jinja 0.4.0-dev.68 copy "jinja: ^0.4.0-dev.68" to clipboard
jinja: ^0.4.0-dev.68 copied to clipboard

Jinja2 template engine for Dart. Variables, expressions, control structures and template inheritance.

0.4.0-dev.68 #

  • minimal SDK version: 2.18.0
  • added:
    • passContext and passEnvironment ...
    • print to globals: {{ do print(name) }}
    • Environment
      • Environment({lineCommentPrefix, lineStatementPrefix, newLine, autoReload, modifiers, templates}) constructor arguments
      • autoReload field
      • lexer field
      • lineCommentPrefix field
      • lineStatementPrefix field
      • loader field
      • modifiers field
      • newLine field
      • lex method
      • scan method
      • parse method
    • Template
      • Template({path, lineCommentPrefix, lineStatementPrefix, newLine, modifiers, templates}) constructor arguments
      • renderTo method
    • exceptions are public now:
      • TemplateError
      • TemplateSyntaxError
      • TemplateAssertionError
      • TemplateNotFound
      • TemplatesNotFound
      • TemplateRuntimeError
      • FilterArgumentError
    • statements:
      • do
      • with
    • filters:
      • dictsort
      • replace
      • reverse
      • safe
      • slice
      • striptags
      • truncate
      • wordcount
      • wordwrap
      • item
      • map
      • tojson
    • test:
      • filter
      • test
  • changed:
    • FieldGetter typedef renamed to AttributeGetter
    • default filter compare values with null, no boolean argument
    • defined and undefined tests compare values with null
    • Environment
      • Environment({getField}) constructor argument renamed to getAttribute
      • getField field renamed to getAttribute
    • Template
      • Template({parent}) constructor argument renamed to environment and doesn't copy the environment
      • renderMap method renamed to render
    • Loader.listSources method renamed to listTemplates
    • MapLoader.mapping field renamed to sources
    • FileSystemLoader
      • FileSystemLoader({paths}) argument now non-nullable, defaults to ['templates']
      • moved to package:jinja/loaders.dart library
    • package:jinja/get_field.dart library renamed to package:jinja/reflection.dart
    • getField function renamed to getAttribute
  • removed:
    • Undefined type and missing object
    • Environment.undefined method
    • Template.render method
    • FileSystemLoader:
      • FileSystemLoader({path, autoReload}) arguments
      • autoReload field
      • directory field
    • slices and negative indexes
    • conditional and variable extends statement variants
    • choice, ignore missing and variable include statement variants
  • internal changes
  • work in progress
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Jinja2 template engine for Dart. Variables, expressions, control structures and template inheritance.

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unknown (license)


html_unescape, meta, path, string_scanner, textwrap


Packages that depend on jinja