js_cli 0.0.4+2 copy "js_cli: ^0.0.4+2" to clipboard
js_cli: ^0.0.4+2 copied to clipboard


This project is one CLI for integrate Flutter and Dart with Clean Architecture

JS Arch CLI #

Code generator to facilitate development #

Get Start:

dart pub global activate js_cli

Commands: #

# Generate Feature
js_cli g layer complete /lib/src/features/home

# Generate Entity
js_cli g entity /lib/src/features/home Home
// home.entitiy.dart 
class HomeEntity {



# Generate UseCase
js_cli g usecase /lib/src/features/home GetHomeCards
abstract class GetHomeCardsUsecase {
  Future<void> call();
import 'get_home_cards_usecase.dart';

class GetHomeCardsImpUsecase implements GetHomeCardsUsecase {
  Future<void> call() {
    // TODO: implement call
    throw UnimplementedError();

# Generate Repository
js_cli g repository /lib/src/features/home GetHomeCards
// domain/repositories/get_home_cards.repository.dart
abstract class GetHomeCardsRepository {
  Future<void> call();
// data/repositories/get_home_cards_imp.repository.dart
import '../../domain/repositories/get_home_cards_repository.dart';

class GetHomeCardsImpRepository implements GetHomeCardsRepository {
  Future<void> call() {
    // TODO: implement call
    throw UnimplementedError();

# Generate Dto
js_cli g dto /lib/src/features/home Home
// home_dto.dart
import '../../domain/models/entities/home_entity.dart';

class HomeDto extends HomeEntity {

  HomeDto() : super();


# Generate Error
js_cli g error /lib/src/core/errors Generic  
// generic.error.dart
class GenericError implements Exception {
  final String _message;
  final Exception innerException;

  GenericError(String message, this.innerException) : _message = message;

  String get message => _message;

$ js_cli g layer complete ./teste/features/dashboard
################### Clean Arch CLI ###################
generating complete layer....
COMPLETE layer created

$ js_cli g entity ./teste/features/dashboard Viewer
################### Clean Arch CLI ###################
generating usecase Viewer....
Viewer created

$ js_cli g usecase ./teste/features/dashboard getViewer
################### Clean Arch CLI ###################
generating usecase getViewer....
getViewer created

$ js_cli g repository ./teste/features/dashboard getViewer
################### Clean Arch CLI ###################
generating repository getViewer....
getViewer created

$ js_cli g dto ./teste/features/dashboard Viewer
################### Clean Arch CLI ###################
generating dto Viewer....
ViewerDto created

Reserved words #

Reserved words can be used in the templet files that are generated in .js_cli/templete the reserved words must be used inside mustaches {{}} example {{name}}, can also be used in reserved words an extension, example {{name.pascalCase}} whose extension will format the word as needed, you can check the lists below for all reserved words and extensions

  • Reserved words can be edited in my_project\.js_cli\configs.json
reserved words default
name input input by the terminal, this value is the last parameter of the expression to generate the templates
path input input via terminal, path where the new file will be generated
module input input by the terminal, name of the module that will generate the new files
fileExtension dart
repositoryPathInterface domain/repositories
repositoryNameFileInterface {{name.snakeCase}}_repository
repositoryPath data/repositories
repositoryNameFile {{name.snakeCase}}_imp_repository
repositoryNameClassInterface {{name.pascalCase}}Repository
repositoryNameClass {{name.pascalCase}}ImpRepository
datasourcePathInterface data/datasources
datasourceNameFileInterface {{name.snakeCase}}_datasource
datasourcePath external/datasources
datasourceNameFile {{name.snakeCase}}_imp_datasource
datasourceNameClassInterface {{name.pascalCase}}Datasource
datasourceNameClass {{name.pascalCase}}ImpDatasource
usecasePathInterface domain/usecases
usecaseNameFileInterface {{name.snakeCase}}_usecase
usecasePath domain/usecases
usecaseNameFile {{name.snakeCase}}_imp_usecase
usecaseNameClassInterface {{name.pascalCase}}Usecase
usecaseNameClass {{name.pascalCase}}ImpUsecase
pagePath presentation/ui/pages/{{name.snakeCase}}
pageNameFile {{name.snakeCase}}_page
pageNameClass {{name.pascalCase}}Page
controllerPath presentation/ui/pages/{{name.snakeCase}}
controllerNameFile {{name.snakeCase}}_controller
controllerNameClass {{name.pascalCase}}Controller

Extensions #

extension Exemple
camelCase testeCase
constantCase TESTE_CASE
sentenceCase Teste case
snakeCase teste_case
dotCase teste.case
paramCase teste-case
pathCase teste/case
pascalCase TesteCase
headerCase Teste-Case
titleCase Teste Case

Replace #

in .js_cli/templete a {{term}}_replace_trigger.json file is generated where from your annotation it can apply a replace to any input expression, for example:

        "pathFile": "{{path}}\\{{module}}_module.dart",
        "from": "//imports",
        "to": "//imports\nimport '{{controllerPath}}/{{controllerNameFile}}.dart';"
        "pathFile": "{{path}}\\{{module}}_module.dart",
        "from": "//Dependence",
        "to": "//Dependence\nfinal {{controllerNameClass.camelCase}} = {{controllerNameClass.pascalCase}};"

where will generate a variable from the expression

pub points


unverified uploader

This project is one CLI for integrate Flutter and Dart with Clean Architecture

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


ansicolor, args, cli_dialog, get_it, path, process_run, recase


Packages that depend on js_cli