jitsi_meet_wrapper 0.0.4 copy "jitsi_meet_wrapper: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
jitsi_meet_wrapper: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard


A Flutter wrapper around the official JitsiMeetSDKs. With this package, you can launch Jitsi meetings in a native view.

jitsi_meet_wrapper #

Jitsi Meet Plugin for Flutter.
Wrapping JitsiMeetSDK for Android and iOS.

This wrapper got built for Appella App. The goal is to keep it generic, however at the moment, it only contains features needed in Appella. I am happy to review PRs that add additional functionality to this plugin, however it is not guaranteed that I will have time to develop and add features that are not needed in Appella.
Nevertheless, please always create an issue and I will try to have a look.

Table of Contents #

Join a meeting #

To join a meeting, you have to create meeting options and then launch the meeting:

var options = JitsiMeetingOptions(roomName: "my-room");
await JitsiMeetWrapper.joinMeeting(options);

Take a look at JitsiMeetingOptions for all the available options.

Configuration #

Most recommendations below are based on the official documentation of JitsiMeetSDK for iOS It is recommended to take a look at them, if you have any issues or need more detailed information.

iOS #


The platform (and also the deployment target) needs to be set to 11.0 or newer and bitcode needs to be disabled.
The file should look similar to below:

platform :ios, '12.0'

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'


Add NSCameraUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription to your Info.plist.
In order for your app to properly work in the background, select the audio and voip background modes.
Additionally, it is recommended to set UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance to NO.

<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) needs access to the camera for meetings.</string>
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) needs access to the microphone for meetings.</string>

Screen sharing

To enable screen sharing on iOS, you have to add a "Broadcast Upload Extension" to YOUR app. That's why we can't add it to the plugin by default. Don't be afraid of implementing this, it is actually very easy.

The steps presented below are a summary of the very detailed explanation in the official docs . They are tested to work with this version of the plugin.

  • Add another target of the type "Broadcast Upload Extension" (BT) as shown in the screenshot. screenshot 1
  • Copy the files from jitsi_meet_wrapper/example/ios/Broadcast Extension/ into the folder of your newly created BT.
  • Set the deployment target of BT to 14 or above.
  • Create an app group for BT and the "Runner" target (RT) and add both targets to this app group.
  • Replace appGroupIdentifier in SampleHandler.swift with your app group name.
  • Add the key value pairs RTCAppGroupIdentifier with the name of your app group and RTCScreenSharingExtension with the bundle identifier of BT to Info.plist of RT.
  • Don't forget to enable the feature flag FeatureFlag.isIosScreensharingEnabled when joining the meeting in Dart code.
  • Make sure that voip is set as UIBackgroundModes in Info.plist of RT.

Most of the above steps have already been executed on the example app in this repository. However, the app group was not created yet, as this requires a development team to be set. You can execute some simple steps in to make screen sharing work on the example app:

  • Add a development team.
  • Create an app group with the name group.dev.saibotma.jitsi-meet-wrapper-example.appgroup.
  • Add the app group to both the "Runner" and the "Broadcast Extension" target.
  • Add the feature flag FeatureFlag.isIosScreensharingEnabled: true in _joinMeeting in main.dart of the example app.
  • Run the app...

Screen sharing is available for applications running on iOS 14 or newer. The deployment target of your app ("Runner" target) may be lower, though. Those devices will just not be able to share their screen.

Android #


JitsiMeetSDKs AndroidManifest.xml will conflict with your project, namely the android:label field. To counter that, go into android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and add the tools library and tools:replace="android:label" to the application tag.

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
          xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" <!-- Add this -->
    <application tools:replace="android:label" <!-- Add this -->
                 android:label="your app name"


Update your minimum SDK version to 23 in android/app/build.gradle.

android {
    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 23 // Change this


You might have to add some ProGuard rules if your app crashes when using this package. Follow the instructions here.

Listening to Meeting Events #

Take a look at jitsi_meeting_listener.dart for information about supported events and their documentation.

Feels free to create a PR if one is missing. It is fairly straightforward to implement them.

Per Meeting Events #

To listen to meeting events per meeting, pass in a JitsiMeetingListener to joinMeeting. The listener will automatically be removed when the conference is over (which is not onConferenceTerminated).

await JitsiMeetWrapper.joinMeeting(
  options: options,
  listener: JitsiMeetingListener(
    onConferenceWillJoin: (url) => print("onConferenceWillJoin: url: $url"),
    onConferenceJoined: (url) => print("onConferenceJoined: url: $url"),
    onConferenceTerminated: (url, error) => print("onConferenceTerminated: url: $url, error: $error"),

Known issues #

pub points


unverified uploader

A Flutter wrapper around the official JitsiMeetSDKs. With this package, you can launch Jitsi meetings in a native view.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, jitsi_meet_wrapper_platform_interface


Packages that depend on jitsi_meet_wrapper