isolate_timer 1.0.0+1
isolate_timer: ^1.0.0+1 copied to clipboard
A simple timer logic running in an isolate. Built with BLoC.
A simple timer logic running in an isolate. Built with BLoC.
Getting started #
This package provides a BLoC cubit that manage a timer running inside an isolate.
Usage #
// creates a TimerCubit that will run from startTime to finishTime
final startTime = DateTime(2024, 11, 20, 10);
final finishTime = DateTime(2024, 11, 20, 10, 0, 50);
final timerCubit = TimerCubit(startTime, finishTime);
// creates a timer that will run from now and will last the given duration
final durationTimerCubit = TimerCubit.duration(Duration(minutes: 5));
// get the total duration of the timer
// restarts the timer
// displays a duration in a mm:ss format
print(durationToMinutes(Duration(minutes: 3, seconds: 20))); // '03:20'