jt_flutter_cli 0.0.10 copy "jt_flutter_cli: ^0.0.10" to clipboard
jt_flutter_cli: ^0.0.10 copied to clipboard

A command-line tool that simplifies auto-code generation. Fully flexible, allowing you to generate a feature and widget for your Flutter applications.

Introduction #

A command-line tool that simplifies auto-code generation. Allowing you to generate a feature, widget, model, and API call code for your Flutter applications.

Features #

  • Feature code generation (Basic structure with classes)
  • Widget code generation
  • Model code generation
  • GET method API call code generation
  • POST method API call code generation
  • Assets image generation from 3x to 1x and 2x

Flutter Compatibility #

Package version Dart version Flutter version Boilerplate version
0.0.10 3.2.6 3.16.0 - 3.19.3 3.16.9+1
0.0.9 3.2.6 3.16.0 - 3.19.3 3.16.9+1
0.0.8 3.2.6 3.16.0 - 3.19.3 3.16.9+1
0.0.7 3.2.6 3.16.0 - 3.19.3 3.16.9+1
0.0.6 3.2.6 3.16.0 - 3.19.3 3.16.9+1
0.0.5 3.2.6 3.16.0 - 3.19.3 3.16.9+1
0.0.4 3.2.6 3.16.0 - 3.19.3 3.16.9+1
0.0.3 3.2.6 3.16.0 - 3.19.3 3.16.9+1
0.0.2 3.2.6 3.16.0 - 3.19.3 3.16.9+1

Getting Started #

To integrate the package into your Flutter project, follow these steps:

Add Dependency #

Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

      jt_flutter_cli: ^0.0.10

Then run:

    flutter pub get

Usage #

Create new feature:

    flutter pub run jt_flutter_cli create feature {name_of_feature}

In the above configuration, the package is creating a new feature that is available in the lib/feature/name_of_feature path.

It will generate the name_of_feature folder, which has the dart files and the domain, presentation, and data folders as shown below.

├── ...
├── name_of_feature                    
│   ├── data          
│   │   ├── data_source         
│   │   │   └── name_of_feature_data_source.dart        
│   │   │   └── name_of_feature_data_source_impl.dart  
│   │   ├── repository         
│   │   │   └── name_of_feature_repo_impl.dart        
│   │   │   └── mock_name_of_feature_repo_impl.dart  
│   ├── domain          
│   │   ├── repositories         
│   │   │   └── name_of_feature_repo.dart   
│   ├── presentation          
│   │   ├── bloc         
│   │   │   └── name_of_feature_bloc.dart        
│   │   │   └── name_of_feature_data_event.dart  
│   │   │   └── name_of_feature_data_state.dart  
│   │   ├── screen         
│   │   │   └── name_of_feature_screen.dart        
│   │   └── name_of_feature_page.dart  
└── ...

Create new widget:

    flutter pub run jt_flutter_cli create widget {name_of_widget}

It will prompt the user with the following question:
  • Do you want to create a common widget or a feature widget? (common/feature)
    • common: Widget will be created inside the folder lib/core/ui/widgets
    • feature: It will prompt the user to enter the feature name, and the widget will be created inside the respective feature's folder at lib/feature/name_of_feature/presentation/screen/widgets

Create new model:

    flutter pub run jt_flutter_cli create model {model_name} {feature_name} {json_file_path}

Add GET API call:

    flutter pub run jt_flutter_cli Add get-api-call {API_end_point} {API_name}

It will prompt the user with the following questions for GET API call:
  • Enter feature name:

  • Does this API have request query parameters? (Y/N):

    • Y : It will ask for json file path
    • N : It will skip this question and move to next question
  • Enter request json file path:

  • Does this API have response body? (Y/N):

    • Y : It will ask for json file path
    • N : It will skip this question and move to next question
  • Enter response json file path:

  • Do you want to add shimmer to this API call? (Y/N):

    • Y : It will generate the bloc state for showing shimmer UI in screen
    • N : It will generate code to call base bloc event for showing progress indicator UI in dialog with no dismissible dialog

Add POST API call:

    flutter pub run jt_flutter_cli Add post-api-call {API_end_point} {API_name}

It will prompt the user with the following questions for POST API call:
  • Enter feature name:

  • Does this API have request body? (Y/N):

    • Y : It will ask for json file path
    • N : It will skip this question and move to next question
  • Enter request json file path:

  • Does this API have response body? (Y/N):

    • Y : It will ask for json file path
    • N : It will skip this question and move to next question
  • Enter response json file path:

  • Do you want to add shimmer to this API call? (Y/N):

    • Y : It will generate the bloc state for showing shimmer UI in screen
    • N : It will generate code to call base bloc event for showing progress indicator UI in dialog with no dismissible dialog

Assets image generation from 3x to 1x and 2x:

    flutter pub run jt_flutter_cli create assets {3x image path} {directory name in assets/images/ (This is where image will be saved)}

Follow below instruction to Auto add generated files to git #

  • Go to Settings->Version control->Confirmation and Select “Add silently” for “When files are created” and also check the “Apply to files created outside of Android Studio”

Rules #

Common Rules:

  • All the files must contain only one class
  • Wherever you use Name or any keyword it must be unique

API Rules:

  • The feature must be created using the CLI tool
  • The developer must not change any file name of the feature
  • The API name must be in lowercase with an underscore (Valid Ex: get_profile, profile)

Multipart API Rules:

  • All file parameters keys in request json must be postfix with _file. eg (xyzAbc_file="")
  • File parameters value must be empty string. eg (xyzAbc_file="")

Existing project upgrade guide to utilize CLI tool in existing project #

Below changes are required to utilize the CLI tool in the existing project
  • Upgrade the Flutter version to 3.16.9
  • Rename “MasterBloc” to “ApiBaseBloc” and move a file to “core/base/bloc/api_base_bloc/api_base_bloc.dart”
  • Rename “MasterApiEvents” to ”ApiBaseBlocEvents” and move a file to “core/base/bloc/api_base_bloc/api_base_bloc_event.dart”
  • Rename “MasterApiState” to ”ApiBaseBlocState” and move a file to “core/base/bloc/api_base_bloc/api_base_bloc_state.dart”
  • Move “/core/base/widget/base_bloc_widget.dart” to “/core/base/screen/base_bloc_widget.dart”
  • Move data_source to core/api
  • Move base_api_repo.dart to core/api/repository
  • Move /core/domain/commons/entities/api_response.dart to /core/api/model/api_response.dart
  • Move /core/domain/commons/entities/no_request.dart to core/api/model/no_request.dart
  • Move /core/domain/commons/entities/success.dart to core/api/model/success.dart
  • Move /core/data/error/failure.dart to /core/api/model/failure.dart
  • Move /core/domain/commons/usecases/usecase.dart to /core/api/base_usecases/base_usecase.dart
  • Rename UseCase to BaseUseCase
  • Create /core/const/mock_api_constants.dart file and move all const variable to this file from /core/api/data_source/mock/mock_data_impl.dart
  • base_bloc change the name of “baseBlocObject” to “apiBaseBlocObject”
  • Add “Failure” to ErrorApiEvent as a parameter and
  • update the below lines with apiBaseBlocObject.add(ErrorApiEvent(failure: failure));
    • baseBlocObject.failureModel = failure;
    • baseBlocObject.add(ErrorApiEvent());
  • Remove failureModel parameter from ApiBaseBloc and use data from event
  • Replace the Success class with the Success class from the boilerplate
  • Move /core/util/api_constant.dart to /core/const/api_constants.dart and update the file name api_constants


  • Some features of CLI may require more changes than defined here depending on your project structure and version
pub points


verified publisherjarvistechnolabs.com

A command-line tool that simplifies auto-code generation. Fully flexible, allowing you to generate a feature and widget for your Flutter applications.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference




ansicolor, convert, dart_style, grapheme_splitter, image, path, process_run, yaml


Packages that depend on jt_flutter_cli