jr_extension 0.1.4 copy "jr_extension: ^0.1.4" to clipboard
jr_extension: ^0.1.4 copied to clipboard


A flutter package with awesome widget extensions, for people who want make code look beautiful and don't like nested code

Language: English | 中文简体

jr_extension #

An awesome Flutter package with widget extension.

Why do I want to create this lib? #

In SwiftUI framework created by apple,views use modifier to declare what the views look,which makes code readable. But in flutter,we usually use some nested code to setup the properties,making the code very ugly...

So today,I create this lib to avoid nested code as possible as I can,to make code readable and elegant.

Get started #

import package in your dart file:

import 'package:jr_extension/jr_extension.dart';

In the past we coded like this

            height: 300,
            padding: const EdgeInsets.only(left: 5, right: 5),
            child: Text(
              style: TextStyle(
                fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
                fontSize: 20,

today you code like this

        ).withStyle(fontSize: 20, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)
         .padding(left: 5, right: 5)

It is a very simple example,it has a lot of usages like this #

And it is very easy to underStand #

/// for all widgets
SizedBox withSize({double width = 0.0, double height = 0.0});
SizedBox withWidth(double width);
SizedBox withHeight(double height);
Expanded expand({int flex = 1});
DecoratedBox backgroundColor(Color color);
ClipRRect cornerRadius(double radius);
Padding padding({double top = 0.0,double left = 0.0,double bottom = 0.0,double right = 0.0});
Padding paddingAll(double padding);
Padding paddingSymmetric({double vertical = 0.0, double horizontal = 0.0});
Padding paddingTop(double top);
Padding paddingLeft(double left);
Padding paddingRight(double right);
Padding paddingBottom(double bottom);

GestureDetector onTap(VoidCallback onTap,
      {HitTestBehavior hitTestBehavior = HitTestBehavior.deferToChild});

Widget onFeedBackTap(VoidCallback onTap,
      {HitTestBehavior hitTestBehavior = HitTestBehavior.deferToChild,
      bool touchFeedBack = false});

GestureDetector onDoubleTap(VoidCallback onDoubleTap,
      {HitTestBehavior hitTestBehavior = HitTestBehavior.deferToChild});

GestureDetector onLongPress(VoidCallback onLongPress,
      {HitTestBehavior hitTestBehavior = HitTestBehavior.deferToChild});

SliverToBoxAdapter sliverBoxAdapter();

/// Example:
/// Navigator.push(context, YourPage().withCupertinoRoute());
CupertinoPageRoute withCupertinoRoute({bool fullscreenDialog = false});
MaterialPageRoute withMaterialRoute({bool fullscreenDialog = false});

/// YourWidget().tapToPushCupertinoPageRoute(context, YourPage());
GestureDetector tapToPushCupertinoPageRoute(
    BuildContext context,
    Widget page, {
    bool rootNavigator = false,
    bool fullscreenDialog = false,
    Function(dynamic result) callback,
    HitTestBehavior hitTestBehavior,

 GestureDetector tapToPushMaterialRoute(
    BuildContext context,
    Widget page, {
    bool rootNavigator = false,
    bool fullscreenDialog = false,
    Function(dynamic result) callback,
    HitTestBehavior hitTestBehavior,

GestureDetector tapToPushNamed(
    String name,
    dynamic args,
    BuildContext context, {
    bool rootNavigator = false,
    Function(dynamic result) callback,
    HitTestBehavior hitTestBehavior,

Widget visible(bool visible);
Widget opacity({@required double opacity});
Widget offset({@required Offset offset, bool transformHitTests = true});

Widget rotate(
      {@required double angle, bool transformHitTests = true, Offset origin});

Widget scale(
      {@required double scale,
      bool transformHitTests = true,
      Offset origin,
      Alignment alignment = Alignment.center});

Widget center({double heightFactor, double widthFactor});

PreferredSize preferredSize(Size size);

/// This extension works better especially for the page in PageView that will be kept alive
  /// example:
  ///  PageView.builder(itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
  ///      return Page().keepAlive();
  ///    },);
Widget keepAlive(); 

/// useful only on Text 
Text withStyle({
    double fontSize = 14,
    FontWeight fontWeight,
    Color color,
    FontStyle fontStyle,
    Paint foreground,
    double wordSpacing,
    Color backgroundColor,
    Color decorationColor,
    TextDecoration textDecoration,
    TextDecorationStyle decorationStyle,
    double decorationThickness,
    List<Shadow> shadows,
    double letterSpacing,
    Locale locale,
    TextBaseline textBaseline,
    Paint background,
    String fontFamily,
    List<String> fontFamilyFallback,
    List<FontFeature> fontFeatures,
    String debugLabel,
    double height,
    bool inherit,

/// for scrollController

Attention!!! Important for the best user experience #

if you want your widget has exactly height and width, please don't use


You should code like this:


This rule is also valid for padding. Don't use:


use like this

yourWidget().padding(left: 5, right: 5);

My other package: #


pub points


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A flutter package with awesome widget extensions, for people who want make code look beautiful and don't like nested code

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unknown (LICENSE)




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