jsonx 1.0.2 copy "jsonx: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
jsonx: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

An extended JSON library that supports the encoding and decoding of arbitrary objects.

Beyond Primitives, Lists, and Maps #

jsonx is an extended JSON library that supports the encoding and decoding of arbitrary objects.jsonx* can decode a JSON string into an*real object** which gets type checking and code autocompletion support, or encode an arbitrary object into a JSON string.

Decode a JSON String #

decode(String text, {reviver(key, value), Type type});

Decodes the JSON string [text] given the optional type [type].

The optional [reviver] function is called once for each object or list property that has been parsed during decoding. The key argument is either the integer list index for a list property, the map string for object properties, or null for the final result.

The default [reviver] (when not provided) is the identity function.

The optional [type] parameter specifies the type to which [text] should be decoded. Since Dart doesn't allow passing a generic type as an argument, one must create an instance of that generic type and pass the instance's runtimeType as the value of [type].

If [type] is omitted, this method is equivalent to [JSON.decode] in dart:convert library.


class Person {
  String name;
  int age;

Person p = decode('{ "name": "Man", "age": 20 }', Person);

List<int> list = decode('[1,2,3]', <int>[].runtimeType);

Encode an Object #

String encode(object)

Encodes [object] as a JSON string.

The encoding happens as below:

  1. Tries to encode [object] directly
  2. If (1) fails, tries to call [object.toJson()] to convert [object] into an encodable value
  3. If (2) fails, tries to use mirrors to convert [object] into en encodable value


class Person {
  Person(this.name, this.age);
  String name;
  int age;

var p = new Person('kin', 20);

Contact #

For any issue or feedback, please contact me at Man Hoang jolleekin@outlook.com.

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An extended JSON library that supports the encoding and decoding of arbitrary objects.

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