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Next14 Kariboo Proximity SDK for Flutter

Jointag Proximity Wrapper for Flutter (Android / iOS) #

Table of Contents #

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Permissions and hardware requirements
  5. Tracking user identifier
    1. Advertising ID and Installation ID
    2. External User ID
  6. Data Tags
    1. sendTag
    2. sendTags
  7. Customizing the notifications (Android)
  8. Receive custom events
  9. Programmatically Disable Advertising
  10. GDPR Consent
    1. Enabling the Consent Flow support
    2. Using Consent Management Platform
    3. Implementing a Custom Consent Flow

This library allows you to integrate Jointag Proximity into your Android app.

Requirements #

Minimum API level: 16 (Android 4.1)

Note: to use functionalities that rely on BLE, the minimum API level is 18 (Android 4.3). If the device API level is between 16 and 17 the SDK won't be able to access BLE and therefore it will be not possible to obtain data from BLE devices.

Installation #

Add flutter_jointag in pubspec.yaml

	flutter_jointag: ^1.0.0


flutter pub get

Usage #

Initialization #

Android Create a Java class in the source root (the same place as MainActivity):

public class Application extends FlutterApplication {
    public void onCreate() {
        FlutterJointagPlugin.Initialize(this, YOUR_APIKEY, YOUR_SECRET );

Then, change the application->name in the AndroidManifest.xml to

iOS Initialize the plugin in AppDelegate

SwiftJTProximityFlutterPlugin.initializeWithOptions(launchOptions: launchOptions, apiKey: YOUR_APIKEY, apiSecret: YOUR_SECRET)

Permissions and hardware requirements #

You need to ask the user for ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION for android 6.0 or later. You also need ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION for android 10.0 or later.

Ex. (using the permission_handler and device_info plugins)

    var statusL = await Permission.location.status;
    if (statusL.isUndetermined || statusL.isDenied) {
      if (Platform.isIOS) {
        PermissionStatus permissionStatus = await Permission.location.request();
        //do something if the permission is granted/not granted
      } else if (Platform.isAndroid) {
        AndroidDeviceInfo androidInfo = await deviceInfo.androidInfo;
        if (androidInfo.version.sdkInt <= 29) {
          //ask location always
          PermissionStatus permissionStatus = await Permission.location.request();
          //do something if the permission is granted/not granted
        } else {
          //from android 30 ask for normal location and open the settings page
          PermissionStatus permissionStatus = await Permission.location.request();
          //do something if the permission is granted/not granted

    var statusN = await Permission.notification.status;
    if (statusN.isUndetermined || statusN.isDenied) {
      PermissionStatus permissionStatus = await Permission.notification.request();
      //do something if the permission is granted/not granted
    await FlutterProximityPlugin.requestTrackingAuthorization;

After having requested the permissions to the user and the user has granted the required permissions, the monitoring process must be resumed by calling:


Tracking user identifier #

Advertising ID and Installation ID

The SDK associates each tracked request with the advertisingId. If the advertisingId is not available due to a user permission denial, the device can be identified by the installationId. The installationId is a randomly generated UUID created during the first initialization that hence identifies a specific installation of the SDK for that application. If the app containing the SDK is uninstalled and then installed again the installationId will be a different one. You can retrieve the installationId after the initialization of the SDK anywhere in your code with the following line:

await FlutterProximityPlugin.getInstallationId;

External User ID

The externalUserId is an identifier you set to pair a unique user identifier of your choice with our installationId. Tipically this identifier must be set after a user has signed in to your application, and must be removed after the same user decides to sign out of you application.

You can choose any string of 255 characters or less as externalUserId.

Your externalUserId can be paired with multiple installationId, for example if the same user uses your app on multiple devices, or if the same user uninstalled and installed your app multiple times.

On the other hand, the same installationId can be associated with one and only one externalUserId, usually the last one sent.

For example, you can use the user record id of your database or your CRM, or the hash of an email address, or a third party platform identifier.

Use the setExternalUserId method to add your unique external user ids:

// Set
await FlutterProximityPlugin.setExternalUserId("SOME_ID");
// Unset
await FlutterProximityPlugin.setExternalUserId(null);

Data Tags #

Tags are custom key-value pairs of string, number, boolean or null type, that can be sent to our server through the SDK methods and that allow you a more effective campaigns targeting, or to receive personalized analysis based on the characteristics of your users.

Tags can be set or unset (with a null value) using the following methods:


The sendTag method allow to set or unset a single tag at a time.

The method can be called multiple times. When sending different keys, its effects are cumulative. If the same key is used, the last value overwrites the previous ones.

await FlutterProximityPlugin.sendTag("key1","value");
// -> { "key1" : "value" }
await FlutterProximityPlugin.sendTag("key1",1);
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1 }
await FlutterProximityPlugin.sendTag("key1",true);
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1, "key3" : true }
await FlutterProximityPlugin.sendTag("key1",false);
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1, "key3" : false }
await FlutterProximityPlugin.sendTag("key2",null);
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key3" : false }


The sendTags method allow to set or unset a multiple tags at a time.

The method can be called multiple times. When sending different keys, its effects are cumulative. If the same key is used, the last value overwrites the previous ones.

Map tags = { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1, "key3" : true };
await FlutterProximityPlugin.sendTags(tags);
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key2" : 1, "key3" : true }

Map tags = { "key1" : "value", "key2" : null, "key3" : false };
await FlutterProximityPlugin.sendTags(tags);
// -> { "key1" : "value", "key3" : false }

Customizing the notifications (Android) #

It is possibile to to customize the icon and color of the advertising notifications.

In order to customize the icon, include in your project a drawable named ic_stat_jointag_default.

We recommend using [Android Asset Studio][android-asset-studio] to quickly and easily generate small icons with the correct settings.

If you prefer to create your own icons, make sure to generate the icon for the following densities:

  • mdpi
  • hdpi
  • xhdpi
  • xxhdpi
  • xxxhdpi

In order to customize the color for all notifications, include in your project a color resource named jointag_notification_color. The default icon color is #2576BC

⚠️ Attention: with some versions of the android build tool a duplicate resource error may arise during the resource merging phase of the build. In this case it is sufficient to include the new drawable resources using a version qualifier. Eg:

  • drawable-hdpi-v7/ic_stat_jointag_default.png
  • drawable-mdpi-v7/ic_stat_jointag_default.png
  • drawable-xhdpi-v7/ic_stat_jointag_default.png
  • drawable-xxhdpi-v7/ic_stat_jointag_default.png
  • drawable-xxxhdpi-v7/ic_stat_jointag_default.png

Receive custom events #

You can receive custom advertising events (if configured in the backend) to integrate application-specific features by registering a CustomActionListener object using the addCustomActionListener method.

// Define an Handler
void customHandler(dynamic payload) {
        context: this.context,
        builder: (BuildContext context) {
          return AlertDialog(
            title: Text("payload"),
            content: Text(payload),

// Set
FlutterProximityPlugin.addCustomActionListeners(customHandler, "SOME_ID");
// Unset

When the application user interacts with a custom-action notification, the onCustomAction method is invoked by passing a payload string object.

Since the CustomActionListener object is retained by ProximitySDK, remember to remove the listener when the owning instance is being deallocated to avoid unwanted retaining or NullPointerException. It is therefore good practice to use a long-life object as CustomActionListener, such as the Application object.

Programmatically Disable Advertising #

It is possible to programmatically disable/enable the advertising delivery by setting the SDK's advertisingEnabled property to false. It is useful for example to disable the delivery of advertising for specific users of the application. In that case, simply change the property as soon as the user sign in or out of the application. The default value for the property is true.

// disable advertising delivery
await FlutterProximityPlugin.setAdvertisingDisabled;
// enable advertising delivery
await FlutterProximityPlugin.setAdvertisingEnabled;

Note: disabling the advertising has always effect regardless of any other control method (ie: the user consent)

As a publisher, you should implement a user consent flow either manually or using a Consent Management Platform (CMP) and request for vendor and purpose consents as outlined in IAB Europe’s Mobile In-App CMP API v2.0: Transparency & Consent Framework.

To ensure that the SDK support the handling of user-consent preferences when a IAB-compatible CMP library is present, you must enable the feature through the await FlutterProximityPlugin.enabledCmp static method.

this method must be called before calling the library init method to guarantee an error-free process.

When configuring a third-party CMP to use with the Jointag Proximity SDK, the following requirements must be met:

  • In order to enable the delivery of advertising, a custom publisher purpose must be configured in the CMP, and it must be the first custom purpose.

If you need to handle the user consent flow manually without the use of a IAB-compatible CMP library, or if the CMP you are using do not allow the customization of custom publisher purpose, it is possibile to do so by implementing an in-app consent screen and interacting with the SDK using the following methods:

// Retrieve or update the manual user profiling consent
await FlutterProximityPlugin.getProfilingConsent;
await FlutterProximityPlugin.enableProfilingConsent;
await FlutterProximityPlugin.disableProfilingConsent;

// Retrieve or update the manual user monitoring consent
await FlutterProximityPlugin.getMonitoringConsent;
await FlutterProximityPlugin.enableMonitoringConsent;
await FlutterProximityPlugin.disableMonitoringConsent;

// Retrieve or update the manual user advertising consent
await FlutterProximityPlugin.getAdvertisingConsent;
await FlutterProximityPlugin.enableAdvertisingConsent;
await FlutterProximityPlugin.disableAdvertisingConsent;

// Retrieve or update the manual user advanced tracking consent
await FlutterProximityPlugin.getAdvancedTrackingConsent;
await FlutterProximityPlugin.enableAdvancedTrackingConsent;
await FlutterProximityPlugin.disableAdvancedTrackingConsent;

⚠️ Attention: When the manual consent method is used in the presence of a CMP library, the choices made using the above methods take precedence over the choices made by the user in the CMP library screen.

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Next14 Kariboo Proximity SDK for Flutter





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