isar 0.0.4 copy "isar: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
isar: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard


Fast Cross Platform Database for Flutter & Web Apps. Supports indexes, FTS, queries etc.

Isar Database

🚧 Very unstable and not ready for serious usage 🚧

Quickstart β€’ Documentation β€’ Examples β€’ Support & Ideas β€’

Isar [ee-zahr]:

  1. River in Bavaria, Germany.
  2. Database that will make your life easier.

Features #

  • ⚑️ Launch your app instantly no matter how much data you have
  • πŸ“ˆ Highly scalable from hundreds to tens of thousands of records
  • 😎 Lazy loaded. Only load data when you need it
  • πŸ”Ž Full text search. Make searching fast and fun
  • πŸ“± Multiplatform. iOS, Android, Desktop and the web (soonβ„’)
  • πŸ’™ Made for Flutter. Easily use it in your Flutter app
  • πŸ§ͺ ACID semantics. Rely on consistency
  • ⏱ Asynchronous. Parallel query operations & multi-isolate support
  • ⚠️ Static typing with compile time checked and autocompleted queries

Schema definition #

class Post with IsarObject {

  @ObjectId() // implicit unique index
  String uuid;

  @Index(stringType: StringIndexType.words, caseSensitive: false) // Search index
  String title;

  List<String> comments

CRUD operations #

All basic crud operations are available via the IsarCollection.

final newPost = Post() = uuid()
  ..title = 'Amazing new database'
  ..comments = ['First'];

await isar.writeTxn((isar) {
  await isar.posts.put(newPost); // insert

final existingPost = await isar.get(; // get

await isar.writeTxn((isar) {
  await isar.posts.delete(; // delete

Query #

Isar has a powerful query language that allows you to make use of your indexes, filter distinct objects, use complex and() and or() groups and sort the results.

final isar = await openIsar();

final databasePosts = isar.posts
  .titleWordBeginsWith('dAtAb') // use search index

final postsWithFirstCommentOrTitle = isar.posts
  .sortedById() // use implicit ObjectId index
  .commentsAnyEqualTo('first', caseSensitive: false)

Watch #

With Isar you can watch Collections, Objects or Queries. A watcher is notified after a transactions commits succesfully and the target actually changes. Watchers can be lazy and not reload the data or they can be non-lazy and fetch the new results in background.

Stream<void> collectionStream = true);

Stream<List<Post>> queryStream = false);

queryStream.listen((newResult) {
  // do UI updates
pub points



Fast Cross Platform Database for Flutter & Web Apps. Supports indexes, FTS, queries etc.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


ffi, isar_annotation, path


Packages that depend on isar