joycyber 0.0.1 joycyber: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
To speed up and make it easier to work on flutter project.
Joy Cyber #
To speed up and make it easier to work on flutter project.
Features #
- Calculator
- Custom Alert Box
Getting started #
You should ensure that you add the router as a dependency in your flutter project.
joycyber: ^0.0.1
You should then run flutter packages upgrade
or update your packages in IntelliJ.
Example Project #
There is a example project in the example
folder. Check it out. Otherwise, keep reading to get up and running.
Usage #
Need to include the import the package to the dart file where it will be used, use the below command,
import 'package:joycyber/custom_alert_box.dart';
Custom Alert Box Basic Widget
void _showCustomAlertBox() async {
await CustomAlertBox.showCustomAlertBox(
context: context,
willDisplayWidget: const Text('My custom alert box, used from example!!'),
Additional information #
You can follow me on twitter @payment_type
Contributing #
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.