jsonstreamreader 1.0.2 copy "jsonstreamreader: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
jsonstreamreader: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard


This project processes local and remote json files/sources by splitting it into smaller chunks, with automatic garbage collecting.

Json Stream Reader #

Latest Features #

RemoteSource, this allows you to process online data.

Breaking Changes #

  • pipe removed
  • major fixes for JsonPath
  • Trailing modified for a stream {"a":1,"b":2} instead of returning two items {"a":1} and {"b":2},{"a":1,"b":2} is returned
  • [a:b] now matches as a range where index is >=a and <=b use [0-9]+ to acheive previous effects
  • $.items does not match $.items.*

A Flutter Json Stream Reader

This project processes a local json file by splitting it into smaller chunks, with automatic garbage collecting.

Classes #

Streamer #

This class defines the size of each chunk,optionally values include

  1. chunksize

    default is 100

  2. start

    default is 0 and defines where Reader should start parsing file

  3. end

    default is the end of the file and defines where Reader should stop Reading file

Readers #

All readers have optional values which include

  1. int delay

how long the reader should wait before reading next chunk in microseconds

  1. int combine

    If combine is 1, array only values will be combined ie. [1,2,3] will result in {"0":1,"1":2,"2":3}, object values in an array are not affected ie. [{},{}] which mean [1,2,{"third":3}] will result in {"0":1,"1":2,"2":3, {"third":3} }

    If combine is 2, array values will be collasped into an object closest to the root eg. {'first':{'second':{ "third":3 } } } will be collaped to {'first':{'/second/third/':3 } }

  2. Reader

    Provides access to json data by using function callbacks.

    Methods include

    • progess(Function func(double progress))
    • fail(Function func(dynamic err))
    • done(Function func)
    • trailing(Future func(dynamic value, String key))
    • filter(String expression, Future<dynamic> func(dynamic value, String key))
  3. StreamReader

    Provides access to json data by using StreamController

    Streams include

    • double progess
    • dynamic fail
    • Null done
    • <StreamItem> pipe
    • <StreamItem> trailing
    • <StreamItem> filter
  4. StreamItem

    dynamic value

    String key

Sources #

A streamer can accept either a File(dart.io) or RemoteSource From this package.

  1. File

File file = new File(path.path + '/citylots.json');

Streamer s = new Streamer(file);

  1. RemoteSource, a remote source does not have to be a remote file, it can also be a url with a json response. NB.Setting content-length in the header will provide accurate progress values.

RemoteSource source = new RemoteSource('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts');

Streamer s = new Streamer(source);



RemoteSource source = new RemoteSource('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zemirco/sf-city-lots-json/master/citylots.json');

Streamer s = new Streamer(source);


NB. RemoteSource does not work with Content-disposition: attachment The only difference is that you must call source.download(); preferrable after creating Streamer. The package sends header Accept-Encoding: identity to determine the size of response without downloading the file. Other useful functions include:

  1. Future<int> length()
  2. Future<FileSystemEntity> delete()
  3. void setBody(Map<String, String> body)
  4. void addHeader(String property, String value)

How has Trailing and Filter been changed #






The above would normally yield three values

  1. {"a":1}
  2. {"b":2}
  3. {"c":3}

This will now result in


Getting Started #

  1. Create file and streamer instance

File file = new File(path.path + '/citylots.json');

Streamer s = new Streamer(file);

/* or Streamer streamer = new Streamer(file,chunksize=200); */

default chunksize is 100(100kb).
  1. Create Reader instance

Reader reader = new Reader(streamer);

//or Reader r = new Reader(s, delay: 100); delay is in microseconds

  1. Register a function to recieve data, your options are
    • filter(String expression,void (dynamic value, String key)) - value is either an JsonObject or a String
    • trailing(void (dynamic value, String key))
  2. Example

getApplicationDocumentsDirectory().then((Directory path) {

File file = new File(path.path + '/citylots.json');

Streamer streamer = new Streamer(file);

Reader r = new Reader(streamer);

r.filter("\$.*", (dynamic value, String key) {

//items are received here



.done(() {//called when all items have been processed


}).fail((err) {//called when and if processing fails

print(err); });

}).catchError((error) {



How are keys Represented? #

Root is represented as /

  1. Example 1
    "glossary": {
        "title": "example glossary",
		"GlossDiv": {
            "title": "S",
			"GlossList": {
                "GlossEntry": {
                    "ID": "SGML",
					"SortAs": "SGML",
					"GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language",
					"Acronym": "SGML",
					"Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986",
					"GlossDef": {
                        "para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.",
						"GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"]
					"GlossSee": "markup"
  • object['glossary'] has a key of /
  • object['glossary']['title'] has a key of /glossary/
  • object['glossary']['GlossDiv'] has a key of /glossary/
  • object['glossary']['GlossDiv']['title'] has a key of /glossary/title/
  • object['glossary']['GlossDiv']['GlossList']['GlossEntry'] has a key of /glossary/GlossDiv/GlossList

So from Root(/) key is Root + key/

  1. Example 2

[ {"age":12}, 2, 3, 4 ]

  • object[0]['age'] has a key of /0/age/
  • object[1] has a key of /1/

Using Expressions in filter #

reader.filter(Expression, (dynamic value, String key) {

//items are received here



  1. If you start your expression with "/", the normal regular expression rules apply so for object[0]['age'] I can use "\/0\/age\/". You have to escape "/".

    reader.filter("\/0\/age\/", (dynamic value, String key) {

    //items are received here



  2. For all children of object['glossary']['GlossDiv'] I can use "\/glossary\/GlossDiv\/.*".

    reader.filter("\/glossary\/GlossDiv\/.*", (dynamic value, String key) {

    //items are received here



Using JsonPath "Hack" in filter #

Expression Path
$. ^\/$
[0:9] [0>= <=9]\/$
[:9]+ [0>= <=9]+\/$
.. \/.*\/.*\/$
... \/.*\/.*\/.*\/$
$.* /.* & /
.* .*
[*] .*
{name} any value with key "name"

Operators #

Symbol Meaning
| OR

Operations can be used with path or jsonpath combinations. example:

  1. "{name} & /items/"

    all direct descendants of items with at least one key name

  2. "{name} & $.items"

    all direct descendants of items with at least one key name

  3. "{name} & !$.items"

    all direct descendants from root except for items with at least one key name

  4. "{name} | !/"

    all objects with at least one key name that is not a direct descendant of root

  5. "({name} | !/) & $.items.*"

    all objects with at least one key name or not a direct descendant of root and that is a descendant of items

The order does not matter(Operations was improved using https://github.com/riichard/boolean-parser-js)

  1. so for object[0]['age'] I can use "$.0.age" which is equivalent to "^\/0\/age\/$".

    reader.filter("$.0.age", (dynamic value, String key) {

    //items are received here print(value);


  2. For all children of object['glossary']['GlossDiv'] I can use $.glossary.GlossDiv.* which is equivalent ot "\/glossary\/GlossDiv\/.*".

    reader.filter("$.glossary.GlossDiv.*", (dynamic value, String key) {

    //items are received here



Future #

After doing some benchmarking I found out these function are very expensive, so I added futures to the mix, now these futures are optional and must not be null.

How To use Futures? #

reader.filter("$.glossary.GlossDiv.*", (dynamic value, String key) {

//items are received here

Completer<String> future = new Completer<String>();

return future.future;


Futures are always processed before the next function is called which makes for some very interesting. How so well I can do this.

  1. Say I have a function that returns a future after adding a list of items to a database, I would only add every ten items.

addToDatabase(List<Map<String,String>> items){

//implement here

//dont forget to empty list



With that out of the way now I will need to generate the list. I will maintain a list of items.

List<Map<String,String>> items = List<Map<String,String>>();

reader.filter("$.glossary.GlossDiv.*", (dynamic value, String key) { if(value.contains('lastkey')){


  //new item



  //new item





  //new item



  //new item


} /// now we add the items to database if there are 100 or more of them


//add to database return future so that this is processed before we start adding

//more items

return addToDatabase(items);








What order are futures executed? #

  1. trailing
  2. filter

More about Streamer #

Streamer now has two more optional values: start and end. These indexes indicate where Streamer should start and stop reading the file.NB indexes start from zero.

Multiple Streamers & Readers #

It is also possible to attach multiple streamers and readers to multiple or the same file(s).

Streamer s = new Streamer(file, chunksize: 100 /*, start: 8, end: 612007*/);
Reader r = new Reader(s, delay: 100);

r.filter('\$.*', (dynamic value, String key) {

  value = null;
  key = null;
  //print("value is ${value} and key is ${key} of stream 1");
}).filter('\$.*', (dynamic value, String key) {

  value = null;
  key = null;
  //print("value is ${value} and key is ${key} of stream 1");
}).done(() {

  print('executed in ${stopwatch.elapsed}');
}).progress((double progress) {

  print('progress is ${progress}');
}).fail((err) {

Streamer s2 =
    new Streamer(file, chunksize: 100, start: 612016, end: 1224015);
Reader r2 = new Reader(s2, delay: 0);
r2.filter('\$.*', (dynamic value, String key) {

  if (items2.length < 100) {
  } else if(!close2) {
    close2 = true;
  value = null;
  key = null;
  //print("value is ${value} and key is ${key} of stream 2");
}).done(() {

  print('executed in ${stopwatch2.elapsed}');
}).progress((double progress) {

  print('progress is ${progress}');
}).fail((err) {

  print("error 2 is ${err}");

StreamReader #

StreamReader is a Reader implemented using StreamController. One of the major differences is that StreamReader does not have a pipe stream.

Streams include:

  1. trailing
  2. done as a broadcast stream
  3. fail as a broadcast stream
  4. progress as a broadcast stream
  5. filter(String Expression)

File file = new File(path.path + '/citylots.json');

Streamer s = new Streamer(file, chunksize: 100 /, start: 8, end: 612007/);

StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s, delay: 100);

Stream<StreamItem> stream = sr.filter('$.*');




sr.progress.listen((double onData){



stream.listen((StreamItem onData) {





  1. 02.json takes 2 milliseconds to execute
  2. citylots.json takes 8 minutes to execute this is mostly because of how complex the dataset is.
  3. www.carqueryapi.com takes about 2.3 milliseconds, please note that the file had to be modified I remove ?( from the beginning and ); at the end.

Execution time depends exclusively on the complexity of the file and the number of items to be processed. ie. a file 3 times larger than citylots.json can take approximately five minutes to execute.Using combine:2 can speed up processing considerably.

Assigning Multiple Readers #

File file = new File(path.path + '/file.json');

Streamer s = new Streamer(file, chunksize: 100);
Reader r = new Reader(s, delay: 10,start: 8, end: 6170007);
int item = 0;
.filter('\$.*', (dynamic value, String key) {
  value = null;
  key = null;
  //print("value is ${value} and key is ${key} of stream 2");
}).done(() {
  print('${item} executed in ${stopwatch.elapsed}');
}).progress((double progress) {
  print('progress is ${progress}');
}).fail((err) {
Streamer s2 =
    new Streamer(file, chunksize: 100, start: 6170016, end: 12340015);
Reader r2 = new Reader(s2, delay: 0);
r2.filter('\$.*', (dynamic value, String key) {
  value = null;
  key = null;
  //print("value is ${value} and key is ${key} of stream 2");
}).done(() {
  print('executed in ${stopwatch2.elapsed}');
}).progress((double progress) {
  print('progress is ${progress}');
}).fail((err) {
  print("error 2 is ${err}");

This project was tested using

  1. https://github.com/zemirco/sf-city-lots-json/blob/master/citylots.json
  2. https://github.com/thaiwsa/aws-speed/blob/master/JsonProcess/jsondata/02.json
  3. http://www.carqueryapi.com/api/0.3/?callback=?&cmd=getMakes&year=1970&sold_in_us=1&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=ZEEF&utm_source=https%3A%2F%2Fjson-datasets.zeef.com%2Fjdorfman
  4. https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/children-and-family-development-cases-in-care-demographics
pub points


unverified uploader

This project processes local and remote json files/sources by splitting it into smaller chunks, with automatic garbage collecting.



unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, heavylist, path_provider


Packages that depend on jsonstreamreader