intro 1.1.0 copy "intro: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
intro: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

A step-by-step wizard, which can help you to introduce your product or to demonstrate the usage of your application.

intro #

A step-by-step wizard, which can help you to introduce your product or to demonstrate the usage of your application.

Features #

  • Step by step demonstration
  • Control the demo flow
  • Highlight the target widget
  • Automatically calculates the location and alignment of intro card
  • Customizable style and behavior
  • Supports nesting of multiple demo flow
  • Link between different pages or dialogs
  • Full platform support

Demo #

Getting started #

Add this package to your project.

flutter pub add intro

Import it in your code.

import 'package:intro/intro.dart';

Usage #

  1. Register the Intro widget at the earliest possible widget tree node.

    Provide a IntroController that has specified the stepCount. The stepCount refers to the total number of steps in the demo flow.

  controller: IntroController(stepCount: 5),
  child: MaterialApp(
    home: HomePage(),
  1. Wrap the IntroStepTarget widget around each of your target widgets that you need to introduce.
  step: step,
  controller: Intro.of(context).controller,
  cardContents: TextSpan(
    text: "The introductory text of this step.",
  child: targetWidget,
  1. Start the demo flow at the right time.

Decoration for intro card #

Provid a IntroCardDecoration object in the cardDecoration field of the IntroStepTarget widget (specific step target) or the Intro widget (global) to describe the style or behavior for intro card.

Globally effective:

  cardDecoration: IntroCardDecoration(
  	// TODO:
    // Some attributes that need to be specifically specified.
    // For missing attributes , they will use its default value.
	// ...

Only effective for specific step:

  cardDecoration: IntroCardDecoration(
    // TODO:
  	// Some attributes that need to be specifically specified.
    // For missing attributes , they will use global value (be specified in `Intro`).
  // ...

Attributes for IntroCardDecoration :

Attribute Type Default Value Description
align IntroCardAlign? [auto] Specify the alignment of intro card widget relative to highlighted widget. By default, it automatically estimates where the intro card should be displayed based on the location and size of the target widget.
size Size? null Specify the size of intro card.
padding EdgeInsets? null Specify the padding of contents of intro card.
margin EdgeInsets? EdgeInsets.all(10) Specify the distance between the intro card and the highlighted widget.
border Border? null Specify the border of intro card.
radius BorderRadiusGeometry? BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(5)) Specify the border radius of intro card.
backgroundColor Color? null Specify the background color of intro card.
textStyle TextStyle? TextStyle(
color: Color(0xDCFFFFFF),
fontSize: 16.0,
height: 1.2,
Specify the contents style of intro card.
showPreviousButton bool? true Whether to display the previous button.
showNextButton bool? true Whether to display the next button.
showCloseButton bool? [true if is last step else false] Whether to display the close button.
previousButtonLabel String? "Previous" Specify the label of previous button.
nextButtonLabel String? "Next" Specify the label of next button.
closeButtonLabel String? ["Finish" if is last step else "Close"] Specify the label of close button.
autoHideDisabledButtons bool? true Whether to hide disabled buttons automatically. When it set to true, the previous button is not be displayed in the first step because no step can be back, and the next button is also not be displayed in the last step because no step can to continue.
previousButtonStyle ButtonStyle? null Specify the style of previous button.
nextButtonStyle ButtonStyle? null Specify the style of next button.
closeButtonStyle ButtonStyle? null Specify the style of close button.
tapBarrierToContinue bool? false Whether can be continue when tap the mask area.

Decoration for highlighted widget #

Provid a IntroHighlightDecoration object in the highlightDecoration field of the IntroStepTarget widget (specific step target) or the Intro widget (global) to describe the style for highlighted widget.

Globally effective:

  highlightDecoration: IntroHighlightDecoration(
  	// TODO:
    // Some attributes that need to be specifically specified.
    // For missing attributes , they will use its default value.
	// ...

Only effective for specific step:

  highlightDecoration: IntroHighlightDecoration(
    // TODO:
  	// Some attributes that need to be specifically specified.
    // For missing attributes , they will use global value (be specified in `Intro`).
  // ...

Attributes for IntroHighlightDecoration:

Attributes Type Default Value Description
border Border? null Specify the border of highlighted widget.
radius BorderRadiusGeometry? null Specify the border radius of highlighted widget.
padding EdgeInsets? null Specify that the highlighted widget exceeds the margin of the target widget.
cursor MouseCursor? MouseCursor.defer Specify the mouse cursor that moving on the highlighted widget.

Demo flow control #

You can control the demo flow through the IntroController instance.

Get the instance:

You can define the controller instance as a global variable to make it easier to use throughout your program. Or, you can get the controller instance through Intro.of(context).controller.

final controller = Intro.of(context).controller;

Get total number of steps:


Get current status:


Start, close and destroy:

Start this demo flow.


You can specify a initial step through initStep parameter.

controller.start(context, initStep: 3);

Stop this demo flow.


Destroy this demo flow. Note that it can never be used again when it destroyed.


Jump step:

Jump to next step. It's equivalent to close() if called at the last step.;

Jump back previous step.


Jump to specific step.


Customized intro card #

If you don't like the default intro card style, you can customize it through IntroStepTarget.custom constructor.

  step: step,
  controller: controller,
  cardDecoration: IntroCardDecoration(...),
  cardBuilder: (BuildContext context, IntroParams params, IntroCardDecoration decoration) {
    // Build your card widget.
    // You can use the `params` to get more information or to implement more functionality.
    // You can also use the `decoration` to decorate your card widget. It was defined above or by `Intro` widget.
    return ...;
  child: child,

Attributes for IntroParams:

Attributes Type Description
step int The step number for this IntroStepTarget.
controller IntroController The controller for this demo flow.
context BuildContext The context for the IntroStepTarget widget of this step.
targetRect Rect The geometry for the target widget of this step.
hilightRect Rect The geometry for the highlighted area of this step.
cardRect Rect The geometry for the intro card widget of this step.
actualCardAlign IntroCardAlign? The final alignment of the intro card widget that relative to the highlighted widget.

Event-handling #

You can do something (such as open a page, pop a dialog, update widget, load resources etc.) at the right time.

  • There are five event-handling callbacks are provided.
  • They are defined in the IntroStepTarget widget.
  • These callbacks can be synchronous or asynchronous.
  onTargetLoad: () {
    // It will be called when the target widget was built.
  onTargetDispose: () {
    // It will be called when the target widget was disposed.
  onHighlightTap: () {
    // It will be called when tap the highlighted widget.
  onStepWillActivate: (int fromStep) {
    // It will be called when the demo flow reaches the current step.
    // The current step is finally activated only when this callback execution is complete.
    // The `fromStep` tells you from which step it jumped to the current step.
    // In particular, the value of `fromStep` is '0' means that this is the beginning.
  onStepWillDeactivate: (int willToStep) {
    // It will be called when the demo flow leaves the current step.
    // The current step is finally deactivated only when this callback execution is complete.
    // The `willToStep` tells you which step it will to jump to.
    // In particular, the value of `willToStep` is '0' means that this is the ending.
  // ...

Nested #

You can have multiple demo flows in your program. The same target widget may be used in different demo flow.


  1. Define each controller.

    In this case, you may not be able to get the IntroController exactly from Intro.of(context).controller. So, it's a good idea to save each controller separately beforehand.

final controller1 = IntroController(stepCount: 5);
final controller2 = IntroController(stepCount: 3);
  1. Register echoIntro widget. Each one uses a separate controller.
	controller: controller1,
	child: Intro(
		controller: controller2,
		child: MyApp(),
  1. Bind the step target widgets for each demo flow separately.

    If a target widget is used by multiple demo flow simultaneously, it can be nested build with two IntroStepTarget.

	controller: controller1,
  step: 1,
  // ...
  child: IntroStepTarget(
  	controller: controller2,
    step: 3,
    // ...
    child: targetChild,
  1. Perform operations on each controller individually.

Other #

Change barrier color or animation duration.

  barrierColor: Colors.black87,
  animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
	// ...

To see the full demonstration or more advanced features, read the example code please.

pub points



A step-by-step wizard, which can help you to introduce your product or to demonstrate the usage of your application.

Repository (GitHub)
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