jaspr_lucide_icons 0.1.0+1 copy "jaspr_lucide_icons: ^0.1.0+1" to clipboard
jaspr_lucide_icons: ^0.1.0+1 copied to clipboard

Lucide Icons for Jaspr


// The entrypoint for the **server** environment.
// The [main] method will only be executed on the server during pre-rendering.
// To run code on the client, use the @client annotation.

// Server-specific jaspr import.

import 'package:jaspr/server.dart';

// Imports the [App] component.
import 'app.dart';

// This file is generated automatically by Jaspr, do not remove or edit.
import 'jaspr_options.dart';

void main() {
  // Initializes the server environment with the generated default options.
    options: defaultJasprOptions,

  // Starts the app.
  // [Document] renders the root document structure (<html>, <head> and <body>)
  // with the provided parameters and components.
    title: 'example',
    styles: [
      // Special import rule to include to another css file.
      // Each style rule takes a valid css selector and a set of styles.
      // Styles are defined using type-safe css bindings and can be freely chained and nested.
      css('i').text(fontFamily: null),
      css('html, body')
          .text(fontFamily: const FontFamily.list([FontFamily('Roboto'), FontFamilies.sansSerif]))
          .box(width: 100.percent, minHeight: 100.vh)
          .box(margin: EdgeInsets.zero, padding: EdgeInsets.zero),
      css('h1').text(fontSize: 4.rem).box(margin: EdgeInsets.unset),
    body: App(),