just_audio 0.9.39 copy "just_audio: ^0.9.39" to clipboard
just_audio: ^0.9.39 copied to clipboard

A feature-rich audio player for Flutter. Loop, clip and concatenate any sound from any source (asset/file/URL/stream) in a variety of audio formats with gapless playback.

0.9.39 #

  • Apply preferPreciseDurationAndTiming to files (@canxin121).
  • Add tag parameter to setUrl/setFilePath/setAsset (@mathisfouques).
  • Add tag parameter to setClip (@goviral-ma).
  • Support rxdart 0.28.x.

0.9.38 #

  • Migrate to package:web.
  • Add AudioPlayer.setWebCrossOrigin for CORS on web (@danielwinkler).

0.9.37 #

  • Support useLazyPreparation on iOS/macOS.
  • Add index in sequence to errors for Android/iOS/macOS.
  • Fix seek to index UI update on iOS/macOS.

0.9.36 #

  • Add setAllowsExternalPlayback on iOS/macOS.
  • Support index-based seeking on Android/iOS/macOS.
  • Add option to send headers/userAgent without proxy.
  • Fix bug where user supplied headers are overwritten by defaults (@ctedgar).

0.9.35 #

  • Fix nullable completer argument type (@srawlins).
  • Support uuid 4.0.0 (@Pante).

0.9.34 #

  • Support AGP 8 (@josephcrowell).
  • Update AGP to 7.3.0.

0.9.33 #

  • Update minimum flutter version to 3.0.

0.9.32 #

  • Fix ignored tag parameter in AudioSource.asset().
  • Fix ignored tag parameter in AudioSource.file().
  • Fix nested URIs in HLS from EXT-X-MEDIA when using headers.

0.9.31 #

  • Add a package parameter to AudioPlayer.setAsset() (@ewertonls).
  • Add AudioSource.asset(), AudioSource.file().
  • Fix tests for dart-sdk 2.5 (@ewertonls).

0.9.30 #

  • Upgrade ExoPlayer to 2.18.1.
  • Fix bug using headers with LockCachingAudioSource.
  • Add LockCachingAudioSource.resolve().

0.9.29 #

  • Fix bug in ConcatenatingAudioSource.clear().
  • Fix bug where proxy drains origin faster than it feeds client.
  • Fix bug where User Agent was not set on redirects (@mikel-snipd)
  • Fix bug where StreamAudioSource requests are not closed when proxy is disposed (@mikel-snipd)

0.9.28 #

  • Recursively apply headers to HLS fragments.
  • Add positionDiscontinuityStream.

0.9.27 #

  • Support offload scheduling on Android.
  • Fix iOS/macOS documentation for non-HTTP URLS and proxy usage.

0.9.26 #

  • Auto-correct invalid HTTP headers in proxy.

0.9.25 #

  • Fix compile issue with Android SDK 33.

0.9.24 #

  • Bump Android compileSdkVersion to 31.

0.9.23 #

  • Fallback to constant bitrate seeking on Android.

0.9.22 #

  • Migrate to Flutter 3, Xcode 13, ExoPlayer 2.17.1.
  • Add just_audio_mpv and just_audio_windows to example.

0.9.21 #

  • Handle and report network disconnections in StreamAudioSource.
  • Fix iOS/macOS bug starting with empty playlist.
  • Migrate from pedantic to flutter_lints.
  • Accept Longs in AndroidLivePlaybackSpeedControl where appropriate (@aam).

0.9.20 #

  • Fix initial position on iOS/macOS when switching sources (@addie9000).

0.9.19 #

  • Dispose players on iOS/macOS hot restart.
  • Fix initialIndex out of bounds bug on iOS/macOS.

0.9.18 #

  • Fix null duration bug on LockCachingAudioSource.

0.9.17 #

  • LockCachingAudioSource works with servers not supporting range requests.
  • Add StreamAudioResponse.rangeRequestsSupported.
  • Fix doc typos (@robert-j-webb)

0.9.16 #

  • Fix pubspec declaration for Linux/Windows implementation.

0.9.15 #

  • Fix bug initialising proxy on ConcatenatingAudioSource.add.

0.9.14 #

  • Fix bug when pausing/stopping quickly after play.

0.9.13 #

  • Fix MIME type in LockCachingAudioSource.
  • Add radio/livestream example.
  • Report URL from ICY metadata on iOS/macOS.
  • Update example to just_audio_libwinmedia 0.0.4 (@bdlukaa)

0.9.12 #

  • Windows/Linux support (@bdlukaa, credit to @alexmercerind for libwinmedia).

0.9.11 #

  • Upgrade Android to ExoPlayer 2.15.0.

0.9.10 #

  • Fix Android bug playing after stopping.

0.9.9 #

  • Fix web bug adding/removing items while paused.

0.9.8 #

  • Fix bug restoring AndroidEqualizer state after stop.
  • Make exceptions implement Exception.
  • Upgrade to ExoPlayer 2.13.3.

0.9.7 #

  • Update Gradle version.
  • Change == parameter from dynamic to Object (@cedvdb).
  • Check runtimeType in all == operators.
  • Fix Android compiler warnings.

0.9.6 #

  • Fix iOS 12.4 LockCachingAudioSource fetch exception (@akindone).

0.9.5 #

  • Fix iOS/macOS bug updating shuffle order.
  • Fix iOS/macOS bug advancing to next in shuffle order.

0.9.4 #

  • Remember position after stop().

0.9.3 #

  • Fix bug when updating playlist before loading.

0.9.2 #

  • Fix Android bug when loading empty playlist.
  • Fix Android NullPointerException on stop().

0.9.1 #

  • Fix iOS/macOS bug when setting volume before load.

0.9.0 #

  • Update to support just_audio_background.

0.8.1 #

  • Fix update position bug on Android.
  • Compile-time option to include/exclude microphone API.

0.8.0 #

  • Add buffer options via AudioLoadConfiguration for iOS/Android.
  • Add setSkipSilenceEnabled for Android (@subhash279).
  • Add setPitch for Android.
  • Add audio effects:
    • AndroidLoudnessEnhancer
    • AndroidEqualizer
  • Dispose players when hot restarting on Android.

0.7.5 #

  • Support rxdart 0.27.0
  • Mention INTERNET Android permission in README (@nt4f04uNd).

0.7.4+1 #

  • Link to tutorials in README.

0.7.4 #

  • Fix hang after stopping while loading.
  • Fix pending timers error (@minhqdao).

0.7.3 #

  • Silence uncaught exceptions in positionStream.

0.7.2 #

  • Propagate play() exceptions (@twogood).

0.7.1 #

  • Fix IllegalSeekPositionException on Android (@DenisShakinov).
  • Fix error playing files when a user agent is set.

0.7.0 #

  • Null safety.
  • Retype headers from Map to Map<String, String>

0.6.15+1 #

  • Fix doc references.

0.6.15 #

  • Fix bug with spaces in asset paths.
  • Fix bug setting a ClippingAudioSource after another source.

0.6.14+1 #

  • Update ICY metadata feature status in README.

0.6.14 #

  • Initial support for ICY metadata on iOS.
  • Upgrade to ExoPlayer 2.13.1 (@MichealReed).

0.6.13 #

  • Add userAgent parameter to AudioPlayer constructor.
  • Support seeks during download in LockCachingAudioSource.
  • Fix negative duration bug on iOS/macOS.

0.6.12 #

  • Fix non-completing seek-to-index bug on iOS/macOS.
  • More options to manage audio_session.

0.6.11 #

  • Update example to indicate buffer position.
  • Document pre-release and experimental features in README.

0.6.10 #

  • Fix range error in SequenceState (@smkhalsa).

0.6.9 #

  • Support assets on web.
  • Support StreamAudioSource on web.
  • Fix bug on web when manipulating playlists.
  • Asset cache no longer deleted on dispose.
  • Add contentType to StreamAudioResponse.

0.6.8 #

  • Fix pubspec description.

0.6.7 #

  • Fix bug with bufferedPositionStream on iOS/macOS.

0.6.6 #

  • Experimental cache support.
  • Experimental stream audio source.
  • Disable iOS/macOS logs (@pschuegr).
  • Fix bug with empty playlist (iOS/macOS/web).
  • Fix Android bug when initialIndex==null.
  • Avoid duplicates in asset cache.
  • Guard against unsupported assets on web.

0.6.5 #

  • Rewrite setLoopMode on iOS to be gapless.

0.6.4 #

  • Emit PlaybackEvent when playing (compatibility with 0.5.x).

0.6.3 #

  • Fix iOS compiler warnings.
  • Fix bug where native platform wasn't disposed.
  • Remove Java compiler warnings.
  • Process play/pause state transitions in a consistent order.

0.6.2 #

  • Fix bugs related to the new setAudioSource method:
    • When calling setAudioSource more than once
    • When calling setAudioSource/load/play simultaneously

0.6.1 #

  • Fix bug with Android skipping start of audio.

0.6.0 #

  • Breaking change: Replace load by setAudioSource.
  • Breaking change: Rename ProcessingState.none to idle.
  • Support custom shuffle order.
  • Fix bug dynamically adding to ConcatenatingAudioSource.
  • Correctly return null for unknown duration on Android.
  • Update dependency versions.

0.5.7 #

  • Fix podspec error in web package (@timilehinjegede).
  • Fix iOS out-of-range bug.
  • Remove Objective C compiler warnings.
  • Unit tests.

0.5.6 #

  • Fix iOS memory leak.
  • Enable useLazyPreparation by default.

0.5.5 #

  • Add initialPosition/initialIndex parameters to load.
  • Fix iOS crash when disposing just before FlutterEngine is destroyed.
  • Fix bug with simultaneous seek requests on iOS.
  • Fix seeking when using headers (@nuc134r).
  • Fix loading state transition on Android.
  • Pass through all setSpeeds requests on iOS, ignoring canPlayFast/Slow.
  • Fix bug loading file paths containing spaces (@hsangtini).
  • Add web endorsement (@creativecreatorormaybenot).

0.5.4 #

  • Use audio_session 0.0.9.

0.5.3 #

  • ARC fixes on iOS.
  • Update to use platform interface 1.1.0.
  • Retain player.position after dispose.
  • Fix unnattached player bug in ConcatenatingAudioSource (@nuc134r).

0.5.2 #

  • Fix bug in concatenating add/addAll.

0.5.1 #

  • Fix bug in loading from assets.
  • Ignore method calls from invalid states.
  • Forward exceptions from iOS platform implementation.

0.5.0 #

  • Convert to federated plugin.

0.4.5 #

  • Fix iOS bug in seek/position/duration in HLS streams (@snaeji).
  • Fix web bug for audio sources with unknown durations.

0.4.4 #

  • Fix crash when disposing of positionStream controller.
  • Handle interruptions correctly when willPauseWhenDucked is set.
  • Correct seek/position/duration in HLS streams (@snaeji).
  • Resume at correct speed after seek on iOS (@subhash279).

0.4.3 #

  • Add section to README on configuring the audio session.

0.4.2 #

  • Make default audio session settings compatible with iOS control center.
  • Update README to mention NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key in Info.plist.

0.4.1 #

  • Fix setSpeed bug on iOS.

0.4.0 #

  • Handles audio focus/interruptions via audio_session
  • Bug fixes

0.3.4 #

  • Fix bug in icy metadata
  • Allow Android AudioAttributes to be set
  • Provide access to Android audio session ID

0.3.3 #

  • Remove dependency on Java streams API

0.3.2 #

  • Fix dynamic methods on ConcatenatingAudioSource for iOS/Android
  • Add sequenceStream/sequenceStateStream
  • Change asset URI from asset:// to asset:///

0.3.1 #

  • Prevent hang in dispose

0.3.0 #

  • Playlists
  • Looping
  • Shuffling
  • Composing
  • Clipping support added for iOS/macOS
  • New player state model consisting of:
    • playing: true/false
    • processingState: none/loading/buffering/ready/completed
  • Feature complete on iOS and macOS (except for DASH)
  • Improved example
  • Exception classes

0.2.2 #

  • Fix dependencies for stable channel.

0.2.1 #

  • Improve handling of headers.
  • Report setUrl errors and duration on web.

0.2.0 #

  • Support dynamic duration
  • Support seeking to end of live streams
  • Support request headers
  • V2 implementation
  • Report setUrl errors on iOS
  • setUrl throws exception if interrupted
  • Return null when duration is unknown

0.1.10 #

  • Option to set audio session category on iOS.

0.1.9 #

  • Bug fixes.

0.1.8 #

  • Reduce distortion at slow speeds on iOS

0.1.7 #

  • Minor bug fixes.

0.1.6 #

  • Eliminate event lag over method channels.
  • Report setUrl errors on Android.
  • Report Icy Metadata on Android.
  • Bug fixes.

0.1.5 #

  • Update dependencies and documentation.

0.1.4 #

  • Add MacOS implementation.
  • Support cross-platform redirects on Android.
  • Bug fixes.

0.1.3 #

  • Fix bug in web implementation.

0.1.2 #

  • Broadcast how much audio has been buffered.

0.1.1 #

  • Web implementation.
  • iOS option to minimize stalling.
  • Fix setAsset on iOS.

0.1.0 #

  • Separate buffering state from PlaybackState.
  • More permissive state transitions.
  • Support playing local files on iOS.

0.0.6 #

  • Bug fixes.

0.0.5 #

  • API change for audio clipping.
  • Performance improvements and bug fixes on Android.

0.0.4 #

  • Remove reseeking hack.

0.0.3 #

  • Feature to change audio speed.

0.0.2 #

  • iOS implementation for testing (may not work).

0.0.1 #

  • Initial release with Android implementation.
pub points


verified publisherryanheise.com

A feature-rich audio player for Flutter. Loop, clip and concatenate any sound from any source (asset/file/URL/stream) in a variety of audio formats with gapless playback.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


#audio #sound #player #background


API reference


Apache-2.0, MIT (license)


async, audio_session, crypto, flutter, just_audio_platform_interface, just_audio_web, meta, path, path_provider, rxdart, uuid


Packages that depend on just_audio