json_dart 0.1.5
json_dart: ^0.1.5 copied to clipboard
The well-tested helpers for convenient work with JSON types. It can blur key fields and keep only important fields.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'package:json_dart/json_dart.dart';
void main() {
// bluring a key
print({'api_key': '12345-my-key-value'}.blured());
// keepeing significant fields only
print(<String, dynamic>{
// null
'null': null,
// bool
'false_bool': false,
'ok': true,
// int
'zero_int': 0,
// double
'positive_zero_double': 0.0,
'negative_zero_double': -0.0,
// string
'empty_string': '',
// list
'empty_list': <int>[],
// map
'empty_map': <String, dynamic>{},
// set
'empty_set': <int>{},