jhoo 0.0.1 copy "jhoo: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
jhoo: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


A dart package to build websites using dart:html library

Dart package to build websites

Features #

Jhoo can help you create pure dart web apps with flutter like syntax

Getting started #

Start by importing the package

import 'package:jhoo/jhoo.dart';
import 'package:jhoo/src/elements/elementTree/tree.dart';

Use createPage() inside main method to create a new HTML page, provide pageName and element to the createPage() method.

void main() {
  createPage(pageName: "Home Page", body: HomeElement());

pageName is the tile of the html document and body takes the dom element that will be attached to the body of the html document.

You can create dom elements by extending StatefulElement and you can @override build() method to return DomElement.

Here, HomeElement creates 3 Text element, which is 3 'p' html element with their respective id and text.

class HomeElement extends StatefulElement {
  DomElement build() {
    return Row(children: [
      Text(id: "t1", text: "Welcome to HomePage"),
      Text(id: "t2", text: "This is second element"),
      Text(id: "t3", text: "This is thrid Element")

Usage #

/example contains a sample web app built with Jhoo package, it will demonstrate how you can dynamically update the UI using StreamBuilder from Jhoo.

Additional information #

Jhoo package is in it's early stages and not stable, it's under developement. Please feel to share your ideas and contribution.

run dart pub get to fix all errors after cloning the package



verified publisherganeshsivakumar.in

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A dart package to build websites using dart:html library

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)


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