jalali_table_calendar 1.3.5 copy "jalali_table_calendar: ^1.3.5" to clipboard
jalali_table_calendar: ^1.3.5 copied to clipboard

Table Calendar , Calendar DatePacker , Date picker and Date Convertor For Persian Date(Jalali/Shamsi date) with holidays.

New Package #

This Package will receive updates no more use this package instead jalali_calendar_plus

این پکیج دیگر آپدیت نمیشود و به جای این از پکیج مقابل استفاده کنید jalali_calendar_plus

jalali Table Calendar #

if you have any issue or any suggestion you could contact a Calendar , DatePicker and Date Converter For Persian Date(Jalali/Shamsi date) with holidays

Modified and Completed Version of jalali_calendar package

New Features (Range Selection) #

to use date range selector you must pass isRange:true

for set First date of range you should hold on day by default first date is the current date

isRange: true,
onRangeChanged: (DateTime start, DateTime end) {

Usage #

Import this line in Flutter pubspec.yaml #

jalali_table_calendar: ^1.3.5

To Use Calendar Or DatePicker , Import this line to your dart file #

import 'package:jalali_table_calendar/jalali_table_calendar.dart';

To Use date Converter , Import this line to your dart file #

import 'package:persian_date/persian_date.dart';

After import library, to show the calendar you can use JalaliCalendar or jalaliCalendarPicker() method , on the constructor context is important

Important #

its' highly recommended to wrap widget in Flexible() widget in non list widgets because this widget fill screen automatically.

This sample make a Calendar Widget #

DateTime today = DateTime.now();
context: context,
// add the events for each day
events: {
DateTime(2021,4,15):['sample event',66546],
today: ['sample event'],
today.add(Duration(days: 1)): [6, 5, 465, 1, 66546],
today.add(Duration(days: 2)): [6, 5, 465, 66546],
//make marker for every day that have some events
marker: (date,events){
return Positioned(
top: -4,
left: 0,
child: Container(
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: Theme.of(context).textSelectionColor,
shape: BoxShape.circle),
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(6.0),
child: Text(events.length.toString()),
onDaySelected: (date) {

This sample return the selected date as Jalali(شمسی) #

if you want to return the selected date to Gregorian, on the constructor set the convertToGregorian to true

Future _selectDate() async {
  String picked = await jalaliCalendarPicker(context: context); // نمایش خروجی به صورت شمسی
  //  await jalaliCalendarPicker(context: context,convertToGregorian: true); // نمایش خروجی به صورت میلادی
  if (picked != null) setState(() => _value =picked.toString());

This sample return the selected date as Gregorian(میلادی) #

Future _selectDate() async {
  String picked = await jalaliCalendarPicker(context: context,convertToGregorian: true); // نمایش خروجی به صورت میلادی
  if (picked != null) setState(() => _value =picked.toString());

Those parameters using To Show the TimePicker #

Parameter operation
showTimePicker To show TimePicker set it true
hore24Format To return time in 24 hours format set it true
initialTime To set initial time use it with TimeOfDay

To use datePicker you can follow this sample #

To show DatePicker those parameters is required

minYear // min date this required  for the start year in Jalali
maxYear // max  date this required  for the last year in jalali
confirm and cancel // widget for show text
_format // for returning date like String _format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
onChanged // return date when the user changes the date
onConfirm //  return date when the user click confirm

For set, default date use those parameters

initialYear => for year
initialMonth => for month
initialDay => for day

Full date Picker Sample #

minYear: 1300,
maxYear: 1450,
confirm: Text(
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.red),
cancel: Text(
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.cyan),
dateFormat: _format,
onChanged: (year, month, day) {
if (!showTitleActions) {
_changeDatetime(year, month, day);
onConfirm: (year, month, day) {
_changeDatetime(year, month, day);
_valuePiker = " Full date : $_datetime  \n year : $year \n  Month  :   $month \n  day :  $day";

void _changeDatetime(int year, int month, int day) {
setState(() {
_datetime = '$year-$month-$day';

To use date Converter you can follow this sample #

first import this library to your code

import 'package:persian_date/persian_date.dart';

Full Date Converter Sample #

PersianDate pDate = PersianDate(gregorian: "1989-01-29");
print("Now ${pDate.getDate}");

PersianDate persianDate = PersianDate();
print("Now ${persianDate.now}");
print("year ${persianDate.year}");
print("isHoliday ${persianDate.isHoliday}");
print("isHoliday ${persianDate.weekdayname}");
print(persianDate.monthname); // نام ماه
print(persianDate.month); // ماه
print(persianDate.day); // روز
print(persianDate.hour);// ساعت
print(persianDate.minute);// دقیقه
print(persianDate.second);// ثانیه
print(persianDate.millisecond); // میلی ثانیه

print("Parse Gregorian To Jalali ${persianDate.gregorianToJalali("2019-02-20T00:19:54.000Z","yyyy-m-d hh:nn")}");
print("Parse Jalali To Gregorian ${persianDate.jalaliToGregorian("1368-05-30 19:54", "yyyy-m-d hh:nn")}");

those formats are supported in date converter #

   `"2012-02-27 13:27:00"`
`"2012-02-27 13:27:00.123456z"`
`"2012-02-27 13:27:00,123456z"`
`"20120227 13:27:00"`
`"-123450101 00:00:00 Z"`: in the year -12345.
`"2002-02-27T14:00:00-0500"`: Same as `"2002-02-27T19:00:00Z"`
Format operation Format operation
yyyy return year with Four number hh hours with two number
yy return year with two number h hours with one number
mm return month with two number HH hours with two number in 24
m return month with one number H hours with one number in 24
MM the month name with full letter nn minut with two number
M the month name with short form n minut with one number
dd the day with two number ss Second with two number
d the day with one number s Second with one number
w week number SS show milliSecond
DD the day name with full letter S show milliSecond
D the day name with short form uuu show microsecond
am Show time in short u show microsecond
AM Show full time . .

bug report and suggestions #

if you have any issue or any suggestion you could contact a.zare.developer@gmail.com or j.zobeidi89@gmail.com author of jalali_calendar package



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Table Calendar , Calendar DatePacker , Date picker and Date Convertor For Persian Date(Jalali/Shamsi date) with holidays.

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