jsonlogic 2.0.0 jsonlogic: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
jsonlogic is dart implementation of JsonLogic, which applies logic rules on JSON.
jsonlogic #
Jsonlogic is dart package that evaluates the json logic rules(logic) with the give data.
This is a dart port for the JSON logic javascript package.
It passes the compliance tests for the JSON logic tests.
Sample example from jsonlogic website.
The pie isn’t ready to eat unless it’s cooler than 110 degrees, and filled with apples.
This can be encoded in the following JSON logic rule.
var jl = Jsonlogic();
var rule = {
"and": [
"<": [
{"var": "temp"},
"==": [
{"var": "pie.filling"},
var data = {
"temp": 100,
"pie": {"filling": "apple"}
var answer = jl.apply(rule, data);
print('example1 answer = $answer');