jk_custom_appbar 1.0.0 copy "jk_custom_appbar: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
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Easy to use any custom widget as app bar / bottom bar. Support floating / pinned bars with scrolling behavior.

jk_custom_appbar #

Easy to use any custom widget as app bar / bottom bar. Support floating / pinned bars with scrolling behavior. Support in horizontal screen.

Features #

  • Support bottom bar / app bar.
  • Use any custom widget as app bar / bottom bar.
  • Support reverse scrolling.
  • Support image background in app bar.
  • Support in horizontal mode.

Quick Start #

Installation #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  jk_custom_appbar: ^1.0.0

Usage #

Custom app bar / bottom bar #

Both appBar and bottomBar can be expanded / collapsed during scrolling.

But appBarPinned and bottomBarPinned will not be expanded / collapsed during scrolling, and always shown on screen.

All these bars can be null (not shown) or put any your custom widget.

var layout = JkAppBarLayout(
  appBar: Text("custom appBar widget here"),                   // optional
  appBarPinned: Text("custom appBarPinned widget here"),       // optional
  bottomBar: Text("custom bottomBar widget here"),             // optional
  bottomBarPinned: Text("custom bottomBarPinned widget here"), // optional

Show ListView / GridView as content (Important !) #

To show a ListView / GridView / SingleChildScrollView as content, we need to use JkAppBarListView / JkAppBarGridView / JkAppBarSingleChildScrollView.

The API of all the new three classes are all the same with flutter official classes, but only the class name changes.

NOTE: use flutter official ListView / GridView / SingleChildScrollView won't make app bars expand/collapse.

var layout = JkAppBarLayout(
  child: JkAppBarListView.builder( // API are the same with ListView
    itemCount: 300,
    itemBuilder: (context, index) => Text("List Item $index"),
var layout = JkAppBarLayout(
  child: JkAppBarGridView.builder( // API are the same with GridView
    itemCount: 300,
    gridDelegate: const SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
          crossAxisCount: 2, mainAxisExtent: 30),
    itemCount: 300,
    itemBuilder: (context, index) => Text("Grid Item $index"),
var layout = JkAppBarLayout(
  child: JkAppBarSingleChildScrollView.builder( // API are the same with SingleChildScrollView
    child: Column(
      children: List.generate(100, (index) => Text("Column $index")),

Snapping & Floating #

floating=true means the appBar and bottomBar will be expanded anywhere when scrolling backward.

floating=false means the appBar and bottomBar ONLY be expanded anywhere when scrolling back to beginning of list.

snap=true means the appBar and bottomBar will be automatically expanded/collapseed when tapUp if bars not fully expanded/collapsed.

var layout = JkAppBarLayout(
  floating: true,
  snap: true,

Image background #

Return an Image widget in appBarBackgroundBuilder to show an image as background of appBar.

appBarBackgroundBuilder is called every time when collapsed size changed, so typically we can make a fading effect for the image background here.

Set backgroundIncludingAppBarPinned as true makes the image also covers the area of appBarPinned.

var layout = JkAppBarLayout(
  backgroundIncludingAppBarPinned: true,
  appBarBackgroundBuilder: (collapsedRatio) {
    return Opacity(
      opacity: 1 - collapsedRatio,
      child: Image.asset("assets/your_background.jpg",
        fit: BoxFit.cover));

Colored background #

By default, we apply the color of system default AppBar as background.

You can customize the color by appBarBackgroundColor:

var layout = JkAppBarLayout(
  appBarBackgroundColor: Colors.green,

Default text size/color and icon color #

By default, all the text size/color and icon color on the appBar, appBarPinned, bottomBar, bottomBarPinned will be the same with default system AppBar.

If you want to ignore these default theme/style, set appBarDefaultTheme as false:

var layout = JkAppBarLayout(
  appBarDefaultTheme: false,

Horizontal support #

Set scrollDirection as Axis.horizontal to show app bars in horizontal mode.

Don't forget to set the scrollDirection in JkAppBarListView / JkAppBarGridView / JkAppBarSingleChildScrollView at the same time.

var layout = JkAppBarLayout(
  scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,

  child: JkAppBarListView.builder(
    scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,    // Don't forget this
    itemCount: 300,
    itemBuilder: (context, index) => Text("List Item $index"),

Sample code #

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:jk_custom_appbar/jk_appbar.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    Widget child = JkAppBarLayout(
      appBar: Text("appBar"),                   // optional
      appBarPinned: Text("appBarPinned"),       // optional
      bottomBarPinned: Text("bottomBarPinned"), // optional
      bottomBar: Text("bottomBar"),             // optional
      child: JkAppBarListView.builder(
        itemCount: 300,
        itemBuilder: (_, index) => Text("Item $index"),

    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: child,


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Easy to use any custom widget as app bar / bottom bar. Support floating / pinned bars with scrolling behavior.

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BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


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