee6f4)
- FEAT: Added calculation for null. (19c1d6ce)
- DOCS: Update readme. (c26bf396)
- BREAKING FEAT: Package version up to 0.13.0. (2c68c67b)
- BREAKING CHORE: Melos対応. (2cdb1304)
- FEAT: Added toSnakeCase and toCamelCase. (a9441f6a)
- FIX: ModelNotifier change support. (dfe252c3)
- FIX: Fixed a bug that prevented access by static. (67d5c492)
- FIX: Remove duplicate packages. (9d3c309b)
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING FEAT: Package version up to 0.13.0. (2c68c67b)
- FEAT: Add replaceNanOrInfinite. (bb99c330)
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- FIX: Fixed a bug in the calculation. (8149a6e7)
- FIX: Map.get() was causing an error with null, fixed. (989d6e0a)
- FIX: Fixed for calculation with Double? (6388ca74)
- FIX: Eliminated Masamune version dependencies. (7a26a309)
- FIX: Formatting for lints. (faddd803)
- FIX: Update readme.md. (1cf48740)
- FEAT: Add toUnUtc(). (37c62087)
- FEAT: Add getAsInt and getAsDouble. (f81ee6f4)
- FEAT: Added calculation for null. (19c1d6ce)
- DOCS: Update readme. (c26bf396)
- BREAKING CHORE: Melos対応. (2cdb1304)
- FIX: Fixed a bug in the calculation. (8149a6e7)
- FEAT: Add getAsInt and getAsDouble. (f81ee6f4)
- FIX: Map.get() was causing an error with null, fixed. (989d6e0a)
- FIX: Fixed for calculation with Double? (6388ca74)
- FEAT: Added calculation for null. (19c1d6ce)
- FIX: Eliminated Masamune version dependencies. (7a26a309)
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING CHORE: Melos support and change repository structure. (2cdb1304)